Living in Multiple Dimensions, Part 1: Expanding Ordinary Reality
Every morning, upon waking, there is often a non-awareness in your ordinary day as you go through your routines. You primarily stay in your mind as you are focusing on the tasks ahead of you. Then, throughout your day you do your work, maybe play, you take care of yourself and everyone, and then you start this process all over again.
What if I was to tell you that in all these simple tasks, you can actually tap into a much greater reality where your experience of each day goes from ‘black and white’ to high definition colors? It’s the same ‘movie’, but it becomes so much more vivid as your experience is packed with so much more information, simultaneously enriching every moment you are present within it.
This tapping into multiple dimensions informs your experience, through all your senses, of the richness of life. It shows you the reasons behind things, how these things will be serving you in the future, the relevance in the present moment and of our relationships, new possibilities and ideas, and gives you new inspirations. Instead of just being in your mind and going from point A to B and starting that process over again in each new day, you can expand the energy outward into all directions which then opens an incredible new outlook on your life.
Operating in the Current Dimension
It has always been a natural tendency for us to think more in a linear mindset, but the truth is that the energy of time has sped up so that information can now be ‘downloaded’ by us in a very short period of time. We don’t have to experience life as just one linear path anymore; it all happens, and has always happened, in multiple dimensions at the same time.
My purpose with this blog is to bring awareness to the potential empowerment we can each receive as we tap into those multiple dimensions. We really can learn to be aware of the information and receive it consciously, and then learn how to send out the conscious frequencies for this so we can affect our reality in this time-space continuum in a much more accelerated rate. These multi-layered dimensions do exist, whether or not we are aware of them, and I access and work with them daily as I incorporate them in everything I do in life and specifically in my healing sessions and teachings.
Experiencing in Multiple Octaves
It is said that the great books, like the Bible and other sacred texts like it, have been written in at least seven levels of interpretation. This means that when someone reads it, they have multiple octaves of layered understanding that they can tap into. This opens the reader to a multi-dimensional understanding and this is also the reason why many people interpret it differently and why there is still continued information to ‘unpack’ from it.
For the past several years now, it has been my intention with anything that comes from me that it is delivered in multiple octaves so that it impacts the receiver on many levels. The information that is transferred can then continue to unfold and heal and enrich that person on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes beyond the sessions or classes. This shows up, for example, as an inspired idea that they might end up receiving through transference as they were already holding it in their field. It could also be that they have a dream where they are receiving additional information or insights. Another type of experience might be a sudden wave of healing at any given moment when their system is ready, or the experience of things which were an issue in their life beforehand, just simply dissolving.
Incorporating Multiple Dimensions in Energy Healing
In my one-to-one, in-person sessions, I tap into and send out high-frequency octaves of multi-layered energetic information. The results far exceed anything I could do ‘alone’, but when I am bringing all of the multi-layered information into a session, people who have tried so many other modalities or healing practitioners are finally achieving breakthroughs.
My clients are often surprised by the visuals that they receive during a session - many times by seeing color - and the tingly feelings of waves of Energy coming through them. They sometimes receive clear communication from their guides or their loved ones while in a dream-like state of receiving and just simply feel that they now ‘know’ things. One of my clients said to me after a session, “I feel so smart when I am in this room with you.” She was expressing at that moment how empowered she felt after I had given her multi-layered information of Sacred Geometry during our session. She found herself, in a very short amount of time, having in-depth knowledge through the multi-dimensional downloads.
A moment during our Archangels of the Elements class
Accessing multiple dimensions has actually opened up the possibility for long-distance healing to be done effectively, as well. The more effectively the healer has learned to work with these dimensions, the more powerful and accelerated the effects will be. In Reiki 2, people learn to send Reiki long-distance through a symbol that they are taught which accesses that same effect of tapping into multi-dimensional layers.
In my own work, there are two versions of a long-distance session with me. One is where the receiver of Energy Healing is lying down and I access their field and send the energy from where I am to them. The other is where I am on a Zoom call with that person and we are having a virtual one-to-one session. I bring the multiple dimensions into these sessions through the frequencies I emit so that the healing occurs while we are ‘just talking’ or the person is ‘just lying there’. And this information is received by that person’s field so that the healing continues even beyond the session. I simultaneously consciously work on any area of that person as I visually assess their field and energetically shift anything that is necessary. We are bridging space and time by these long-distance sessions, so we are necessarily tuning into the multiple dimensions to achieve the expansion and healing the client is seeking.
In situations where I am teaching and my students are in the class with me, I set up a multi-dimensional environment ahead of time. I purposely send out frequencies in multiple ways so my students will continue to receive downloads and information beyond the classroom. This way that information is not just limited to that moment but continues to unfold. As a result, when I am in a space of openly sharing and giving, they are receiving 10,000 bits of high octave information per unit subconsciously; instead of the 5 to 7 that are usually received on a conscious level. Those 10,000 bits of information are always available to all of us, but it is through my intention of creating a multi-layered environment that the students are empowered to fully receive and ‘unpack’ that information.
Your Ordinary Reality Can Be Extraordinary
In our everyday life, we might be just ‘waking up’ to energetic possibilities such as living in multiple dimensions. Once that knowledge has expanded our awareness, we have the choice to step into that bigger, and extraordinary, reality. From new vantage points, we create a greater vision for ourselves and our world. We understand how we are all connected to something much more expansive and how it is there to be in support of us as we move forward with our highest intentions each day.
““It is the constant attunement of our own frequency which continues to evolve as we create space within and around us for these multiple layers to work through us.””
As we are returning to a level of awareness that has been shut off for a long time, we have a huge opportunity that lies ahead of us as a society at large when we tap into this potential. Being able to access and work in multiple dimensions provides us with the 10,000-foot view in life situations which allows us to see things from a broader perspective and not be limited by a mindset that only sees the here and now. It is the constant attunement of our own frequency which continues to evolve as we create space within and around us for these multiple layers to work through us.
Stay tuned for part 2, Achieving the Shift from Within, which I will release next week