Reset Your Energy in December for a Powerful 2020
There is a special quality of the month of December for resetting energy. This month, like no other, allows us a heightened sense of intuition, and the ability to forecast our year through oracle divination. In preparation for this, it is vital that we clear our energy from the past year. For a little while, we should let go of the busyness of our lives long enough to truly allow space to center ourselves by going inward and resetting.
At this time of year, as the sun makes its descent in the northern hemisphere, we are feeling the energy of hibernation in our core. The quality of the winter months, and especially that of December, can now come to the forefront.
This is a season of centering, clearing, setting sacred space internally and externally, and resetting our energy. We are in a process of recovery, divination, and then finally, preparation.
“I love the scents of winter! For me, it’s all about the feeling you get when you smell pumpkin spice, cinnamon, nutmeg, gingerbread, and spruce.”
Winter’s Special Quality for Resetting Energy
Not too long ago, we used to live with the patterns of the seasons, as we lived and breathed in harmony with the natural cycles. I remember reading the Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House books when I first moved to the U.S. in 1991, and they gave me a deep understanding of people’s reliance on and connection to the land.
In our modern society those attitudes have changed. Today, we are privileged to simply regulate the temperature in our house from air conditioning to heat, while luxuries like plentiful hot running water are a constant throughout the year. Regardless of the season, our supermarkets supply us with unlimited types of foods from all over the world.
Moving within the natural cycles of the seasons is who we are at our essence, yet this is neither mindfully honored nor treasured throughout today’s society.
Emotions, which arise as a part of the natural patterns, are made out to be something indulgent, to glance over and often ignore. We also do not nurture our creative side enough on a daily basis because we have lost the understanding of its importance in creating a playful space where new ideas can flow.
We have forgotten how to move within the energy of each cycle because we aren’t encouraged to understand how it affects every day in our lives, and how we can maximize its potential to truly create our lives in harmony with it.
Yet, no matter how regulated our lives have become, our bodies still remember.
I can certainly feel this every year, even before fall arrives, as my body naturally lets me know that it's time to slow down. My time of enjoying swimming in my backyard pool feels complete and wants to be replaced by the coziness of candlelight and a fire in my wood-burning oven.
For years, the end of fall and the beginning of winter has always been a time where I would intuitively get my Tarot decks out. While I wouldn’t feel as drawn to making time for them during the summer, as the winter months drew near, I would do readings for myself for the coming year. I did this for many years before I knew the significance of the magical quality of divination that December has to offer.
“In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.”
Embracing the Reset to Make Room for New Creations
Winter is truly a time to enjoy as it teaches us to rest and go inward. It gives us the opportunity of a reset as we can tap into the hidden aspects, the unconscious, the mysterious.
December starts the season for us to claim the harvest from our year; to go inside our homes, and to turn inward. We are reminded by nature, as well as the animal kingdom around us, that it is time to let go. All natural elements demonstrate the need for change and rest at this time of their own energy reset.
The qualities of this season are contractive, which is why we feel the natural pull to move toward, and connect with, our own center.
And, just like the energy we experience with each New Moon, winter holds us in the seasonal womb of the potential for new creation. December kicks off a period of incubation, grounding, calm, nurturing, and connecting to the Feminine Goddess Energy.
This is the optimal time to let go of habits, and to give ourselves the impulse of concentrated, fresh, and creative ideas.
First there is a natural slowing down, a passive stillness, a pause and letting go that we ground ourselves in. This leads to the moment of wanting to grow and expand outward, which will push energy out again.
“I pray this winter be gentle and kind—a season of rest from the wheel of the mind.
Without allowing the space for the quietness to set in, we would miss a vital component of true recharge. If we brush over this time, we don't take the opportunity to become calm and centered, to reflect on the past year, and tune in to the comfort of the darkness.
The unique frequency of winter is not a negative, but rather an embrace; a suspension in time and space for energy reset and renewal.
“How many lessons of faith and beauty we should lose, if there were no winter in our year!”
The Mystic Potential of December
The planetary ruler over the month of December is Saturn, as it is the ruler over life and death, and the end of a natural cycle. While these qualities could be perceived as ‘heavy’, there is actually a beautiful energy that is unique to December. The energy of this month is almost like a living being with a kind heart, that means well, and wants to make our life easier for us. It is also the month of miracles, and many of the miracles that people experience have happened in December. It should therefore come as no surprise that all the holiday elements which hint of magical qualities are designed around this.
Andrew Wyeth said it well when he expressed that something waits beneath this season. He intuitively knew about this quality of December when he suggested that the whole story doesn’t show.
“I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape—the loneliness of it, the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn’t show.
December is the month of the oracle and of miracles, as well as the time of designing and creating the new year with intention. This is exactly why it is vital for us to not miss this opportunity for our own reset.
We not only have the opportunity, but actually a self-obligation to not brush over the energetic potential of December. Consciously setting space for the holidays, and using the 12 days before Christmas as a way of connecting with our intuition, being present in the wake to notice the signs around us, which inform us of the months for the coming year, is key.
In my membership, Beauty Flourishing, I will take our community through this process in the teaching for December which will be the ‘12 Days of Oracle Divination for the Coming Year’. Together we will divine each month of 2020, as we reap the beautiful energetic benefits of what December has to offer.
2020 Energy Reset Challenge For All
Prior to the 12 days of Christmas, you have the opportunity to join me in a special energy reset challenge for the upcoming year, 2020. I’ve designed this 6-day sequence, which I will lead inside my ‘Flourish Your Beauty’ BF group, to keep you on track so you take the time to honor yourself and go inward as we go into the natural energetic cycle of winter.
This challenge will be about clearing stagnant energy and releasing old and outdated patterns that are keeping you stuck. You will be guided to review and release your year and to set space for the holidays, so you can begin 2020 with fresh, clear energy, and put yourself in the right space for the coming year.
We all innately desire the same things of living healthy, abundant, blessed lives that are filled with love and wonderful relationships...and to fulfill our life's purpose. The key to doing that with more ease and with the support of universal energy is to create that from the space of reset and alignment within ourselves and our spaces.
I want to extend this opportunity to you to prepare for your own energy reset so you can better align your life with the start of the next decade!
If you're ready, join me in my 2020 Energy Reset Challenge, which I will host December 1st through the 6th, 2019!
All great things to you,