Blossoming Your Personal Mandala
As we walk through life and connect with other people, there's often an invisible ‘feeling’ we sense and receive from one another. We may not be sure why we are drawn to some people and not to others, but we notice that there is something almost palpable within ourselves which influences this. This invisible ‘film’, which emanates from all humans, is our Personal Mandala, and is something which affects our own experience of life as well as the interactions we share with others. It extends way beyond our reach and cannot be seen with the physical eye, yet we subconsciously ‘know’ and can feel its existence.
What is your Mandala?
An individual’s Personal Mandala is a grid which encompasses our body, our Chakras, and our Aura. And this grid is defined by our experiences, like a feedback loop, and changes and shifts as it receives new information. Within the grid of this Personal Mandala, all our information is stored, as in a computer system. Any past or present experiences and their energetic remnants can be found in this grid, and inform it of its vibrational state at any given time.
When I talk about healing one’s grid of old patterns and imprints, it is this field to which I refer. It is this same invisible layer which I access as an Energy Healer when I work on people in person or long-distance, as this is the place where shifts happen.
The way we move through this world and think about ourselves as well as others, can all be changed in this space once someone who is trained and has the ability to tap into it, accesses this field. This Mandala is like our own signature and style. With our awareness focused on it, we can begin to improve and strengthen our own Mandala and shift it into healthy patterns.
Looking at your Mandala
This Mandala that we embody is part of the whole - the larger system that connects all of us together. What I want to make a closer study of are the elements which inform your Mandala and how you can begin to look at it.
Imagine this invisible grid as a network around you that extends in all directions around your body, about 6 feet and beyond your physical presence; it stores all your information from this lifetime, as well as past lifetimes and shows up as having colors and shapes within it. And just like any grid, there are all these connection points that you find; each connection point having a certain frequency which informs the rest of this network.
When you begin this journey through your imagination and tune in to what this grid could possibly look like, you may begin to tune in to your clairvoyance, the ‘visual sense’ which enables you to notice the different connection points and see colors associated with them. Some areas might light up more and others might be dim. There can even be ‘holes’ in this network from traumatic experiences that you have had which need to be healed. Other areas of this network might vibrate at a very high rate where you can even experience clairaudience,an ‘auditory sense’, of high tones of music within it, while other areas might have a slow vibratory rate. This exercise will give you your first intuitive ideas about this network around you which you can then begin to tap into for healing and conscious improvement.
Your Personal Mandala, which informs and co-creates with your Aura and your Chakras, directly influences your body, its structure, and the way you experience yourself within your body. This means that the condition of your Mandala directly correlates with your health and well-being; in fact it informs your body of its functions. Everything you experience in your physical form begins around you in your Mandala long before it ever manifests into the physical structure.
“Your Personal Mandala, which informs and co-creates with your Aura and your Chakras, directly influences your body, its structure, and the way you experience yourself within your body. ”
Within this Mandala, there is still a certain lightness of unmanifest potential, which can be altered more quickly through our conscious focus on healing anything within it. Moving inward from this field, a slowdown in density occurs where the particles are closer together to the point of creating our human form. This relates to how you are experiencing in your physical reality. Your general well-being, including happiness and possible sadness you experience, will reflect in your Mandala in this invisible grid and can then be felt subconsciously around you when you are in contact with others. Because this grid has a ‘tone’ to it, a melody based on the quality of energy therein, the higher its vibration, the higher and more pure the tones that you emanate. When the tones you emit are of high vibration, others will feel them as charisma--where they don't quite know why they're attracted to you, but they can feel that there is something unique and special about you which draws them in.
Conscious Shape-Shifting
It is within this melody that you have the opportunity to raise your own level of consciousness as you heal, strengthen, and connect your own grid around you. And, interestingly, as you do so, you will also notice your habits changing as you no longer want to continue habits which will lower your frequency. This usually begins with how you nourish yourself and your body, and what ‘fuel’ you choose to place there, as these choices inform the rest of your field.
Many times when my students begin with my Reiki 1 class, they start a journey of a healthier diet. In fact, several of them have chosen a vegetarian or vegan diet immediately after their attunements, as their new vibratory rate no longer matches with the idea of consuming meat. They simply find that the higher frequency they now embody no longer resonates with certain habits which are not aligned with this shift. When you consciously begin to work with your own Mandala, you will automatically experience a shift in preferences and you will find yourself preferring things which are healthier for you. These changes can happen quickly when you take classes, or have sessions with an Energy Healer who has the ability to help you shift your field. Physical illnesses and mental patterns you've been carrying may also more rapidly begin to heal or be gone when you do this work, as they no longer resonate in your field.
Experiencing Your Field on a Daily Basis
You experience your field either by conscious intention or by default, as the choices that you make in daily life are primarily influenced by the programming which is set in place from all your experiences. Your subconscious runs these programs without your conscious awareness, yet there are different possibilities of how to tap into this program and change it for the better. When doing this through your Mandala, it involves becoming more regularly in tune with this.
Have you ever wondered why you choose certain clothes and colors on certain days? It is because you unconsciously make your choices based on what is happening within your Mandala from the moment you get up in the morning and do even something mundane like choosing what to wear. Do you notice how many of the other things you do, like picking up your favorite mug in the morning for your coffee or tea or making the choice of what you'll drink or eat, are very habitual? Contrary to popular belief, this actually has very little to do with your mindset but is much more closely related to your vibration within your field on that day. This is why, on some days, it is easier for you to follow through with your resolutions, and it is more challenging on other days.
Think of why, when you want to develop healthier habits and set your mind to it, your body still tends to be on autopilot, and you default to old habits. And then, when you are together with other people at work or anywhere else, consider how your field has been influenced by their moods and actions if you are not consciously aware of strengthening your own field as well as working with the environment around you. This is all related to your own Personal Mandala and how it interacts with the Mandala of others.
By improving your own signature through attention to your Mandala, you inform the rest of your system of new information, and it will automatically follow as an improved physical reality. In fact, it can't not be this way, as everything you do on the vibrational level directly influences your physical appearance as well as your habits and the choices you make. This is very powerful as this means that you do not need to go through complicated procedures or endless hours of talk therapy or affirmations in order to invoke change.
You can start today simply by seeing, feeling, and observing your own field around you. Just allow yourself to be curious about the areas you are being drawn to and where any experiences you have had might be located as vibrational ‘holes’ or ‘dim’ areas that can be improved. When I talk about flourishing your beauty, this knowledge of the state of your Mandala is a key element for you to truly flourish, as this is the key to your own empowerment.
Begin this practice by becoming more aware of all the colors you choose to surround yourself with, the smells that uplift you, and the things of beauty that make you feel good when you look at them. And then begin to find pieces of yourself that you love in your field and light them up, knowing that all else has the capacity to follow from there when you inform yourself of the beauty that is already within you! As you work with your own Mandala and begin to enhance it, you will notice the areas that need extra attention, love, and nurturing within this grid, and this is where you will influence and shift your own vibrational Mandala.