Opening to other Realms through Shamanic Journeying
In ancient cultures, Shamanic Journeying was used to bring vital elements from the spirit world into our reality. In our present day, with the help of a trained Shamanic Practitioner, any person who is willing to delve into this space can learn how to open their intuitive gifts to achieve similar results.
I learned Shamanic Journeying many years ago when I was still on my own path of discovery, and can honestly say that it has opened up worlds to me that I didn’t know existed. I was definitely not one of those students to whom journeying came easily. While others would tell these amazing in-depth journeys they’d had after we returned from our journeys and we were all sharing our experiences, for the longest time I would barely have any insights or visions to speak about.
It wasn’t until I completely let go of expectations and allowed any little things that would show up to be meaningful, and allowed the visions and pictures to just come, that I learned to slowly develop my own skills of journeying. I learned to let the ‘story’ unfold however it would show up through these adventurous realms of possibilities.
Over time, I would learn to trust my own intuition and guidance more and more as well as the messages that I would receive.
What Shamanic Journeying has to offers
Through Shamanic Journeying, we can expand our awareness and discover other worlds and realities. This opens us to the possibility to get to know our power animals, spirit guides, teachers and ancestral spirits, return unconscious gifts and knowledge, as well as retrieve parts of our consciousness that may have split due to trauma. This enables us to heal aspects and live our lives more consciously and more fully by understanding the true essence of life.
There is a beautifully grounding aspect to Shamanic Journeying that brings our inner and outer world into a balanced focus as it connects us to our deeper core. It softens the element of analytical and logical thinking and opens up a space for experiencing realms in a suspended state of consciousness so you can open up and sharpen your intuition in your everyday life. Think of it like opening a door to the help and benefits you can receive from greater consciousness, that you can then tap into more easily and frequently when you are just living your day-to-day life. This is possible because once you have engaged in accessing that in a Shamanic Journeying session, you have expanded your Third Eye vision and can tune into your guidance through that, at will, anywhere and any time.
This creates a wonderful ripple effect in your life because being more in alignment with your guidance affects all aspects of your existence. You experience greater successes and more contentment because you have acquired a deeper internal trust, knowing that you have what you need within to answer your life questions.
How Shamanic Journeying works
In a Shamanic Journeying session, the individual journeys to inner and outer realms by the shifting of his/her awareness. In Shamanic tradition, one can access three planes of consciousness: the Upper, Middle, and Lower Worlds. As the participants prepare to journey, the slow rhythmic beating of a drum is used to influence the frequency in the room and facilitate an altered state of consciousness. The slow repetition of the beating drum grounds and aligns us with the energy of the earth and shifts our consciousness so that we can journey. It settles us down and soothes us into a state of calmness.
“Accessing these realms and therefore our own intuitive gifts is our natural birthright. We just have not been taught about this innate ability in our society.”
Shamanic Journeying returns us back to our roots and our true connection to ourselves and the worlds around us. It is an awakening to the incredible expansiveness around us that we can then fully embody to truly enrich our lives. It gives us the chance to return home to our true nature and live from a point of complete expanded awareness because the archetypal worlds we experience when journeying are inherent in the collective unconscious, the morphic field of humanity.
This life-altering experience has the potential to take you deep inside the states of non-ordinary consciousness where you will travel to extraordinary realms for guidance, healing, and insights, all in a safe and protected environment.
Your opportunity to Journey
Today, as a Shamanic Practitioner and Healer, I facilitate journeys for others in private sessions where we both journey to these realms together for specific purposes, primarily healing parts of them as well as returning pieces that they have been missing for a long time, making them more complete through the process of soul retrieval. Accessing these states now comes very naturally and easily to me because I have been in this field of exploration for so long. Of course, these one-to-one sessions are extremely and powerfully healing and stand on their own as far as their purposes, but facilitating this for others has so far been limited to personal sessions.
Because I understand the journey it takes to get there and I’ve wanted to empower others to journey on their own for some time, I have created my upcoming Shamanic Journeying class.
To facilitate this in a group setting, I am offering a 6-session, in-person class in order to expand the potential for anyone to learn to journey effectively. This class guides those who wish to learn how to incorporate the elements of Shamanic Journeying into their own, personal spiritual practice.
In this course, I am present as your guide every step of the way and I lead from a compassionate, heart-centered place. While I set the space and align my drum beat with the rhythm of the earth, each participant will be able to let go of limitations and connect to the Quantum Field of possibilities. You will learn to travel to areas within non-physical realms of reality, which opens the possibility for you to drop into a profound state of connection to your guides, angels, spirit animals, your ancestors, and sometimes even loved ones who have passed on.
At this time, I am opening this class as a small-group setting to my clients, students, their friends, as well as members of my Silke’s Art community. If you have not taken any classes or worked with me personally, please contact me via email before signing up.
I will ease everyone into the process and you will learn how to journey, understand the realms and how to be present in your body, as well as explore and connect with Mother Earth and meet your Helping Spirits and Spirit Animals.
If the idea of exploring these realms to better benefit your everyday life resonates with you, I encourage you to check out my link to the class for more information.
To register by May 13th, sign up with the link, or contact me if you have any questions or are not currently a client or student of mine.