Important Wisdom Teachings to Powerfully Align with this New Decade
Welcome to the year 2020, and your new life! You're not here by mistake, and you're certainly not here to stay stuck in the outdated paradigms of the past.
The new age of the sacred feminine is coming and with it a powerful wave that will shift our collective consciousness forever because we will no longer be tied to outdated structures and institutions. As I hear and feel the promise of the sacred feminine, I can hear the whispers of genuine love, compassion, kindness and cooperation that lie ahead for each of us individually, as well as for our society as a whole.
As I was sitting in meditation and reflecting, these are the key elements that came through.
You Are Enough
First off, give yourself some credit, even if it's for no other reason than just being here. Do you realize that's enough?
You are enough! It is only in the programs you’ve taken on since your childhood, which were based on the limited capabilities of your parents who were looking for a momentary peace in their day, that you began to believe that simply being wasn't good enough. They kept you in check and raised you to behave a certain way, based on a reward system that suited them and society, and this has infused the belief into you.
But you are here! You survived the moments, which you weren't sure how to get past at the time. You made it through the trials and tribulations of life, and you succeeded. And for every obstacle you passed, you forged a new path in the quantum field of possibilities and, knowingly or unknowingly, opened a new space for yourself from which to expand upon.
Know that you are a blessing to the world, simply by authentically being you. You are a child of God, you carry the energy of the Goddess within you, And so it is!
“As you dissolve into love, your ego fades.
You’re not thinking about loving, you’re just being love, radiating like the sun. ”
You Are Always Expanding
Even though sometimes it might not feel this way, understand that you are boundless. In fact, right this moment, as you’re reading this, you are in a space you have never been before. You chose to come here and you have expanded beyond all your previous incarnations, and therefore are informing yourself of new possibilities in a never-ending feedback loop, no matter what.
Even in the moments that seemed hard to overcome, you reached into the depths of your being and chose to take one step after another in order to reach beyond the situations and reach new heights.
“Something will grow from all that you’re going through, and it will be you!”
Please know that you're always connected and deeply supported, and everything always happens for you! Even if you do not see the fruits of this yet, know that this expansion has already happened behind the scenes, and it is there for you to step into to evolve into the future version of yourself.
You Are Here To Love
In this day and age where a major focus of people's worth seems to be based on their monetary accomplishment, there is actually little value placed upon whom anyone is at their core. When everything is said and done, it will not matter how much wealth you will have accumulated. The only thing that will truly matter is how much you have genuinely loved and given from your heart. The only thing of significance that will remain is how much positive difference you will have made in the lives of those around you.
“I am nothing special;
just a common man with common thoughts, and I’ve led a common life…
But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who’s ever lived:
I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough.”
Let Go and Free Yourself from the Feelings of Others
This is one of the most powerful lessons you can ever incorporate into your life! And here are a couple of points to keep in mind:
Please know that you are not responsible for the reactions of others, or their perceptions of you.
What other people think of you is mostly just a reflection of what's going on inside of them, and has nothing to do with your own worth.
You are always only responsible for your own vibration and what you choose to put out into the world.
Stop trying to please others. You cannot carry the responsibility of making other people feel good, especially when it is at your own expense.
Know that there will always be moments where you will be misunderstood by is inevitable.
Do not do anything outside of your integrity and your own alignment to your highest self just so you can compromise with another.
Stop looking outside of yourself for can only be found within you.
Remember that everything in your reality is always filtered through your own personal experiences, and this is true for everyone else sharing this life here, as well.
The time has come for you to finally stop judging yourself based on the subjective feelings and perceptions of others. You will never be able to fully please is not your job! Your job is always to be responsible for your own vibration, and remain in your highest integrity. Be conscious of the energy you put out through your expression in all ways.
A Final Reflection
Honor your feelings as they come up, as they are simply reflecting the things which are ready to be shifted.
Know that you are deeply supported and loved from a much higher realm, and experiences here are only fleeting, no matter how permanent they seem.
You are always able to change the things you don't like. Life is a balance between being in the flow with the collective consciousness as well as navigating your experiences on a conscious level. This is achieved by tapping into the endless possibilities, which are always available to all of us.
I wrote this note in December 2013 and want to share it with you, as it is still just as relevant today.
As you enter this new decade, set yourself free and become limitless!
This is what I truly wish for you and for all of us, so we can finally step into the highest and best versions of ourselves, which we are meant to be, and fulfill the full promise that our souls came in for.
It is time to release these limitations and finally awaken to your full capacity through love and joy!
Love, Silke