Living in Multiple Dimensions, Part 2: Achieving the Shift from Within
In last week’s blog post, we covered the possibilities we have available to tune into multiple dimensions for guidance and support not only in our daily lives, but also in helping and healing others. While this may feel new and unfamiliar to our society today, ancient cultures understood this quite well.
Accessing Multiple Dimensions
Accessing multiple dimensions and bringing them forth for the benefit of others used to be something more exclusive that was the work of the Shaman in the village. It was vital for the Shaman to be able to tap into these multiple dimensions in order for the multi-layered levels of healing and guidance to come through and be received by the community. Shamans used to dedicate their lives to this purpose as their one mission, and their commitment was to hold the energy for the whole community. It was a responsibility that they grew into and took very seriously, and they would go on vision quests to consciously connect to the spirit world in order to receive clear messages and insights related to issues of their community. They also learned how to prepare sacred herbs in multi-layered ways in order to infuse spirit into the healing elements already present in the plant as they transformed them into healing salves and various teas, drinks, and so forth.
In the Mexican Shamanic tradition, the Curanderos and Curanderas, of which I have the honor of being part of the lineage, also work in multiple dimensions which is an art form that is still being taught today. My teacher, Starr Fuentes, who is the 23rd lineage holder of this sacred tradition, once shared with me the experience she had with her teacher, Esperanza. Starr had been with her teacher for some time and had become impatient as she had come to the curanderas and the village, and specifically her teacher Esperanza, to learn from her. Instead, she found herself being given all sorts of endless chores including sweeping driveways and cleaning up after the others! It wasn’t until one day, as she was washing Esperanza's laundry, that she noticed that she could see shapes and colors coming off the clothes. This was the moment that changed everything for her as she realized that she had been learning from Esperanza all along without any verbal communication having ever been consciously exchanged. She had been receiving the downloads without awareness prior to that, and the energetic information would continue to grow and unfold for her as she would develop in her own abilities.
Today, through it being more widely accessible, anyone can learn the process of accessing these realms, and taking a class on Shamanic Journeying, for example, is just one possibility of an easy way to begin this process.
Other Ways to Awaken to Multiple Dimensions
There are many ways to awaken to multiple Dimensions. Through wonderful tools like meditation and yoga, as well as darkroom retreats and other forms of eliminating the outside world for a while, we illuminate the inside world and tune in to higher frequencies and dimensions naturally. Through the understanding that we are multidimensional, and live in a multidimensional universe, we naturally begin the process of awakening to our potential.
When I created my course, Awaken Your Life - A Course in Conscious Manifestation, I created it in multiple octaves that can be uncovered as each person experiences the course in the layers of the dimensions that lie within the information. There are seven modules, just like the seven major music notes which become one octave, and each module has seven lessons to it. The lessons are basically the ‘notes’ and the modules are the ‘octaves’. This course has seven octaves to it and each one is multi-layered in dimension. When one begins the course, they uncover their own first layer of clearing, healing, and expanding, simultaneously. And whenever they have worked through one layer, they are moving to the next higher octave within the same material. This allows them to also begin the process of working in multiple dimensions as it expands their own awareness and influences how they show up in life for themselves and others. Life becomes easier to handle and more colorful as a natural result.
Because I have learned this process and embodied it for myself, the elements of my Awaken Your Life course enable my students to also access that for themselves; it is creating an opening in them. When they’re taking the course, it opens that possibility within them and enables them to be more conscious in multiple dimensions.
The students who have finished the course have said to me, “Wow...what a journey! I realize that this is something that I will continue to grow with, and I plan to return to the beginning to start again with the course from the new level of awakening I have now reached!”
Each time they do this, the richness of experience of their life continues to naturally be enhanced. As clearing takes place, healing naturally occurs, their life continues to become richer in all aspects including their relationships with themselves and others because if they are shifting from within, life around them continues to reorganize itself to a much grander experience.
“When you are shifting from within, life around you reorganizes itself to a much grander experience.”
At this time, the course is only available to women simply because I lead the group through a journey and interact with the students in a private Facebook group. In order to allow for more vulnerability and open sharing, I keep the Facebook group with only one gender. But, if men are interested, I will definitely consider creating a group for them as the information is universal. I will be reopening the course soon, and women can sign up on the waitlist, here.
Our Responsibility
I want to make the point that we always emit energetic grids which are patterns of frequency that hold certain vibrations, and this is happening whether or not we are consciously aware of them. As healers and teachers, it is important to control our state and become conscious of the frequencies we send in order to hold the highest space for someone else.
The more conscious we become as we learn to work in these dimensions and emit these octaves on the conscious level, the more vital it becomes to always be humble and aware of the frequencies we emit. It also becomes vitally important that the more energy we hold for others the more careful we are not to overstep boundaries. Because we have the capability of accessing and working in multi-dimensional realms, we are given a huge responsibility that we need to consider in every situation so that we do not take this lightly. It is even more important that we do not come from a place of ego, but from a place of pure connection as we are being guided within multi-dimensional work in co-creation with Source. When you are given the key to open the doors, it is up to you to step through them and tread carefully as you respect the free will of others and stay in the highest integrity.
Enjoy the unfolding and opening that this gift has to offer to you!