How to Flourish Your Beauty
To flourish our beauty means to nourish our bodies and minds with healthy, life-enhancing foods, uplifting thoughts, beautiful music and sound frequencies, beautiful images and spaces, as well as nourishing relationships around us which all increase our field and our energetic matrix.
Beauty then becomes something that encompasses so much more than our physical aspects. Beauty is the level of joy, peace, and success we feel in ourselves at any given time of our life. And we have the opportunity to consciously help this along by nurturing this from the inside out using Energetic Tools to raise our vibration and be in connection with something that is our birthright.
It is that aspect of the Divine Feminine that resides in all of us, of which the physical beauty is the smallest part of our actual beauty blueprint, with which we are connecting. And this ‘beauty blueprint’ is the matrix that energizes us and gives us the radiance and ‘glow’ that is recognized universally as that ‘beauty factor’ which goes beyond our physical features.
It is therefore vital that as we wish to flourish this ‘total’ beauty, which we experience from the inside out, that we recognize how much it interplays with the beauty we consciously choose to expose ourselves to. We then see this as not only our choice of what we eat, think about, and view, but also as our responsibility and privilege to make choices that nurture these elements and give us a deeper sense of that joy, peace, and success.
“It’s not just a cliche...a woman’s true beauty really does come from the inside out! It emanates from her Heart Space.”
It’s not just a cliche...a woman’s true beauty really does come from the inside out! It emanates from her Heart Space. When you are full of radiance, everyone really does recognize your true beauty...even if they can’t put their finger on what they are ‘getting’ from you. And that response to your vibrational field is what is defined as flourishing beauty which influences your reality, your relationships, and the way people view or perceive you.
Photo credit: Lin Marty Photography
Where We are Disconnected
As we truly look around us, the fact that we are not empowered in our womanhood becomes very obvious. And what I refer to here is true femininity, our natural qualities, instead of the idea of ‘toughness’ and competition.
First off, a big part of our connection to our body has been completely lost, or at the very least, neglected over the centuries. We are not properly taught the ways of puberty nor pregnancy, and especially not guided to safeguard the sacredness of childbirth. Nursing women can sometimes still find themselves shamed in public places when breastfeeding their babies when this is the most natural aspect of caring for our little ones. Menopause is brushed off as well and many times even made fun of. And instead of honoring all of these natural cycles and truly tuning into our bodies, we are given quick fixes, artificial hormones, or many times even have our feminine parts removed, either for the sake of convenience or in the shroud of unknowing.
In addition, women's bodies are objectified as sexual objects everywhere, and our body image has been distorted by the projection of so-called beauty in our media. We are not encouraged to see our bodies as the sacred vessels that they are, and the life-giving miracles which they hold, regardless if we ever birth children into this world or not. Our feminine truth is that we are the carrier of the Divine Creative Principle in all our actions, yet we forget to see how much beauty and power there is in this.
Our Potential through Aligning with our Divine Feminine Qualities
In the essence of our feminine beauty, we embody so many wonderful qualities like fluidity, the natural patterns that connect us with the energy of the moon throughout the month, and the effects of it on our bodies. We feel the breeze of the element of air as we allow our intuitive side to guide us, and let ideas invigorate our thoughts. The vitalizing energy of fire pours through our creations and fuels the outward expression of our passions. Our emotions find a natural flow in the element of water, the flow of release as well as birthing new life into our reality. And we have the highest capabilities to manifest in harmony with the earth through our rituals when we understand this element to its core as we nurture our families.
“Our emotions find a natural flow in the element of water, the flow of release as well as birthing new life into our reality.”
Moving within these elements is who we are at our essence, yet this has not been honored nor treasured throughout our society for so long that a revival of this takes conscious choice and guidance. Emotions are made out to be something indulgent, to glance over and ignore. We do not nurture our creative side enough on a daily basis and miss the understanding of its importance in creating a playful space where new ideas can flow. And we have forgotten how to move within the natural cycles, how they affect every day in our lives, and how we can maximize their potential to truly create our lives in harmony with the elements.
Instead, we are taught to constantly compare ourselves to others, to judge our bodies for their imperfections, and to never feel quite ‘done’ or ‘whole’.
Photo credit: My son, Phillip Tyler
When we know how to align with the Divine Feminine Within and how to work with the natural cycles which are meant to support us, we are flourishing our beauty in the most organic and empowered way.
It is in your hands to honor your feminine qualities and balance them. Talk to your body and let it know that you treasure it and that it is beautiful. In this way, you begin to heal your wounds, any perceived imperfections, and those parts of yourself that you have been hard on in the past.
Every effort you make in choosing to nurture and surround yourself with things that have higher vibration begins a shift in your environment and creates a feedback loop of beauty within and around you!
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
How to Expand on Your Flourishing Journey
It is up to you to ‘mine’ your inner being for that, and it does not have to be difficult If you are working in harmony with the rhythms of the Divine Feminine and honor that space within you! This is the key!!
I want to leave you with one of my empowerment tools, my Heart Meditation that connects you with your own Heart Space in order to begin this journey for yourself today.
Flourishing your beauty begins from your heart and emanates out from there.
Enjoy your journey,
Love, Silke
P.S.: Join my Flourish Your Beauty movement FREE FB community to continue this conversation.