January New Moon Quantum Weaving Divination

There is a sacred frequency at this time of year running parallel with the new Lunar Cycle, Gupt Navratri, and the Chinese New Year. This potent moment offers an extraordinary opportunity to harmonize your creative energies with the rhythms of nature and set them in motion for 2025. 

This darker time of the year invites us into the depths of creation - in the Quantum Field - a place where new possibilities begin to take shape beneath the surface. Our Souls remember this time as a time when nature incubates new life in the unseen. A season where there is the potential to plant the seeds of our visions and dreams. 

This New Snow Moon is the moment of New Lunar Initiation that sets our energy for this year. 

This is where our monthly New Moon QUANTUM WEAVING DIVINATION offers us the opportunity for a beautiful opening to reveal our hidden messages from the Quantum Field.

There are times for big leaps and there are times for slowing down in order to integrate all we have gathered.

After the Quantum Leaps I experienced in 2023, last year became a time of refinement and calibration for me to hold the higher vibrations and personal power required of me to bring my system of Quantum Weaving forward.

This year I will release my body of work that I have gathered over my lifetime to the world, sharing my wisdom and knowledge so we can all rise together.

And with this, we begin with the New Moon Divination, which I will host as a monthly event.

The Energy of this Fractal

With the Sun and the New Snow Moon both in Aquarius on the cusp of this New Lunar Year in the Snake, we begin to dream once again. This fractal opens space for new concepts and ideas while allowing us to pause for a moment and cast our Visions into the Field of Potentiality.

We are still at the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, where new innovations are birthed, and a sense of cooperation & co-creation emerges in us. Many of us feel this shift as we come together to create, collaborate, and rise in sisterhood.

New Moon Quantum Weaving Divination

I will be hosting these monthly New Moon Divinations to support you with your growth and reveal your hidden messages within the Quantum Field.

Every month around the New Moon, I will create a FB post on Monday on my Quantum Weaver FB page with three face down cards, inviting you to intuitively choose one of these cards. Then, on Wednesday evening, I will host the Live Reveal to share information about these cards.

In this post, I will take you through the full sequence in case you did not participate yet.

The picture below is the one from this past Monday, where you can pick your card.

Before picking a card number, I’d recommend following these steps:

  1. Take a minute to center yourself, close your eyes, and focus inward. Take a couple of deep breaths in and out and become still.

  2. Think of a question related to your life that you would like guidance on.

  3. Open your eyes and notice which ONE card you are most drawn to.

If you would like, you can post your chosen card number in the comments on my FB post here.

Then, I will host the live reveal on my The Quantum Weaver FB page on Wednesday at 7pm CT.

Here is the Live Reveal for this month from January 29th. Enjoy! Be sure to share on the live which card you picked, and how it resonated with you!

The Reveal and Affirmations for you. . .

Card 1: 15 ~ Vision Quest 

On this Sacred Quest, my visions are the map, charting a course to Spiritual Enlightenment

Card 2: 5 ~ Protection 

I am always surrounded and guided by the highest Protective Powers

Card 3: 9 ~ Leadership 

I lead with Wisdom, Strength, and Authenticity, inspiring change through Love and Integrity

1. Vision Quest 

This Snow Moon in Aquarius unearths the dreams we’ve kept tucked away - the wild core within each of us that opens to new imaginings and unbridled visions. Aquarius ignites the trailblazer’s spirit in our Heart and Soul, the part that calls us, as it refuses to settle for outworn rules or stagnant routines. 

She speaks directly to that place in us that hears the ancient rhythms in the wind, as we are invited to go beyond our usual boundaries, weaving new stories with the Quantum Field in Potentiality.  

2. Protection 

Nurture the seeds of your desires in this beautiful, protected space. These are the Visions and Dreams that you thought too grand, too odd, or too bold. The essence of protection offers a safe shelter, so those seeds can become intentions you can shape and share in your being as you stand in your calling as a Visionary Leader.

3. Leadership 

This energy of Leadership calls forward the High Priestess, the Empress, and the Medicine Woman, which hold the 3 Archetypes through Quantum Weaving in us.

Aquarius initiates community and innovation in our dance together, forging deep connections that transcend the isolation we felt for too long. This moon reminds us that when we voice our truths, we become guiding stars, lighting the way for others who yearn to do the same.

Above all, honor your untamed spirit. Something alive and beautiful is preparing your creative power that lies waiting, ready to bring forth your gifts to the world.

Opportunities of Expansion for You

In the Live, I shared about my upcoming Vision Casting Mastercourse from February 3rd to the 7th 2025.
The pre-sale is currently $111. This online course in Quantum Weaving will be in an intimate group setting with me, and your gateway to creating with purpose, clarity, and magic.

This will be such an incredible journey for us in casting our Visions for this year with profound wisdom teachings in Manifestation.

And if you do not have your deck of my Quantum Weaving Activation and Manifestation Cards yet, you can order them here.

Their Divine Codes of Inner Alchemy and Self-Mastery in Feminine Energetics will enrich you and your life in magical ways.

To stay in the loop with my upcoming events and receive insights and guidance from me throughout the year, be sure to subscribe to my email newsletter, my Quantum Weaving Journal.

If you want to explore more nuggets from the Live, I am including the beautiful notes written by the wonderful Jen Marie with you below:

Card 1: 15 ~ Vision Quest

The calling towards a larger vision is most clear in the quiet moments of now.
This is Divine Energy meant to guide in the Aquarian Age.
You/We are charting a course on this Quest & you/we must remember that all the Magic is already built into this Sacred Vision you/we have been given; the complete manifestation from beginning to end is available just as the entire plant within the tiny seed.
Be in that Knowing & that Power.
My/your Vision is the Divine Mission of the Sacred Quest.
Especially if #1 resonated with you prior to the Live, meditate upon this card (the Invocation & the in-depth guidebook notes) as well as the mandala.
The mandala on this card was created to calibrate with the 3rd in order to create coherence with the Root Chakra - - - Visions within becoming the Reality without.
Journal on your Visions & let your Heart & Soul flow through you.
What is the Spark in your Soul lighting your path forward?
What does it look like? What do you see in your Highest Visions?

Card 2: 5 ~ Protection

The Sheltered, Sacred Space where we Honor the Stillness where all things safely gestate.
Here is where seeds have space & stillness to ripen.
The Sacred Space of Protection also reminds us to be patient; quantum mechanics has shown us that linear time does not actually define reality.
Therefore, Protection, & by extension patience, opens my/your field to Higher Potentialities & timelines. The goal is the Best outcome: the one that truly & deeply satisfies our Soul & our Growth - - - which is the catalyst for Quantum Leaps in time, space, & circumstances.

If this card spoke to you most prior to the Live or is right now, ponder & journal:
Where does this space of Protection need to be for me?
Is the space to process & release something from within? Or is it more external?
Is it simply just allowing & being in that experience of Protected Safety?
Is it simply the space for my field to grow?

She could feel herself surrounded by the highest protective powers, allowing her to be immersed in the quest without fear, trusting in the unseen guardians that walked beside her.
— page 33, Protection, the online Quantum Weaving Guidebook

Card 3: 9 ~ Leadership

9 is an important number as 2025 is a 9 year in numerology.
We are moving from the infinite/looping patterns of 8 (& what we accumulated there within) into the year of Completion- where we fully claim our Leadership in the Aquarian Age.
The Sacred Feminine Archetypes of the High Priestess, the Empress, & the Medicine Woman are built into the Leadership card & this year is about the Divine actualization of these Archetypes once again taking their rightful place as cornerstones within in our communities, in our circles, in our communications, collaborations, & Co-Creations.

Divine Feminine Leadership is rooted in our Love & Integrity & the way it manifests as outward, inspiring Beauty. This is not through force; it is through our Inner Power of Love & the Dignity of our Integrity shining outward-complimentary upon the collective tapestry.
9 - is the Goddess Energetics on full display (as it contains all other numbers 1-9) which is why it amplifies Co-Creation effortlessly; we speak our Truth, now; no more shrinking or self-censoring due to oppressive energies.
This is a Co-Creative Revolution; connect with yourself & others.
This is what you, me, we are here for.
If this was the card that spoke to you:
Which Archetype is the most potent energy within my Vision Quest?
How can I use this New Moon Cycle & this 9 year to release (allowing completion) of past & current life wounds/fears? 
How can I allow my Leadership to shine as a Beacon? 

Final Divination Notes:

Vision Quest → Protection → Leadership
Tune into your Visions : What do you see? Feel?
Where do you feel the Energies of Protection are assisting you most now? How does that enrich you?
Where are you called to Lead?
~ Honor the pause; then, embark on the Quest, Boldly ~ 

Other Notes:

  • Vision Casting Master Course 2.3.2025 - 2.7.2025

  • Vision Casting will coincide with Gupt Navratri - bringing another layer of Goddess energetics to this practice.

  • Pre-sale is $111 & will increase $222 - entire course remains available to you & more will be added.

  • A Witch Wounds course is also in the works so keep an eye out for that too.


You Are the Magic - Full Moon Vision Casting & The Art of Quantum Creation


Eclipsing The Shadow