Exploring Life-Between-Lives Hypnotherapy - Part 2
Before diving into the second part, where I share my own life-between-lives experience, I want to be sure to bring up one important point. For this, let me go back to when I first learned about Shamanic Journeying, and how we all experience differently.
Shamanic Journeying as a Guide
When I first began to journey, guided by my teacher and surrounded by others in my group, it took me a while to have any visual experiences that felt 'real'. My classmates would share these elaborate stories of the journeys they had just been on during the time that we were all sharing the same space and listening to the drumbeat. Yet, I would come out of the experience with very little storyline to share.
For the longest time, Shamanic Journeying was mostly just a very peaceful experience for me. It was a feeling of being held in a womb-like environment, or like being wrapped up in a cozy blanket near a warm fire surrounded by all the people who love me. Every now and then, as I would attempt to enter the different realms we were taught, I would experience little glimpses and be immersed in the story for a short time. And eventually, as my practice continued to evolve, more moments of actual immersions began to unfold.
When I became a hypnotherapist, this background experience of my own definitely helped me to enter a state of hypnosis a lot more easily, and it also helped me to guide my clients with their experiences. Each opening of the subconscious always has to create more room for us to let go, to allow and trust that whatever experience we have is exactly what we are meant to receive in that moment. When exploring the realms in between these worlds, there simply is no right or wrong way, and one experience is not superior to another.
“When exploring the realms in between these worlds, there simply is no right or wrong way, and one experience is not superior to another.”
The reason I wanted to share this with you, is because it is important to know that there is no right or wrong when it comes to entering the realms of your subconscious. Releasing any kind of expectation of what ‘should’ transpire is a key element to the experience. You may receive visuals to the point of a complete experience of immersion, or you may simply ‘feel’ certain aspects, or receive messages in different ways. You may also just simply experience a feeling of being held in a state of recovery if this is what you need at that time. It does not diminish the experience in any way; it simply means that this is what is right for you. Entering this realm we call heaven holds endless possibilities of mystical and magical experiences, and there truly is no right or wrong way. Being present in that space inherently activates the element of transformation, regardless of what transpires or how it transpires.
So now, without further ado, here is my experience.
My experience of a Life-Between-Lives Hypnosis session
I will be the first to tell you that I am not the most easily hypnotized subject out there, as I tend to be a very analytical thinker. I was definitely skeptical during my studies about how easy it would be to go into the state of trance during a hypnosis session and actually experience these realms.
To my surprise, with the techniques that I had learned specifically for life-between-live sessions, and leaning on my journeying background which I’ve mentioned, I felt myself going more deeply into hypnosis than I ever have before. Some aspects of this experience were definitely clearer than others, but this is a very common occurrence.
There were areas I was curious about exploring, but found I simply didn’t feel any immersion, so I moved on from those to see what else could transpire if I stayed open and in a space of exploration. And then, at one point I actually experienced different environments, almost to the point of physically being there, and the feeling of being able to choose where to go next.
Journey to the Akashic Records
One of the areas I was looking forward to exploring more deeply was the library called the Akashic records, where the accounts of our soul’s history are kept. This is something I was already accessing in sessions, having opened the records for my clients many times simply by looking through their soul history. There had also been times during my meditations and explorations when I had touched that place. So I was curious to see how an experience in a deep state of hypnosis would unfold, and the result was definitely different from anything I’ve ever experienced before.
With almost a magnetic energy, I was catapulted to the grand library and permitted to enter the space where the Akashic records are kept.
As I looked around, trying to absorb the vastness of this seemingly endless hall, standing there in this surreal 3-D environment that seemed more real to me than anything else in our day-to-day experience, I knew that at that moment I was being allowed access to unspoken knowledge.
This knowledge did not come in the form of looking at the books in the library, as we are traditionally taught. Instead, I saw myself in this huge space where I could form spheres of energy that would become new worlds and realities once they took on more shape and became denser.
I understood that this is how we create out of the void from Spirit. Through pure energy and vibration, new worlds are imagined and take on form. I could see and understand the holographic aspects of the projection of our world.
In that space, I experienced the rise and fall of our creations, of whole worlds and civilizations, and the experimental nature and creative force behind it all.
I could see and feel the unlimited potential that lies within each of us. It is given to us since the first moment of our conception, and it expands with our conscious awareness and our connection to Source.
It was shown to me that even in the physical realm this ability to imagine things into being can be tapped into in our daily lives, as we create our lives from this potential of pure energy.
In part, this experience was very visual, but there were also many elements to it where I knew I was receiving downloads that would be unpacked when the time was right for me. I feel that this is the key with many experiences in the subconscious realm; we may receive some vivid images and information, and other information is simply transferred to be later revealed more fully to our conscious mind.
Experiencing the Council of Elders
After the experience in the Akashic Records came to a close, I found myself guided by a loving being and moving down this long open hallway which opened to the space of my Council of Elders.
When I entered the room where my Council of Elders was waiting for me, it was like coming home to friends. Here I found myself in this huge dome-shaped and cathedral-like, light-filled environment that seemed at least 100 feet tall.
As I stood in the middle of this cathedral-like environment and allowed my focus to adjust to the energies that were with me, I recognized that I was surrounded by these beautiful golden-white beings of light.
In this moment of being immersed in this environment and connecting with their energies, it was like coming home to my friends.
“In this moment of being immersed in this environment and connecting with their energies, it was like coming home to my friends.”
Through nonverbal communication, they warmly welcomed me and gave me an even clearer vision of my life purpose. I was shown the seasons of my current life, and a clear vision of my purpose as a spiritual leader and guide to all, but especially to women. Visions that I had previously had, of being in service and bringing the energy of the sacred feminine back into our awareness, were defined even more. I was shown pictures of being in circle with women and guiding and teaching from a place of oneness, as we are all the same.
My friends there showed me how all the puzzle pieces of my life would come together, and how all my trials and tribulations have helped shape me to where I can show up for others in similar situations as I’ve also experienced them. From a soul perspective, I saw that these aspects were necessary, as I have been able to heal them for myself and therefore can teach others how to heal and empower themselves with the tools I have accumulated.
“Those wise ones who see that the consciousness within them is the same consciousness within all beings, attain peace.”
I was also empowered to carry that higher part of myself with me even more strongly every day, so I can contribute more powerfully to the world. They showed me that my healing abilities are something that has been given to me over lifetimes of devotion and studies. This was such an important aspect for me because it showed me that it was not only okay for me to claim my abilities, but even more so, that I would deprive myself and others if I didn't. All I have to do is to show up at my fullest every day, and trust in the unfolding of this design, knowing that I am always supported and guided.
“We have expected God to work miracles directly from heaven, when He can only work them through men.”
Returning back
Leaving that beautiful space was definitely challenging, as it is filled with the timelessness of everything happening all at once. But I also know that manifestation can only happen here, so my return to this reality has given me much to look forward to. Gaining this knowledge and seeing these glimpses has definitely changed my life profoundly, and I cannot wait to be an active part of its unfolding.
I look forward to being present with you and creating beautiful things while here on earth!
And again, if you would like to experience a Life-Between-Lives session for yourself, I am available to guide you. As mentioned before, please note that your experience might be very different from what I’ve shared, but know and trust that it will be exactly what it is meant to be for you.
This session is only available in person, and the first step is for us to connect on a Discovery Call. I currently have an introductory special available for the session until March 1st, 2020.