The Power Within Vulnerability
In the space of deep exploration and inward movement within ourselves, true transformation is born. It is in the moments when we are allowing ourselves to be vulnerable that we do our best work, as it lays the groundwork for new foundations to be built. To quote Brené Brown:
“Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.”
My goal with this writing is to empower you with the knowledge that it is ‘okay’ to be in that vulnerable space where you allow all feelings to be validated as they flood in.
Photo taken by my son, Phillip Tyler
The Space of Discomfort
I have developed my ability to feel at ‘home’ in that space of introspection, where I allow vulnerability in and sit with any feelings of discomfort, because I know that it leads me to new breakthroughs and ultimately to new heights in my life. And yes, even as I have this awareness and trust in it, the discomfort can be overwhelming at times. This is a normal reaction since we, as humans, are programmed for pleasure and therefore tend to naturally shy away from the moments which don't feel as good.
Sometimes those moments can come out of the blue when everything in our lives is seemingly fine around us, yet we find ourselves noticing something ‘nagging’ at us deep within. It is an underlying feeling of discomfort which tends to be accompanied by fears and melancholy, which we can't quite figure out, that is stirring inside.
At these times, the first way we tend to respond is to judge ourselves, wondering why these feelings of discontentment are coming up when we can clearly see the evidence of all the great things in our lives. And, because of our tendency to want to fix things, we might quickly return our attention to the positive, without recognizing the wisdom of acknowledging and allowing this natural ‘call for introspection’ to take place.
“Imperfections are not inadequacies; they are reminders that we’re all in this together.”
There is an opportunity being given to us when we notice those feelings which are ‘nudging’ us that something should be different. And, even though we might not know exactly what that ‘something’ is, yet, it is in these moments that we have the opportunity to reach inside of ourselves and to allow things to be ‘shaken up’ and transformed.
It is in this space of vulnerability that room is being created for something new and miraculous, which is able to take us to new heights if we simply allow the process. It is in the allowing and honoring of our feelings, of not shying away or thinking that we should have it all together all the time, that we make new discoveries. When we choose not to see ourselves as weak within these moments, but truly allow the vulnerability to take over, we become partners in this transformation.
True power comes from this kind of attitude toward vulnerability, and we grow in our intuitive skills a hundred-fold when we let all the feelings of vulnerability flood over ourselves. There is such a great opportunity within this, and when we don't ignore it and instead really begin to allow room for that stirring, we can begin to tap into the root of these feelings. It is here, in the depths of our vulnerability, that the transformation can transpire.
This I know for sure: When you give yourself grace and open space within you to honor all your feelings, you make room for your next expansion. I promise you that there will be more beauty waiting for you on the other side of this experience of conscious vulnerability!
“This I know for sure: When you give yourself grace and open space within you to honor all your feelings, you make room for your next expansion. I promise you that there will be more beauty waiting for you on the other side of this experience of conscious vulnerability!”
Acknowledging My Own Vulnerability
The shift begins with the acknowledgment of a higher power giving us new guidance and opportunities, which is asking us to not shrink or cave in from it, but instead to look at the opportunity within the challenge. When we recognize the miracle that sits on the other end of this and realize that the only reason we feel like we are ‘coming loose’ is so that something new might be born out of this, we can begin to release the fears and judgments of ourselves. We then rearrange ourselves within these feelings and understand that the discomfort is only there because limits are being removed as our old patterns are showing up and being challenged.
I can readily recognize this pattern for myself as it has come up many times before in my life, sometimes more strongly and sometimes more briefly in small moments; and I currently find myself in this transformational process, once again. This time around, however, as I am experiencing these moments in the middle of menopause and as part of a huge expansion within and around me, I realize that it may be here to stay for just a little while as I create more space in this new chapter of my life.
“Staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection.”
Through times like these, I acknowledge that I am being transformed into my fullest capacity as a leader and healer which I am meant to be for other women. In order to fully embody this role, I am once again being moved to clear any limitations, just as I have been doing for so many years, really most of my life, in order to let go of all which is not in line with my highest calling. This never-ending process in our human experience is like the slow and steady opening of a lotus flower, rooted in muddy water, yet rising to blossom atop the lily pad; which serves as a great metaphor of the ideals to reach for while we are all in the trenches and living daily life. I know that I can only teach these profound tools of transformation when I continue to apply them to myself, and I do so because I am committed to authentically live these truths every day with full conviction.
Coming from a space of honesty in my leadership, and navigating my own experience of continuous growth, it is important to not hide these moments and act like I always have it all together as this would be a grave disservice to anyone who looks to me for guidance. And, it is so interesting that I often hear from women who say that they will join my membership program when they have their lives ‘together’, even though, in all actuality, the ‘right moment’ for releasing and stepping into new expansion and connection is always now, as we are always evolving!
We can be empowered to walk through even our darkest times when we recognize that we are never done, and I am committed to offering the assurance that there are powerful tools available to help us embrace these experiences with conscious understanding of the gifts they hold. It is in desiring to share the lessons of vulnerability firsthand from what I have learned that I include the acknowledgment of my own vulnerable moments.
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.”
Photo taken by my son, Phillip Tyler
The Hero’s Journey
In these times of my own shifting and expanding, I am reminded of the hero's journey in “The Hobbit”, the part of the story where Bilbo Baggins is enjoying just being in the Shire and living a simple and happy life. Yet there is an expansion which is already calling Bilbo toward a much bigger mission which will soon reveal itself, a mission that only he can accomplish. The potential, for him to be of assistance and go out to help the others on their combined mission, already lies inside of him because of his abilities and the character he possesses.
As a natural introvert, myself, I can certainly relate to the pattern of just being at home, tending to my garden, reading books, getting lost in my art, painting, and photography, or spending time with my family and leading a very simple life. But that bigger part of me is always notching and guiding me into the direction of my full potential and what I am meant to do and give in this world. I am always reminded that it would be selfish of me to keep to myself the gifts I have acquired and all the learning and growing I have done, without sharing and helping to facilitate healings and growth for others with whom I am meant to share this experience.
“We are all in this thing called ‘life’ together; nothing happens in isolation. So eventually, it is vital to step back out of our shell and yield to that call of our highest self.”
We are all in this thing called ‘life’ together; nothing happens in isolation. So eventually, it is vital to step back out of our shell and yield to that call of our highest self. And it is important to remember that when we challenge ourselves, it will be natural to feel limitations and discomfort. But it is in the moving forward, despite those feelings, where the breakthroughs happen. And when we do not listen to our highest calling, we stay stuck within the discomfort, so there truly is no other choice!
What I also know for sure is that when we are sent on missions, we never go forward alone; as the story goes, we always receive help from friends and guides in various ways.
When you experience your own moments of feeling discontentment and a sense of deep longing, the greatest thing you can do is to simply trust! Trust your guidance, trust in your intuition and knowing, follow your own compass, and feel into the situation and recognize the help that is all around you. Reach out to those who can help you, as they are already meant to be on this journey with you. And then embrace your own vulnerability. As you let go of any feelings of shame and powerlessness, you will consciously allow the feelings of true empowerment through these moments to flood into you.
“The dark does not destroy the light; it defines it. It’s our fear of the dark that casts our joy into the shadows.”
Consciousness Rising
This writing would not be complete without tapping into one more vital aspect, and that is the awareness of our own consciousness. All these experiences, the internal struggles and growth as well as the level of permission we give to our vulnerability, are in direct correlation to the rising of our own consciousness. This means that the more room you give yourself and your expansion, the further you develop your connection, awareness, and consciousness. Every experience of growth will naturally raise these levels, which then allows you to facilitate deeper transformation within yourself and your environment. If you have read to this point, then you are most likely a person who guides others in some capacity, and you understand the profound relationship of these elements.
“The level at which we are able to facilitate transformations in others is in direct correlation to the level of consciousness which we ourselves embody.”
Embody all your experiences in the full range of who you are to your core, and know that there are others waiting for you to be that bright light for them. You will only be able to facilitate the transformations within others that you can personally understand and relate to, at your own level of awareness and consciousness. If there is nothing else to gain from being in these introspective spaces, then just the fact that you are meant to be of service through your own experiences opens up the greatest gift for you and everyone you touch.
I wish you light-filled journeys in the embodiment of the brightest light within you; and remember...we are all in this together!
Love, Silke