Clearing Energetic Cords, Part 1
In my practice as an Energy Healer, one of the subjects that comes up frequently is what is called cord-cutting. This refers to the practice of releasing energetic cords which are considered to connect two people together in an unhealthy way.
Throughout my years of energetic studies, I learned many different ways and techniques to apply this process which includes more outdated versions of cutting energetic cords with an ‘energetic sword’ or other ‘sharp’ objects in a rather forceful way. Other techniques involved using ‘crystal wands’ and came more from a perspective of severing relationships. However, these techniques never quite felt right to me so, over time, I began to develop my own system of clearing energetic cords. I now teach these aspects of my methods in my Reiki 2 class, as well as in my Archangels of the Elements class.
With this writing, I will go deeper into what it means when we embrace a new level of awareness, away from forceful actions, and instead, incorporate what it means to live and breathe in the Sacred Feminine Heart Space.
What are Energetic Cords?
Energetic cords are a representation of the connections we have with people. They can be light and beautiful, with a continuous stream of equal energy flow between two people, or they can feel like an unhealthy pull. Some cords are ‘rooted’ more deeply than others, and may have been there for a long time, and some cords may be more shallow and not as established. Energetic cords can even span over lifetimes in combination with soul contracts.
As we form connections to others, and energy is exchanged, we remain connected through invisible energy cords. Through these cords, our energies can affect each other, and many times people will feel a ‘tug’ or a ‘pull’ from another person without understanding why that is. This is, of course, also the reason why we may sometimes experience an intuitive ‘knowing’ about what someone is doing, even though we are physically apart from them. Or, we may be thinking of the other person, and shortly after that thought, they contact us.
An in-person Energy Healing session
We can further contemplate this mystery by looking at energetic cords through the lens of Quantum Physics. Consider this description from the original article on quantum entanglement (which I have slightly condensed and paraphrased, here) as a type of ‘proof’ that energetic cords do exist.
Quantum physics teaches us that entangled particles remain connected so that actions performed on one affect the other, even when separated by great distances. Albert Einstein termed this phenomenon "spooky action at a distance".
Entanglement occurs when a pair of particles, such as photons, interact physically. A laser beam fired through a certain type of crystal can cause individual photons to be split into pairs of entangled photons. The photons can then be separated by a large distance, hundreds of miles or even more and, when observed, once one photon takes on an up-spin state, the other photon, though now far away, takes up a state relative to that of the first. The transfer of state between Photon A and Photon B takes place at a speed of at least 10,000 times the speed of light, possibly even instantaneously, regardless of distance.
~From the live science website
When my clients come to me, they sometimes say they are experiencing feelings of energetic ‘heaviness’, which is not necessarily theirs and can many times be traced to energetic cords. In some instances, they then specifically request that I help them with cutting cords from unhealthy relationships. In facilitating this for them, and in order to help them with a clean and thorough release, I approach this from a multi-dimensional viewpoint. It is so important to look at all the aspects involved when desiring to help someone with this process.
Coming from a Space of Compassion
So, with this in mind, let’s begin! With the new paradigm I advocate, of approaching everything with loving kindness, we cannot help but look at all aspects of situations and relationships in a different light. The idea of ‘cutting’ away cords and ‘severing’ energies feels violent. Therefore, a term I adopted a while back to refer to this practice is the clearing and releasing of energetic cords.
When we clear and release energetic cords that represent the connections between us and others, we must begin by looking at the origin. As I work with my clients in this area, we consider the following questions:
How and when were they formed? What is their true origin? Where in the energy field are they located? How strong and how thick are they? What do they feel like?
And then, throughout the session, as we work on releasing the cords, we consider both my client and the other person and what is in their best interest in relation to each other as well as in relation to their own independent free will. As part of my guidance, I will often help my clients determine what the healthiest actions are in those situations. We then trace the cords back to where they originated and heal them all the way back to their sources. This approach takes a deeper understanding of the relationship in multiple dimensions, and cannot be properly facilitated if one is attempting to only look at it from one direction or a singular level.
Working to the Core of the Issue While Taking Ownership and Responsibility
The many tools that I have acquired over the years of learning and practicing Energy Healing techniques have been very helpful; but in releasing energetic cords, I feel fortunate that I am additionally trained as a Hypnotherapist because it has contributed a powerful dimension to how I can facilitate getting to the core of the issue. Hypnotherapy has the advantage of reaching into the subconscious and healing beliefs at their root. There is also the aspect of contracts and agreements, which we will get to in part 2 of this series. But for now, it is vital to realize that nothing happens without our permission on some level, and we always co-create our experience. This places the responsibility of our actions, as well as our healing, within our realm of influence, and navigates us away from victimhood. When we truly ‘settle’ into this awareness and how it can empower us, this opens up new possibilities for us to truly acknowledge our part in any situation we are in.
“Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have drawn them there.
What you choose to do with them is up to you.”
Because of this truth, it is crucial that we understand that it does not matter how many times cords are released; the person must be willing to take responsibility and remain committed to doing their work independently by staying away from unhealthy relationships and people who are toxic for them.
In part 2, which I will release next week, I will cover the deeper aspects of this work, like contracts and agreements, and how to return your energy back to you. I will also share a prayer to Archangel Michael from my Archangels of the Elements class with you that you can use for yourself. Until then I encourage you to journal this week to identify any cords attached to you. Ask yourself where they are located, where they originated, and through your own inner knowing, what is your own responsibility in the relationships connected to them.
See you then,
Love, Silke