Eclipsing The Shadow
The energies of this two-week window of Eclipse Season offer a profound opportunity for Shadow Work, going deeper than we may have ever experienced before.
If you've been feeling this intensity and wondering, read on. . .
This moment in time, from the Full Lunar Eclipse to the Solar Eclipse this coming Monday, April 8th, influences and touches all of life, no matter if we are consciously aware of it or not.
I know; I've been feeling it, and so have many of you.
Emotions can be all over the place, and things emerge, some of which may have been repressed or we thought we had already healed, just to reveal even deeper layers.
And even though it can feel unnerving, these are great gifts.
They show us what is truly running the show from the depths of our unconscious.
In our becoming and manifestations, these layers are the walls that slow us down or even block us. It is our system protecting us from the things we are not ready for, even though we may feel the desire.
Until we heal these aspects, we will continue to find resistance in the flow of our lives.
Why? Because we can only receive from a place of alignment and openness. When we carry unresolved emotional baggage that is stored in our system, it acts like a dam, restricting the free flow of our life force and the manifestation of our true desires.
Integrating our Shadow
This is where integrating our shadow comes in.
In this Era of Self-Leadership, through which we are reclaiming our own Sovereignty once again, shadow work opens the gates to the depths of our unconscious to heal the parts of ourselves that we have been hiding away, neglecting, and carrying through our whole lives.
This work is profound. It integrates the most precious parts of us with compassion and understanding and restores our power.
On this journey back to wholeness, we learn to fully listen to our inner voice, which heals our fears and pain and guides us home to our Soul.
We can truly make peace with ourselves and stop judging, stop fearing, stop being in a space of reaction and step into our Power and into our Creation.
We become conscious, unstoppable co-creators of our lives with Source, with vision and clarity, fulfilling our highest Destiny.
“We can truly make peace with ourselves and stop judging, stop fearing, stop being in a space of reaction and step into our Power and into our Creation.”
This is the fastest way for this transformation into our power. . .
. . . expanding our capacity to receive and to love.
This openness is the key to receiving abundance in all aspects of our lives.
The Importance of Shadow Work
Enjoy this full episode of my daily Quantum Weaving Guide audio transmission from April 5th 2024, #435 - The Importance of this Work - available inside my Quantum Weavers Community.
I let myself be guided by the stream of consciousness that poured through as I recorded this episode, knowing that this was important to be received. It may be uncomfortable or trigger things. But this is the Work, because it is up to us to shift ourselves and the world.
From this Episode:
Without these processes, without doing the work, the quantum shuffle can't fully land.
Bcause when we stay in shallow waters, and we don't really dive in, and we don't look at what's really going on underneath the surface:
What is showing up in my life? What's showing up in me? And why is that?
Without really truly ever healing it, there is no opportunity for growth.
How can there be if we're not willing to shift the things that are blocking us, the things that have been limiting us subconsciously? When we just stay in La La Land and don't dive into the depths of our beingness, we don't set those parts of ourselves free. . .
They stay trapped, showing up as fears, repressed emotions, anger, shame, and guilt.
And we let it out on life, on others, without ever looking at ourselves and allowing it to mirror back to ourselves.
When these things are not healed, that's where dis-ease comes in. Because it has to show itself somewhere.
When the system is not free, and nothing has changed, and we're still coming from the same consciousness level as we did before with all of these buried things, there's no way that new things can enter our lives - that the visions can be received and land. We just remain in these dream states because there is no solid ground of being.
We stay stuck in these cycles of reaction, blaming outside circumstances for our lives and our way of being; we don't grow up and don't take responsibility for ourselves. We can see this so many times with so many people who just never do the work. This is why the world is in the state it is in. And this is why this work is so, so vital.
This is so important because it is the way of the future.
It is the way through.
It is the way through the Matrix - to restore it back to the original intent that we had for it once.
And then it is the way beyond the Matrix.
Within the safe space of my Quantum Weavers Community, this guided journey of Shadow Work is available to you now and any time you join. It contains the Eclipsing the Shadow Live event and all the added modules, which are powerful ways of transformation. I wish this profound journey of healing for all women so you can set yourself free to lead in your fullest magic!