The Art of Letting Go
As I was preparing and choosing the cards for my last Intuitive Play yesterday, I definitely had mixed feelings coming up. The bigger part of me is filled with excitement for new adventures, as I create space in my life for them, and at the same time, saying goodbye to something I have consistently been doing for over a whole year now was bittersweet.
This upcoming Facebook live will be my 119th, as far as BeLive is concerned, and I will miss revealing the cards to you, as well as our interactions. Who knows, maybe I'll bring it back in the future? But, for now, it is time to focus on new things as I trust my guidance and step into different spaces.
Silke Tyler by Lin Marty Photography
This is the Art of Letting Go!
Let's back up for a moment to the origin of this new path that is opening for me.
Our lives are always organized in fractals, even if we are not consciously aware of them. There are fractals of space, which define the areas we inhabit, and then there are the fractals of time, which are non-linear.
You may recognize those time fractals in your own journey; these are defined by life events or blocks, like graduating high school and then going to college. Stepping into motherhood, moving to a new home, or smaller fractals like one event, like a wedding, are other examples.
As we move in and out of these fractals within our timeline, it is important for us to more clearly recognize them, and release what has been there before, in order to fully embrace the new wave that is coming. As we begin to view our life as multidimensional, we can embody the space within these timeline fractals much more easily by acknowledging the flow through our guidance.
Trusting in Our Guidance
This process has become effortless for me now, but I will admit that it has not always been the case. I have definitely experienced times of resistance, of not wanting to accept situations as they were. Once I made the realization that we are always guided by this greater part outside of us, which experiences through us and truly wants the best for us, I have not looked back.
From here, I always implicitly and completely trust that navigational system inside of me which informs me of my journey ahead.
I have had so many endless experiences and encounters, some very deep and personal, and others which were not as obvious at first, but from which I learned to pay closer attention to this voice inside of me, as well as the situations I would be led to. So, when that voice speaks up through feelings, emotions, visions, or things I notice in my environment, I now listen.
And so it happened, within a progression of several weeks, that I was feeling led to a larger mission of anchoring the Divine Feminine fully here on earth. As long as I can remember I have always felt an underlying pattern of being touched by the Divine Feminine aspects within me. And now this information was coming through in many forms and, even though I still don't know the full road ahead, I do know that at the center of it is something that I created over a year ago and have been nurturing without knowing the full impact of what it could entail.
At the time I opened a membership for women and began teaching tools which guide and support them every day to expand on their spiritual path and help them at the core of everything. And now as I am being ‘pulled’ toward taking this deeper and further, I can see that everything in that membership, which is Beauty Flourishing, has embodied that and has laid the groundwork for this new expansion.
A moment in our Archangels of the Elements class
Embracing the Surrender
In the process of ‘letting go’ and feeling into the ‘unknown’, there is a huge amount of trust that has to be established.
The idea of surrender is a challenge to most of us as it relates to the physical surrender in past lives, and even in this life where we had to surrender to people or circumstances at times, which felt uncomfortable.
“When you make plans, God laughs!”
But, I want to invite the release of any fear here and establish that surrender is actually an act of courage. When we allow ourselves to fully surrender to our highest guidance, we are being led by Spirit, the Source, which is greater than us and knows the larger picture and the agreements and contracts we made prior to emerging into this form. In German, there is a saying, ‘Der Mensch denkt, und Gott lenkt’ which means that the person thinks and God directs. And, of course, you may know the saying, ‘When you make plans, God laughs.’
So, it really serves us best to surrender and allow ourselves to go with the flow of the highest intention that has already been put out for us!
Anchoring the Divine Feminine
The Divine Feminine Energy has always been part of our existence and used to be the dominant quality that existed on this earth prior to the more masculine energy taking over. With the expansion of consciousness at this time, I can feel that this aspect is now rising to begin a creation of balance that is so desperately needed in our world.
When we return to the Divine Feminine Heart aspect that is within all of us, no matter if we are male or female, we return to an essence of love, compassion, deep understanding, and a natural release of ego. We create bonds of cooperation and harmony that go beyond the material and tap into that deep heart space from which we connect to both the mothering energies of the earth as well as the higher frequencies of the Divine Heart outside of this system. This combination deeply nurtures and grounds us in the knowledge that we are truly supported and taken care of, which in turn allows us to nurture and care for others.
With Beauty Flourishing as the central hub of it all, I am excited to expand my efforts of facilitating the process of creating that much-needed balance by teaching women to embrace their beauty in all aspects while always tapping into the Divine Feminine Heart. I am committed to holding space for all women who set the intention to be a part of this movement of balancing the energies.
The strong women in our world deserve to have a space to ‘let go’ and surrender to the sacred divine qualities within. And, to the women who have thus far not fully allowed themselves to be strong and accept that the true Divine Feminine aspect comes from a space of power within them, you can now begin to give yourselves permission to reach into that nurturing aspect which will guide and empower you.
Moving Into the New Expansion
Even though I have been a Divine Intervention Minister since 2011, I am only now beginning to really step into my role as a Priestess as I am getting ready to hold a larger container for women to be transformed and to anchor the Sacred Divine Feminine on this planet. I continue to trust and surrender my abilities to this greater movement, and I cannot wait to see how this continues to develop and unfold!