We are all Healers
We are all Healers! I am, and so are you, no matter what else we do in life. It is not reserved for just some of us. It is for all of us, regardless of where and when we find ourselves on this path of our journey. And so it begins. . .
Energy Healing during one of my classes
Our Souls have moved through many lifetimes within this Matrix of time/space continuum. In our history, we have all taken on many different roles, incarnated in the forms of healers, guides, mentors, and teachers - Each within the signature of our vibrational blueprint and our Soul’s ancestry.
And somewhere deep down, when the moment arises where we are drawn to this work, we remember.
When we incarnate here, we are born with this collective amnesia and limited to a fraction of who we truly are. But within us, something so much greater expresses itself in multifaceted, Divine ways, unique to each person. This recognition may light up more for some, depending on what we came here to do this time around. And whatever that is for you, know that you have earned your stripes many times over to be here now in the capacity you hold space.
In a poem by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, which I shared in Episode 3 ‘Dance with the edges of your Feminine Expression’ of my Flourish Your Beauty Podcast (which you can listen to here), she writes:
“We do not become healers.
We came as healers. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.
We do not become storytellers.
We came as carriers of the stories.
We and our ancestors actually lived. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.
We do not become artists. We came as artists. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.
We do not become writers.. dancers.. musicians.. helpers.. peacemakers.
We came as such. We are.
Some of us are still catching up to what we are.
We do not learn to love in this sense.
We came as Love. We are Love.
Some of us are still catching up to who we truly are.”
Sound Healing
‘Not becoming’ a Healer
Going back to 1994, when my son Daniel was born, and the postpartum depression I had experienced. I knew I was always highly sensitive, feeling the thin veil between the worlds, and had a sense of knowing certain things that could not be explained. But I certainly did not consider myself to be a healer. I remember comparing myself to others, I knew at the time who had natural healing gifts and admiring this seemingly effortless ability.
I remember how I planted these limitations in my mind that they were gifted, and I was not because I did not have these natural skills. I always knew I was different, having done Tarot card readings in the Disco as a teenager after all. But a Healer?
Being a Healer seemed too big of a claim, ever. I had placed myself in a box like what I had were the only skills I would ever be able to develop. Like there was no in-between, and as if it all could not exist on the same plane.
As a young mother wanting to get a grip on myself, be a good mom, and be strong enough for Daniel, I found support and solace in Reiki sessions with my friend Nancy Telford, whom I had met at a La Leche League meeting. Universal guidance at play :). The sessions significantly impacted me, and I continued going.
And then Tim and I started the bakery, in 1998, Phillip was born, and I began to figure out homeschooling life with two young children while growing our business. I was also still painting in Watercolor, doing commissions, exhibits, and teaching at the Community School of the Arts at APSU.
Several years after Philip was born, I finally made time to go to a healing circle. The Healer who was facilitating it felt the energy emitted from my hands and asked me why I had not studied Reiki yet. And this was the moment that changed my life, as she pointed to this flow already existing within me, and yet I had never recognized, let alone acknowledged it.
And even though there was not much space in my life between two little kids, a household, our garden, my art, and the bakery, I realized there would never be good timing for my growth. I had to create it. And something in me told me that this would be more important than anything else moving forward, as it would guide and inform everything else in my life.
The Path of Remembrance and Growth
Our path is never linear, and there will be seasons of expansion and contraction.
But, since I chose that leap of faith and took my first Reiki class so many years ago, this beautiful energy has propelled me forward.
Growing into myself as a Healer enhanced everything in my world, including how I guided my family and businesses. It became my core of being, one step forward at a time, learning, practicing, and making more space within me. I infused Reiki into everything I touched, calming myself during stressful times, healing the kids when they got hurt, gardening, my art, photography, and baking bread with healing intention.
I started remembering how, when I was young, my Mom would naturally place her hands on me whenever I was sick or needed comfort and how her warmth would make everything feel better. These were, and still are, the hands of a Healer, unacknowledged. And this same substance naturally flows through all of us, even when we are not consciously aware. I know that we all came in this way. Some of us are just still catching up to the idea.
My Mom’s Hands cradling mine
The Spiritual Path of the Student
I have been teaching Reiki for many years now. When women and a few guys come to my Reiki classes, they generally do not see themselves as Healers. But the opening always happens during the training, and the energy begins to flow with the attunements. I know that anyone coming to learn any healing modality from me is just being reintroduced to something they already knew once. This time around, it is simply my honor to be the one to guide them through this beautiful rite of passage.
“The opening created through this is life-changing because once you know and expand your consciousness, you can’t go back to old limitations.”
And through our work together, especially in Life Between Lives or Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy, many begin to remember past lives as Healers, Medicine Women, Midwives, and Herbalists. There is also a thread woven through the Soul memory of the Healing Temples in Lemuria, where we all were naturally healers supporting and guiding each other in community.
And the opening created through this is life-changing because once you know and expand your consciousness, you can’t go back to old limitations.
Healing Temple of Lemuria created by me with the help of AI
Keys to Growth
My journey has encompassed learning and growing through many different modalities and spiritual backgrounds over the years. Investing in myself continues to be an essential aspect of developing Self-Mastery as we are never done.
The catalyst of growth lies within our commitment to ourselves to follow the things that draw us in. Through learned skills and continued practice, and the guidance of teachers and mentors along the way, we naturally grow.
I hope this inspires something within you, regardless if you are discovering this for the first time or are already a practiced Healer. The world needs you to wake up to all you are and embody your rite of passage. It does not have to look a certain way or manifest in a specific form. It is unique to you and through your natural core of being.