The Light of Imbolc and Candlemas
The beginning of February sets the stage for an influx of new energy with the celebration of Imbolc on the first, and Candlemas on the second. Imbolc is just one of several pre-Christian holidays highlighting some aspect of winter and sunlight, and heralding the change of seasons.
And Candlemas, which is observed 40 days after Christmas, is a holiday when all the candles in the Catholic churches are christened by the priests for the year. This is followed by a procession of candles through the church.
Candle created within the teaching, Candle Magic, in my Collective, Beauty Flourishing
These two holidays mark the time between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It is the midwinter in the solar calendar, and an opportunity to prepare for coming out of the dark time of the year and into the light of spring. In fact, in many traditions, it is considered to be the beginning of spring.
This time of Imbolc and Candlemas brings a literal jump in light energy and an opportunity to raise our vibration and bring in the light in a beautiful, sacred way.
“If Candlemas be fair and bright, come, Winter, have another flight. If Candlemas brings clouds and rain, go, Winter, and come not again.”
The Origins of These Celebrations
There are layers of associations we can reference as we look back to the origins of these celebrations. For example, February derives its name from Februalia which was the month-long period of sacrifice and atonement with offerings to the gods, prayer, and sacrifices in ancient Rome. Februus, for whom the month of February is named, was a god associated with both death and purification. And, originally, the Roman year only had 10 months and the dark times during January and February were not counted as they were seen, instead, as ‘dead’ months.
Over the years, Februalia became associated with the hearth goddess, Vesta, as purification has often been associated with fire. This observance showed up in Celtic culture, as well, where the hearth goddess is Brigid.
Traditionally, Imbolc has been celebrated as a great festival that honors this pagan goddess, Brigid (also known as Bride, Brigit, Brighid) who has been so loved through the ages that she has even been incorporated into the Christian tradition as St. Bridget. A goddess of the sun, fire, and hearth, Brigid brings fertility as well as healing to people and their land. She is considered the Triple Goddess, but is in her maiden form at Imbolc.
In the seasonal calendar of the Celts, Imbolc marks the beginning of spring and heralds the beginnings of the lambing season and other evidence of new life. It is referred to as Feile Brighde, or the ‘quickening of the year’. The word Imbolc has traditionally been thought to mean ‘in the belly’ which references the expectancy of new growth and the stirring of life in all things. It is during this time that we look forward to the return of the light, and the potential for rebirth and renewal.
Candle created within my Collective, Beauty Flourishing, and the teaching on working with the Element of Fire
The Sun and Light at the Core of Everything
When we break it down, in the big picture it is always about us being guided by the sun. The remnants in many old churches still give us clues that we, for centuries, have deeply understood the connection between our own rhythm and that of the movement of the sun. We, along with all life here on earth, are governed by its energy and position relative to earth.
Here in the northern hemisphere during this time of year, we can feel the stirring within us, even without the clear evidence of the emergence of spring. The deep desire and longing for warmer days, for an infusion of the sun on our skin and into our being, is making itself known, and it is a palpable shift in energy. Like the breaking of the light of dawn, the dormancy of winter we have experienced is almost complete, and new life will be born.
This is the promise of this moment, of the beginning of February; the assurance that light-filled days are ahead of us, and it is time to be proactive in the clearing of old energy and in actively increasing our own light.
Nature teaches us through last year’s fallen leaves from the trees that new life will be born and nurtured from it. Almost as if preserved in a time capsule, energy has been stored in order to find its moment of renewal.
“Nothing is ever lost as time passes, it merely metamorphoses into something as wonderful or, in some cases, into something even better than before.”
Candle Magic for the Coming Year
On February 1st and 2nd there is a great opportunity, especially during the time of the waxing moon, for you to create your own candles while setting your intentions for the year!
Beeswax is especially potent to use for creating your own candles. Its hexagonal structure works with the element of earth and is, therefore, able to hold your intentions, release them in liquid form as the wax heats and melts, and transform them through the fire into the ethers.
If you do not have the opportunity to create your own candles, you can still purchase some and place them one at a time between both your hands as you send blessings and infuse your intentions into each candle. The intentions you say during this moment in time are designed to carry you through the year. Taking a little time, now, for meditation and purposeful prayer are key components in this process.
Magic is always about setting sacred space and clear intentions in the highest, purest form. In this day and age, as we are moving back into a heart-centered space in creation with the sacred feminine, our intentions are naturally becoming more aligned and soulful.
Enjoy the process of developing your own internal light, especially during this time of infused energy!
Blessings to you,