The Non-Linear Path We Travel
Today, I’d like to suggest that how you define your journey through life influences how you experience your life.
In so many ways, we’ve been conditioned to believe that there is such a thing as a distinct ‘success’ path and, if we just follow it from point A to point B, we will see wonderful results and find fulfillment and satisfaction in the journey. As a result, many of us limit ourselves by defining our journey in this way and measuring our experiences accordingly.
The truth is, however, that we are part of a greater whole which is Creative and Spiritual Energy and which doesn’t flow from point A to point B!! Instead, it moves in a continual process of unfolding and expanding, and the way in which we are moving with it is what influences our life experience.
We are Travelers
When we evolve our own concepts of success, achievement, and growth to define our journey within this framework, we can understand that to be in the flow of our evolution is like a 5-dimensional dance of creation which has MANY possibilities and paths. And from that broader perspective, our experience of life can be forever improved and expanded!
For me, the following quote captures so much of how I define my own inner and outer journey, and it has helped me experience life with more calm and steadiness because it reminds me of the bigger picture and how I am invited to play in it.
“We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.”
Like the petals opening on a flower, moving in all directions simultaneously, one unfolding on top of the next one, and interwoven in their movement and their play of forms and shapes, your Creative and Spiritual Energy is moving simultaneously in a rhythmic pattern to the fullness of your soul expression. While it is still always ever EVOLVING!
The Grand Perspective
When we are born, we drop in through the layers of eternity, folding space and time and accepting the amnesia and limitations within the physical reality of this holographic universe, and we take on a body in the human form. From a soul level, with its unlimited and expanded view, we are ready for this dance that's about to unfold.
Once we find ourselves within the dimensions of time and space, we reach for our purpose, and we do this instinctively and naturally. As our lives go on, however, and we navigate hardships and disappointments, the idea that we are on a linear path becomes deeply ingrained.
As a Hypnotherapist, where I have the privilege of healing many people's conditions not only from their current life situations, but also through past-life regression therapy, I have come to experience so many of their stories, and now see the process of life’s journey from an expanded viewpoint.
We might like to think that there is a definite path designed for us which, as long as we walk carefully enough on it, will ensure our journey is a smooth one, but I can tell you that this is not the case.
“Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others, past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future”
We do not come here for perfection, or to get it all ‘right’, as this would be very boring. We come here simply to experience life and to be of service. From a soul perspective, as ‘nonphysical’, it is impossible to create a physical reality, so we choose life as a human in order to interact with and experience our universe, and we come into this existence with a blueprint of what we hope to achieve within the experience.
Throughout the time we spend on earth, our growth many times looks messy and takes many twists and turns as unpredictable events are thrown at us. Because of this unpredictability, there are times for all of us when we are either more, or less, aligned with our blueprint. Yet, the beautiful truth is that there are always new opportunities and chances to re-align ourselves more closely with our original intention as we learn from our struggles.
Even when we are really flowing along, we are truly never done with growing and adapting; and this is by design as the non-linear path we travel is meant to be a constant evolution. Life is dynamic, and each morning we receive a new opportunity to create a magnificent experience on this playground we have chosen.
Aligning with Our Blueprint
In my course, Awaken Your Life, I teach many techniques for raising vibration, shifting mental states, centering, coming into energetic alignment, and aligning with your original blueprint.
I teach my students that our blueprint can be compared to that of a house which an architect draws out as the perfect plan for a beautiful structure on a solid foundation. He does take the terrain into account, but after the building is completed, there is no way that he can predict what will take place. The outer influences such as the weather and passage of time, as well as the interior influences such as the energy of the place and spiritual influences, as well as the living conditions of the family occupying the home, all play a role in the maintenance of that home.
This is the same for us as we have our blueprint in place when we enter this physical reality. Our DNA is part of our blueprint and, as we make choices within our environment and our lifestyle, we influence the ‘turning on and off’ of certain DNA. We have the blueprint of our DNA structure in us, but not all of it necessarily needs to turn on. For example, the predisposition toward having heart issues may exist in your DNA, but if you lead a consciously healthy lifestyle the heart issues don’t necessarily become activated in your experience. In the same way, all aspects of your blueprint are like a path laid out, with flexibility given to you to move within the highest design of possibilities.
Consider this viewpoint: Your choices are yours alone to make and they will affect your experience of life, while your blueprint is the outline of your potential as a creative and spiritual being in physical form. You are always a part of the whole, while how you define your physical journey is your personal contribution to the grander design.
“I am older than the first vapors of Heaven, or the first baby star that was born out of the womb of the blue Heavens. I was born before life opened its eyes on earth’s cradle. I was born, and my mind worked beneath my skiey skull. My thoughts spread in the veins of the all-pervading Cosmic Rays and tingled in the space cells of my finite body. I breathed the breath of life into everything.
I am the oldest in existence, for it is my One self, my One memory, which has been thinking through all the human brains of all incarnations in all Eternity.
Yes, it was I who sang through the birds of centuries and I who played the flutes of atoms. It was I who made the ornaments of diamond planets, ruby starlets, and blue sapphires to decorate my skiey body. Yes, I slept many times in many lives in caves of diamonds, in the bower of rose petals, in the breasts of bluebirds, and in countless babies.
But, as I awoke in the Omnipresent minds of super-men, I remembered that I was the same One, the oldest, the One who had been thinking, working, laughing, coming and going, and waking and sleeping, in the bowers of countless brains.
All souls who have known this, know that they too are As Old as I.”
The Unlimited Potential
It is truly wonderful that even within the limitations of physical existence, we have the capacity to imagine beyond our current experience to see our connectedness with the Divine. If we could truly understand how one lifetime is just a millisecond compared to the grandeur of who we are at our core, we could then begin to truly be in the flow of allowing our current life’s journey to unfold while having a greater sense of trust and peace in the inevitable expansion we are here to cultivate.
There has never been a traceable beginning and our energy expands in all directions simultaneously, no matter if we are consciously aware of it or not. There are energetic guidelines and ways to align ourselves within the flow of it all, but at the same time, we still need to understand that life is a process of endless evolution.
The non-linear path is all about continuing to evolve within whatever we’re experiencing.
From our physical vantage point, we can never fully see the bigger picture; so, what might look like chaos or destruction or failure to us might actually be one of the best things happening for us. And many times we don’t know this until events have passed, and we can see them from a grander perspective.
Being aligned with your own blueprint and with the flow of Creative and Spiritual Energy certainly informs and guides your experience in a much grander way. You can flow a lot more easily in your life within alignment, but you shouldn’t expect life to be perfect because that’s not what you came in came in for experiences.
No matter what those experiences are, remember that you are guided, always, into the next step of your evolution, and a bigger part of you is experiencing things through you and co-creating with you. There is no end to the path because it is not defined by one lifetime or even many lifetimes. Becoming comfortable with this fluid nature of your existence actually brings a sense of more stability into your current experience.
Let the Flow In
Allow yourself space for exploration in the internal realms of yourself. Don’t expect perfection from yourself or others, and don’t expect to know ‘why’ things are showing up. Set your intention to have the least amount of resistance in your mind and in your energetic field, and give yourself the space to be as much in alignment and in the flow with whatever each day brings that you can.
Having embraced this for myself, it is my joy and has become my passion to inspire and nurture others, especially women, on their own journeys. To me, this is undoubtedly a part of my blueprint, and I am honored to meet, to love, and to share in this way!
So much love to you on your unfolding journey,