What Your Numerology Reveals About You
Your birthdate is like a code that can be deciphered by someone experienced in Numerology. Once analyzed, it opens up your character traits and qualities that you came into this lifetime with, and the Life Path your soul chose in this incarnation. This is profound, because you can navigate life from a completely different perspective when you truly know how you, as an individual, work. From that expanded understanding of your Numerology, all your life situations can be improved, and true healing can take place.
I was introduced to an ancient Sumerian system of Numerology through private study with my friend and mentor. This in-depth study of true Numerology took many years and is still one of the most profound tools I use today in my practice. By now I have done hundreds of readings for my clients, long-distance and local, and the impact still surprises me every time.
How I Use Numerology for Energy Healing
At the beginning of my initial work together with any new client, I include a Soul Path Numerology analysis which sets the stage for me to specifically tailor and design the unique path ahead for their healing. This is like a decoding device that I use to determine how to best help them and it determines what Energy Healing tools will be the most efficient and best suited for them.
The benefits of the ancient Sumerian system of Numerology are deeply felt by the client! The reading helps the person get clear and deep insights into themselves and their lives, and often for the first time they can understand the choices that they have made, and why they chose certain paths and occupations. It is like opening their own life book, and for the first time, someone finally ‘gets’ them and understands them to their core. This in and of itself can be such a huge relief; to know that they are not alone, that they don’t need to feel inadequate, and they no longer need to question their decisions. From that moment forward, they come from an empowered place, understanding themselves and the beautiful qualities within them that can now be fully enhanced to shine. This is where their lives begin to change on a profound and fundamental level.
It does not matter if you are local, or anywhere else in the world, when we connect face-to-face via a Zoom call together, this information carries forward through space and time. And these insights don't stop with you as the client; they also begin to heal your family, your DNA, as well as your family's history and ancestry. Because this information is so valuable in this way, it is important to note here that I don't do Numerology readings for the fun of it, but always in conjunction with formulating a path of healing and expansion for my clients.
“Our whole reality is made up of numbers and geometry; it is an intelligent design which we are all a part of.”
In my Numerology analysis, not only is the birth date considered, the number combinations are just as important as each individual number itself, and they all tie in with Sacred Geometry as well. Our whole reality is made up of numbers and geometry; it is an intelligent design which we are all a part of! Nothing exists without this structure, it is all intertwined, with pure Source Energy flowing and pulsing through every particle, every blade of grass, every flower, from the wings of a butterfly to the cells in our bodies. So, when we understand the true significance of this intelligent design as we do a Numerology analysis, we can then powerfully interact and align ourselves with our world around us. There are various Numerology resources available in books and through teachers, but this ancient Sumerian approach is unique. Because of this, the only way I will ever consider teaching this complete system of Numerology is through my 1:1 mentorship, as it is important to keep the sacredness and in-depth study it requires intact, so information does not get lost or distorted.
Your Code Revealed
Your birthdate is a unique set of numbers to you, which we are all familiar with through astrology and the zodiac, but there is more! Each number on its own has significance and meaning, starting with your birthday, then your birth month, and your birth year. Once combined, they add up to an intermediate number, and then finally are combined to reveal your Life Path number. And this is where your Soul Path Numerology reading takes form. From here I use a further decoding system, that shows me your qualities and how you process information on the mental, physical, and emotional levels. Each number and its position has unique qualities, as well as a frequency associated with it. And beyond this there are certain number combinations that can tap into the core understanding of someone’s makeup, and once that awareness is brought to the surface, those qualities can be enhanced.
Consider this: You may be in a job right now that just doesn't feel quite right, yet you don't understand why you can't make it work. There may be relationships in your life that are disconnected or disharmonious no matter how hard you try with others. You may feel ‘out of place’. This is something I experience a lot with my clients, simply because they are naturally healers and teachers and have not tapped into their full capacity. And many times you simply do not feel understood, as no one around you really ‘gets’ you. The reasons for all these things can be uncovered during a Numerology reading, where you finally truly and deeply understand yourself and your purpose in this world.
“Be not afraid. We only start again an ancient journey long ago begun that but seems new.
We have begun again upon a road we traveled on before and lost our way a little while. And now we try again.”
We all have a unique design that we came in with; a higher purpose we are meant to fulfill in between all the other life ‘stuff’. Since the way you currently lead your life was influenced long before you ever learned to speak, and without your conscious awareness, it takes a personal decision to seek a shift that will wake you up so you can live from an empowered consciousness. And your code, revealed in your Numerology reading, tells you of your potential. With this new knowledge, you can now go out into the world with a completely new perspective and insight about yourself and your role here on earth.
Guiding You on Your Path
As a true guide and mentor, it is never my job to tell you exactly what to do, but rather to guide and empower you towards your highest decisions for your own life, once you understand your qualities and potential. It is like opening a book that was previously closed, and now reveals all this rich information with your records lit up within it.
What was once dormant is now fully active and alive. And even though the story has already been written up until this moment, the pages ahead, which were still looking dim before, are now lit up much more brightly, with a new potential for growth and expansion. Once your Numerology analysis has lit up these pages and brought you a new awareness, your life can begin to improve as you will begin to make different and new choices for yourself from an empowered perspective. This information will teach you about yourself, as well as your relationships, and will fundamentally change how you show up in life.
“Once your Numerology analysis has brought you a new awareness, your life can begin to improve as you will begin to make different and new choices for yourself from an empowered perspective. ”
To be honest here for a moment, the Numerology reading without follow-up transformational sessions or mentoring may not have as much of an impact, because of the natural tendency we all have to fall back into daily routines and slowly let things fade away without commitment. It is within your commitment to your own growth, to making the best choices for yourself, and remembering who you truly are on a daily basis, where the magic of this comes together.
“The inward journey is about finding your own fullness, something that no one else can take away”
Numerology Readings Define the Healing Journey - A Case Study
One of my clients who lives in a different state contacted me for long-distance Zoom sessions in an attempt to heal her estranged relationship with her dad. Her dad had been an alcoholic most of his life, so her childhood was filled with a lack of support and an experience of missing the role model of what a dad should provide. We began with her Numerology, to look at her aspects, and very quickly revealed the powerful mental strength that she has. This clearly showed us how she was able to be such a strong person throughout this and carve out a fairly successful life for herself even with this important part lacking for her.
However, she could never reconcile why her dad was not stronger and didn't show up for her. She simply could not find forgiveness for the experiences she had to live through in her childhood. And furthermore, the signs and evidence of the emotional trauma were reflecting in her physical health through anterior prolapse, stress incontinence, as well as other symptoms caused by weak tissue. I was able to explain to her how the lack of support when she was younger is directly connected to her physical symptoms. In subsequent sessions, we began the healing of these aspects with practical things she could do. Through diet and supplements, as well as affirmations and exercises to go along with Energy Healing which encompassed ancestral healing, healing of her DNA, and most of all understanding her dad's makeup, she was able to find compassion for his situation and heal the relationship.
I explained to her the depth of her father’s essence through analyzing his Numerology and was able to show her his high level of sensitivity and how this was not nurtured in him growing up. We considered how he was raised to be a tough kid who had to work in a job that was not suited for him at all, and how he probably felt misunderstood and alone, even in the relationship with her mom. These insights gave her a completely different perspective. She realized that her dad was an empath, highly emotional, and extremely sensitive, and simply had been unable to handle the way he had been raised. His escape from life was through alcohol, and this shaped his personality over time.
When we began our video calls together, she and her dad had not spoken to each other in several years, and the disconnect clearly reflected not only in her physical health but also in her current relationship with her partner. From this new perspective, she was able to look at everything in a new light with new choices available to her, truly understanding her dad on a deep emotional level for the first time.
After several sessions of us working together on strengthening her energetically, and with these insights about her father, she found compassion for her dad and remembered the love between them which was already there but shrouded by pain. She decided that it was time for her to reach out to her dad and find true healing. Once she did, from this newfound perspective, she and her dad were able to heal these old wounds together. This in turn began the healing of her own DNA, as we healed her ancestral line further back, and forward, in time. Her physical health began to improve, and her relationship with her partner is now truly wonderful, as she has been able to be vulnerable and allow him to support her emotionally, and in turn, she has been able to love and give to him with an open heart. She also was able to change her job to a different one in which she is very happy, once I showed her the reason, through her Numerology, of why she felt unfulfilled in her current job.
It’s important to note that there are times when it is not possible, or even the right path, to reconcile with the other person as this client did. There are many ways of healing so that no one is ever left waiting for another person to change or reconcile before they can heal themselves. True healing is never about changing outside circumstances.
Shifting Your Reality
Once we begin to bring new impulses into our field, the reality around us will shift, as in this case. This client’s physical, mental, and emotional state began to improve over the next several months, and her life around her began to reflect those changes. True healing is not a quick fix, nor does it come in the form of a pill that we take; it does require work, but this kind of work heals from the inside out, to one’s true core. The life we see reflected around us is always only a representation of our internal state of being.
As an Energy Healer, seeing my clients transform is one of the most gratifying experiences. And it does not matter how far apart I am from them in the world, through the wonders of technology we can connect to get to the heart of things. They can heal themselves to their core, and in turn, heal their family through space and time and create a new history for future generations.
I am available for long-distance Zoom calls to begin this process with you if you are truly ready to step into your deep healing and create a new legacy for yourself and your family. Our path together always begins with your unique Numerology reading and diving into what you uniquely need for this transformation.
Schedule your complimentary 15-minute discovery call with me, and let's connect to see how I can help you.
See the stories of Aubrey Ibele and Stefanie Stiavetti as they share the insights they received from their Numerology Readings and how the effects immediately began to show up in their lives.