Exploring Life-Between-Lives Hypnotherapy - Part 1
There is this plane of existence when we leave our bodies, and we enter a different dream world; the place we call heaven. It is another created reality beyond this realm which we call our current reality, and is the space experienced by people who have had out-of-body and near-death experiences.
It is a realm outside of our conscious awareness, referred to as the upper world in shamanic journeying, and also known as the spirit world, the realm in which we reside on a soul level.
Throughout the ages, it has always been a longing of mankind to go beyond our level of physical understanding and consciousness to access these realms through different quests, or with the influence of psychedelics like Ayahuasca and DMT.
We all innately know that there is more to our experience than this 3-D reality we are born into, and accessing these realms stretches us beyond our boundaries and opens up some space for us to explore beyond the limits we experience in day-to-day life.
Life-Between-Lives Hypnotherapy can help us to open that space and access this information, without having to resort to the use of any artificial substances outside of us, as we already carry this knowledge within our subconscious awareness.
It opens up a whole new level of consciousness that, once life is experienced from this much-larger perspective, enables us to live our lives with more awareness, greater possibilities, and boundless potential.
It is literally as if you have been in a dream, asleep, and bound by amnesia the whole time, playing small to fit into a black-and-white-picture model, and once you experience the grandness of your soul and its endless journey, the ‘color’ switch is turned on forever!
If you are anything like me and have been curious about Life-Between-Lives, read on.
In this 2-part blog post, I will share my own journey to becoming a LBL Hypnotherapist and how one’s life can be enriched through this type of hypnotherapy, as well as give you a look into my own experience in this altered state.
Image of Virginia Beach taken one morning during my Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy training
My Journey to Becoming a Life-Between-Lives Hypnotherapist
Ever since I was young I had visions of the worlds in-between lives, but no confirmations about this in society around me. It wasn't until the first book on near-death experiences by Raymond Moody was released, and I eagerly read it as a teenager in Germany, that I received a glimpse of what I knew to be my truth.
And then, after I settled with my husband Tim in Tennessee in the early ’90s, I began searching the bookstores for anything I could get my hands on to expand my knowledge. I read Dr. Michael Newton’s first book Journey of Souls after it was released, and from that moment forward there was no turning back. I thought then how amazing it would be to be the receiver of a hypnosis session from someone trained in this specialized way of hypnosis, which goes beyond current and past-life regression and delves deeply into the realms of our soul’s journey in the spirit world between lives.
In the years thereafter, I would read endless amounts of books on all subjects metaphysical, begin my studies with teachers from different spiritual backgrounds, and dive deeply into my spiritual path.
I did not consciously think again about the idea of participating in a Life-Between-Lives session until I became certified as a Hypnotherapist, myself. I studied and received my certification through the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists (NATH) which was founded by Dr. Allen Chips and incorporates not only the body and mind, as in clinical hypnosis, but the spirit as well. And here's the thing...it was Dr. Allen Chips along with Dr. Michael Newton who had developed the Life-Between-Lives Hypnotherapy I’d read about so many years before!
These two founders eventually branched out to teach their systems through their own organizations, and this is where my story now picks up. Through my association with NATH, I was able, since the inception of my initial desire almost 30 years ago, to finally experience a Life-Between-Lives session, myself! Not only was that a happy completion of my original intention, but it also inspired me to go further and become a certified LBL Hypnotherapist so I could facilitate this for others.
This past November the space opened wide for me to travel to Virginia Beach and take in-depth Life-Between-Lives Hypnotherapy training. The following is my explanation of what it involves, and what a potential session can be like with me.
What is Life-Between-Lives Hypnosis?
Life-Between-Lives Regression is a form of Hypnotherapy that taps into deeper levels of awareness, as the space to explore the realms beyond our conscious understanding is opened through deeper levels of trance. This form of hypnotherapy allows the person, with the guidance of a licensed LBL hypnotherapist, to go beyond past-life regression, and enter the spirit realm in order to explore their soul’s evolution and understand their current life experience and the people they share it with, their soul group, from a much higher viewpoint.
This 3- to 4- hour-long session begins with us talking about where you currently are in your life and the people within it, and writing out a vision quest for your exploration of your soul’s journey through these realms. This is then followed by the actual Life-Between-Lives Hypnotherapy session.
Within a session, you might explore the environment of the womb, assess your most recent past life, and delve into the spirit world, meeting with your spirit guides and your soul group. You may experience your soul’s journey and the spiritual planes of existence, perhaps stopping at healing stations and schools of learning. You might look at the Akashic Records and commune with your Spirit Counsel, as they answer questions you have about this life in the pre-birth planning stage, and more. They might even give you recall tools which can help you remember their guidance after the session. Many other aspects are also explored within these realms.
Throughout the session, I make notes of the key highlights that you experience and, if you wish, record key moments for you to be able to review again later. However, this is not necessary as you will remember all the important aspects of your experience.
Every session is different, and you may experience anything from one to many of the above-mentioned aspects. You may just simply be in a space of suspension and deep healing, and receiving information on a subconscious level. The idea of the session is less about the visual realizations, and more about the feelings and experiences while in the Life-Between-Lives trance, which will permanently expand your knowledge of reality and beyond.
The newfound awareness and ‘knowing’ you walk away with after a LBL hypnotherapy session enables you to move forward in life with an enlarged consciousness. From that vantage point, you can remain more centered and bring your higher potential forward in various new ways.
This completes part 1 of this blog post. In part 2 next week, I’ll share what I experienced during my own Life-Between-Lives session.
If you are interested in an in-person session, you can schedule a Discovery Call with me, here. I currently have an introductory special available until March 1st, 2020.