The Alchemy of Becoming
There are different kinds of initiations. Some feel light, and some are loud and undeniable in their force. There are those that arrive like an unseen tide pulling you into deeper waters. The initiations that feel like everything is falling apart.
February New Moon Quantum Weaving Divination
There is something ancient and deeply alchemical about this time of year. A threshold where the last moments of winter dissolve and life awakens beneath the surface.
You Are the Magic - Full Moon Vision Casting & The Art of Quantum Creation
We have arrived at a moment of high potential; the seventh week of the year. A number that in my blueprint of Quantum Weaving corresponds to High Magic. It is the mastery of creation - the embodiment of our co-creation with Divinity.
January New Moon Quantum Weaving Divination
There is a sacred frequency at this time of year running parallel with the new Lunar Cycle, Gupt Navratri, and the Chinese New Year. This potent moment offers an extraordinary opportunity to harmonize your creative energies with the rhythms of nature and set them in motion for 2025.
Eclipsing The Shadow
The energies of this two-week window of Eclipse Season offer a profound opportunity for Shadow Work, going deeper than we may have ever experienced before.
Activate Your Sacred Feminine 2023
The Call of Activation, which I will share with you below, came to me in the Summer of 2020 when the events we are all familiar with shook up the world. And it has been unsettling since then. We continue to be challenged by this rapidly changing world and the agendas behind it, where instability and uncertainty have become the norm.
We Are The Ones - A Sacred Invitation in the Dance with the Divine Feminine
Beneath the surface of our collective being resides a powerful echo, a call that resonates in a place most sacred - our Souls. A summons that draws each woman closer to her inherent truth.
Journey to Stillness: How to Quiet Your Mind and Embrace Inner Calm
In today's chaotic world, finding space for tranquility can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Yet, within each of us lies a wellspring of calm waiting to be tapped into. It's in these moments
Embracing the Stillness of January: A Guide to Reflecting, Recharging, and Inner Alchemy
January is a time of year when many of us feel the need to slow down and reflect. Nature is in a state of dormancy, and the hustle and bustle of the holiday season has come to a close. And while we are always being reminded
We are all Healers
We are all Healers! I am, and so are you, no matter what else we do in life. It is not reserved for just some of us. It is for all of us, regardless of where and when we find ourselves on this path of our journey. And so it begins. . .
Activate Your Sacred Feminine 2022
The Call of Activation, which I will share with you below, came to me in the Summer of 2020 when the events we are all familiar with shook up the world. And it has been unsettling since then. We continue to be challenged by this rapidly changing world and the agendas behind it, where instability and uncertainty have become the norm.
Mid Life Awakening
In my last blog post, I wrote about honoring our seasons of contraction. And in this writing, I will share an authentic piece of myself, so I can elevate something for all of us women who share this experience. I am calling this Midlife Awakening, as it reverses the stereotypes related to the season of menopause and approaches it from a soul level.
Honoring Our Seasons of Contraction
This is long overdue and needed to be written, so here it goes. These days we're inundated with the glamorization of fast growth and success. I don't know about you, but when I scroll through my newsfeed, I am bombarded with sponsored posts by the gurus that promise the superficial, goal-oriented way of life.. To tell you the truth, just seeing this makes me feel anxious.
5 Keys To Transform Through Deep Gratitude in 2022
It was 2 years ago when I designed the month of March to be dedicated to a gratitude journey inside my Beauty Flourishing Collective. At that time, I never imagined what would transpire to shake up the world, and it has been nonstop since. I offered this profound teaching freely with a blog and FB live event back then. And today, with our world in an even greater state of uncertainty and fear, I choose to share the key components of this teaching with new updates for 2022 freely once again.
How to Create Your Life through Vision Boards
I'm just going to start by saying that if there's anything we have learned in the last several years, then it is to claim our truth and embody our authentic nature.
How to Navigate Your Emotions in Challenging Times
As we are all navigating through the complexities of these challenging times, we are emotionally impacted by the circumstances.
Into the Sacred Feminine
For the Women of this World
I’ll just come right out and say that I know you have been feeling this also, as so many of us have…
We have experienced an imbalance between the masculine and feminine energies on this planet now for a long time, actually for the past 9000 years to be more precise!
A Journey through Soul Retrieval Therapy
This is part 2 of my Soul Retrieval series. In the first part of this series, you learned about what soul retrieval therapy is, and the signs to recognize when your energy may not be whole. Now we will go deep into this exploration which will reveal a journey into the realms in between this reality and the spirit world - to return scattered parts and put puzzle pieces back together.
What is Soul Retrieval Therapy
Have you ever wondered, “What is soul retrieval therapy?”
You may have heard this term before, and it may seem like a mystical concept. I promise you that it is not, once we understand the overall encompassing spectrum of our energetic system. In this writing I plan to break this all down with examples.
A Return to Wholeness
Reflecting on this past year, the words ‘A return to Wholeness’ resound throughout my system and land somewhere deep in my root.
I think I speak for all of us when I say that all of our foundations have been shaken up.
No matter where we began on this journey leading to this very day, we are all meeting at this moment in time, actively participating in history.