Transformation through Firewalking
I was introduced to Firewalking many years ago on a cold winter evening during a weekend Christmas party hosted by my teachers, Starr Fuentes, and her husband, Art Jackson.
Art, who is trained in many Shamanic practices including Firewalking, unexpectedly decided to facilitate a Firewalk on one of the evenings.
So, what is Firewalking, and why would anyone consider undertaking such an experience?
Wikipedia will tell you:
“Firewalking is the act of walking barefoot over a bed of hot embers or stones. Firewalking has been practiced by many people and cultures in all parts of the world, with the earliest known reference dating back to Iron-Age India – c. 1200 BC. It is often used as a rite of passage, as a test of an individual's strength and courage, or in religion as a test of one's faith.”
Wikipedia will also attempt to give you explanations for this phenomenon.
But as my awareness of the deeper meanings of such a practice has been cultivated over the years, I find there to be so much more to consider about Firewalking. It is the underlying meanings and opportunities one can find within the practice of Firewalking which I want to share with you, here, in this blog post.
Image of a Fire Dragon by Pearl Bertrand from our firewalk July 13th, 2019
The Illusion of Fear
The word FEAR has often been broken down into an acronym that stands for: False Evidence Appearing Real. And, when faced with standing in front of hot coals in the attempt to walk on them, there's plenty of evidence that suggests that this might not be such a good idea!
Considering the fact that, ever since we were young we were told to stay away from fire and unusually hot things for fear of getting burned, our minds have accepted that it is wise to be cautious around fire, at the very least. And of course, for the most part, this healthy respect is what has kept us safe from harm!
So, the idea that a person would consider going toward burning coals with the idea of walking on them would, at first, seem obviously counterintuitive. And, let me tell you, the fear is real!
“Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction.”
On that December evening, as Art began the preparations for the Firewalking, I found myself joining in with others as we worked out in the cold to lay the wood for the fire before the sunset. Once the sun had gone down, we would be lighting the fire and letting the wood burn down until it had become coals. In the meantime, Art continued guiding us through the parts of the ritual, by having us chant a mantra and taking us indoors to practice what we would be experiencing, before attempting to actually walk on the hot coals for the first time.
There is a rhythmic pattern to Firewalking, through the drumming and chanting that everyone participates in, which opens the space of exploration into new possibilities; and when the moment comes to walk on the hot coals, it is almost like a magnetic pull that draws one in. At that moment, in complete connection to each person’s own Higher Source, we are able to do the impossible and walk across the hot smoldering embers of wood, which were still burning just a moment before.
“There is a rhythmic pattern to Firewalking, through the drumming and chanting that everyone participates in, which opens the space of exploration into new possibilities.”
When walking on fire, there are different ways of placing the mind over matter, from envisioning cool green moss, to focusing on the spot on the other side. The most important thing is our internal state and the pure connection and alignment we have to ourselves, our own Divinity at the moment. This alignment will be tested pretty quickly and challenges many fears and beliefs we hold.
In that moment of stepping onto the coals, the miraculous and seemingly impossible happens! For me, Firewalking successfully was made possible by me cultivating the vision of my feet feeling warm and cozy as they were moving from the cold hard earth that night, crossing over the coals, and settling back onto the cold earth on the other side.
Pictures from the Firewalk during Divine Intervention training January 2016
The Release of Fear
So, let’s take a moment to return to the question: Why would anyone want to walk on hot coals?
I don't think I would have ever attempted this if the opportunity hadn’t presented itself that evening. But I trusted Art's guidance, as he had been facilitating Firewalks for over 20 years, and I figured that if I was there, then I was meant to do it.
And, I did manage to walk across the coals that night with a feeling of transparency and lightness. But, since it was such a cold night, and I had put my shoes back on right after the Firewalk, I wasn't even sure if my feet were fine until I had returned back to my hotel room. As I washed my feet, it was almost surprising that there were no injuries. And the paradigm shift within myself, which had been activated the moment I stepped onto the coals, was complete.
“I did manage to walk across the coals that night with a feeling of transparency and lightness.”
The false illusion that I would be burned or harmed, that I had overcome through focused attention and alignment, had fallen away. In that moment of walking across those coals, I realized the empowering message I had given myself simply by overcoming my fears. And I thought, “If I can safely walk on hot coals, what else can I do when I release fear? How many times do we limit ourselves because we are afraid of things we don't yet know, and we choose not to take risks?” I wondered, “What if I can now look at myself in the world in a different light?”
“The false illusion that I would be burned or harmed, that I had overcome through focused attention and alignment, had fallen away. In that moment of walking across those coals, I realized the empowering message I had given myself simply by overcoming my fears.”
As I was contemplating all of this, I realized that layers of doubt and fear were releasing and my outlook was being forever changed.
I know that many of the challenges in my life since have been easier to handle due to the empowering moments I experienced through firewalking!
Images from the Firewalk July 13th, 2019
Becoming a Firewalk Instructor
Up until last week, I had already been a student in Divine Intervention with Starr and Art several times and had been ordained as a minister as well as a teacher of Divine Intervention in 2011. But the one aspect I felt I was missing was that of being certified to facilitate Firewalks. I wanted to be able to lead groups through a two-week journey of stepping into the powerful energies of Divine Intervention, which includes Firewalking. This process originated from the lineage of the Mexican Shamans, the Curanderos and Curanderas, and the ancient sacred Mayan teachings they brought forth, with Starr being the current lineage holder. These teachings are an advanced form of Energy Healing which specifically addresses the healing of cancer and other severe illnesses.
This missing link was my original reason for wanting to become a Firewalk Instructor and had prompted me to begin my apprenticeship with Art three years ago. I finally completed my certification last Saturday evening, July 13, 2019, on a much warmer day than that first December night, at the Divine Intervention Dome in Hot Springs, Arkansas. This was made possible with Art as my teacher, the amazing drumming by Kevin Love, and the most wonderful group of women to share the experience with.
I am proud to say that I have Firewalked many times now, and it does become easier, although it is important to always be sure to not come from a place of ego and to ensure that you feel aligned when attempting this. People have been burned from firewalking, and it should not be taken lightly.
I am also proud to announce that I am now a Firewalk Instructor, which means that I can facilitate Firewalks with groups.
Looking back now, it feels very natural and organic as part of my own evolution to have moved through my fears toward more freedom using the Firewalking experience. And I firmly believe it is a tool I am meant to share with others in my capacity as a Shamanic Priestess.
Now that I am a Firewalk Instructor, I look forward to the possibility of connecting with people who are hosting retreats and who desire to include Firewalking as an experience for their attendees. I also plan to facilitate Firewalks locally.
Opening to New Possibilities
Challenging and shifting old paradigms is something I will always do in my own evolution as I see this life experience as a path of continuous growth, knowing that we are never done and that there's always more to learn and explore.
I am grateful for the many opportunities I have had in my life for paths to open, and want to close this blog on Firewalking by encouraging you to not only look at your own fears and limitations that you have placed on yourself but to question them with curiosity.
In my 30+ years of Spiritual Studies, in the daily practice of these teachings, as well as facilitating profound healings for my clients, I have learned the importance of always staying open-minded, and always leaving room for new possibilities. This is what I wish for you to take away from this blog post, and I wish you many blessings as you explore your own fears and the reactions you are currently giving them!
If you are interested in learning more about the possibilities for you in relation to Firewalking, feel free to message me through email or over Facebook. And be sure to subscribe to my Flourish Your Beauty Newsletter to receive important updates about any classes or events I hold. And of course, I am here for you if you are ready for your own transformation through sessions with me remotely through Zoom Video calls or locally!
Lots of love,