Clearing Energetic Cords, Part 2
This is part 2 in this 2 part series on Clearing Energetic Cords. In part 1 we looked at the energetic components of ‘cords’, and how to approach healing this issue from a space of compassion while taking ownership.
In this blog post, I will cover the deeper aspects of this work, like contracts and agreements, and how to return your energy back to you. I will also share a prayer to Archangel Michael from my Archangels of the Elements class with you that you can use for yourself. I want to encourage you to journal and identify any cords attached to you as you are processing through this information. Ask yourself where they are located, where they originated, and through your own inner knowing, what is your own responsibility in the relationships connected to them.
Looking at Contracts and Agreements
As part of this work of releasing the cords, it, it is important to always check any work through the lens of possible soul contracts and agreements. This is where hypnotherapy can be so beneficial as it allows for hidden or unconscious soul contracts and agreements to be revealed during a trance state. As I mentioned earlier, nothing happens without our permission, and we have agreed to everything we experience on some level, somewhere. Once these contracts and agreements are found within the spectrum of a session, they can then be dissolved and healed for all parties involved.
“Accept - then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will miraculously transform your whole life.”
The important piece here is that any Energy Work always frees both people and liberates them to live their lives independently. Through facilitating this for my clients, in-person as well as through long-distance sessions via Zoom call, I have seen profound shifts. The lives of the people involved change for the better once both are freed and can find their peace, and then ultimately happiness, independently from each other. This also opens up space for new, healthy relationships to enter their lives.
Returning Your Energy Back to You
As a final step, I want to give the understanding that with any cords and attachments there is also a certain level of our on energy we have given away in this process of forming relationships. Simply cutting cords and detaching will not be efficient, and can even be damaging, without bringing your aspect back to you and the other person's aspects back to them. It is vital to return all energies back to wholeness. When this is not addressed, parts of your energy that are being held in the other person's field without your or their awareness remain.
“When you feel a pull towards the other person,
it is actually your own heart essence that you are seeking.”
When you feel a pull towards the other person, it is actually your own heart essence that you are seeking. In the formation of the relationship you have freely given this away, and the time has come to return it back to you in order for you to be whole again.
Please note that this longing will never stop unless these parts are returned and integrated. This work is best done with the help of a professional, who can hold a neutral perspective, look at all aspects energetically, and is qualified to assist you in this integration. This can be facilitated in person or remotely, as all Energy Work happens on a vibrational level in multiple dimensions. However, I want to gift you with this prayer for you to begin the process of clearing old beliefs within your own energy field.
A Prayer to Release Old Beliefs
I want to leave you with an abbreviated version of my channeled cord-clearing prayer for Archangel Michael from my Archangels of the Elements class. This prayer is less about releasing cords between people but more the cords we attach to ourselves. This prayer can serve as the beginning of your healing journey when you are ready to be free from attachments and return to wholeness. May this inspire you to look inside yourself and heal your relationships from the inside out, starting with old beliefs, and meeting them with genuine love and compassion.
Cord-clearing Prayer with Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael, fill me with your Light, surround me with your violet fire, and purify my heart.
Burn away cords of old patterns and belief systems that limit who I am and what I am here to do at my highest level.
I acknowledge that I attached these old beliefs to myself by default in a state of fear and disconnect.
I now bless these choices that I made, in full awareness that I did the best I could with what I had at the time, and now fully and completely let them go.
Assist me now in transmuting these lower frequencies into the highest forms of Love and Light.
I am now free to make the best choices as I am deepening my connection to the highest frequencies of Light.
From this moment forward, I now consciously choose beliefs that come from Love and which are fully connected to my highest Soul Path.
And so it is, and so it is, and so it is. Thank you!
Working Toward Your Ultimate Healing
Compassion and kindness have always been at the forefront of my work and, as I continue to evolve and keep incorporating the aspects of the Divine Feminine into everything I do, I feel aligned and filled with these loving energies. It is always my intention to bring these aspects into my work with others.
It is vital in our evolution to always be coming from a point of working in cooperation with the energies, taking all aspects into consideration, and consistently asking the question: “Does this come from the highest place of the heart?”.
Remember that you are capable of beginning this journey of empowered through the new understanding that you can release energetic cords that no longer serve your highest good. As you move away from any fearful attitudes or the idea that anyone can have a ‘hold’ on you, you will step into your own power.
Begin with compassion at your core, and know that nothing happens without your permission.
Many blessings to you!