How to Invite Angels Into Your Life
The beautiful frequencies of Angels are always around us, but in our everyday lives we tend to forget about tuning into them, and neglect to remember that we have their assistance available to us at any time.
Angels are here to help and guide us; it is their job to assist us and all living creatures, as well as assist in holding and improving the energy of this planet.They have a sacred contract and mission that they are here to fulfill as part of the whole of creation.
They can be our best friends and our greatest assistance from the etheric realm, once we acknowledge their presence and actively invite them in.
It is important to note that within the realm of Angels there is a hierarchy, and there are also fallen Angels, which makes it vital to know who to consciously call in.
This writing is on our Guardian Angels, the Archangels, as well as First-, Second- and Third-Order Angels, as they are the ones I primarily work with.
Angels in My Life
I was officially introduced to the Archangels of the Elements over 10 years ago when I took a class and learned about them and the wonderful assistance they offer in our lives. Looking back, however, I know and remember that my own Guardian Angel has always been by my side, and I can feel her presence with me all the time. I trust in her guidance, as I know that we are co-creating this experience together.
When I was attuned to the Archangels of the Elements, it created an immediate connection to them and their energies, which has never left me. It is so powerful to feel their presence by my side and to be able to call upon them in all the situations of my life, knowing that they have my back.
Their energy naturally flows through me in every session I do and enhances the space I work in exponentially, as their beautiful, uplifting energies amplify everything.
Light during our Archangels of the Elements class reflected in a Crystal
How Present are Angels in Your Own Life?
In your everyday experience, do you notice Angels on a regular basis? You can perceive the presence of Angels by paying attention to seeing numbers repeated when you look at the clock, license plates, and maybe even store receipts, and any other places where you find numbers every day. Many times these number repetitions are signs from either your guidance, or your Angels, and it is up to you to notice them. In addition, you may notice little signs like a feeling of either warming or cooling energy in situations as the energy of Angels is mostly a cooling presence. Angel formations in the clouds are many times clear signs of their bigger presence as they move through areas. Once again, it is up to us to pay attention and notice them.
Do you ask for the help of Angels for new inspirations and guidance when you want to create new things in your life? Do you know how to ask for their assistance when you're driving, or when you feel you need protection, in need of healing or when you want to manifest certain things?
They are waiting for you and are ready to work with you in powerful ways, as they are the instruments of God.
“Learning about the Archangels was so amazing. I was never sure if Angels were real, but now I know for sure they are. The angels are waiting for our call and they show up. I feel them around me now. When I first connected to each Angel in class, it was so powerful to feel the unique energy of each. Their energy is so powerful and I feel loved and cared for. Silke is a great spiritual teacher for me as she makes things clear and simple.”
When we have the capacity to call upon our connection with the Archangels, it can be very powerful and it has thus served me in my own life on many occasions. One of the occasions, which unfolded during a retreat I was attending, beautifully illustrates this.
And the Angels Came, A True Story
Several years ago, I was invited to a women’s retreat for a weekend which involved rejuvenating activities like yoga, meditation, and Reiki.
Several of my students were doing Reiki treatments on others and Rebecca, who was facilitating healing for several people, started feeling ill after she was done, so I offered to help her.
While I worked on healing her and was looking into the sky, I was guided to specifically call upon Archangel Raphael. I intuitively knew in that moment that this powerful Angel’s healing energy would be available to Rebecca and assist me in clearing her systems.
I wanted to share her story with you to show you the amazing possibilities to which we all have access when we are attuned to these energies.
Rebecca’s Story ‘AND THE ANGELS CAME’
I cannot say enough about my experiences with Energy Healing and with Silke. I have had multiple Healing and Hypnosis sessions with Silke and have always walked away feeling better. I have been a sufferer of a condition called Ulcerative Colitis since 2014 and I have taken many different medical approaches prior to the healing sessions.
While on a retreat with Silke and other wonderful ladies, I came down with extreme nausea and a migraine. Because of the spiritual nature of the retreat, conventional medicine was not available, but Silke offered her assistance and felt drawn outside to allow the negative toxins to be released.
She called in the Archangels and we could feel the energy shift in the air and the sky around us and, in the most profound moment of healing, I felt as if an intense weight was lifted off of me. When my session felt complete, we invited everyone to join us in the area where the healing had taken place and everyone present could feel and see the Angelic presence, as well.
The following week, I noticed that all the symptoms - that even my Ulcerative Colitis medicine did not fully remove - had disappeared. While I still take my medicine, the side effects have not appeared and the Ulcerative Colitis symptoms that I usually deal with daily, even while on my medication, have completely gone away. In addition, the medicine that I am on can cause liver and kidney problems, and after recent blood tests, neither of those have presented themselves in me.
-Rebecca Perantoni
You can watch her story here on my YouTube Channel.
The Angels expressed through the clouds during the healing
How to Set Sacred Space With the Angels
The beautiful frequencies of the Angels truly are always around us, but the question is, “How often are we tuning into them?” One wonderful way to do this is to set a sacred space to bring yourself more easily into connection and alignment with these frequencies.
If you have previously taken my ‘7 Days to A Sacred Home’ challenge, you will already be familiar with the elements of creating a sacred space. For new inspiration, I am sharing this information to bring the Angels’ frequencies into your space!
Items for an Angel-themed sacred space
White cloth
Feathers (angel’s wings)
Pictures of angels
Angel statue(s)
Crystals associated with the Angels like Angelite and Celestite
White candle
Scent of Samadhi Incense
Lourdes Gold resins
Collect the objects you would like to have in your space.
Place your white cloth down in your chosen area and smooth it out with your hands.
Consciously connect each object with the Angels
Place each object on the cloth thoughtfully.
Light the white candle while thinking of the Angels and their qualities that you want to bring into the space.
Angel Altar
No matter where you are in your awareness of the presence of Angels, it is always within your ability to consciously choose connection with them. Setting an Angel-themed sacred space will help you bring yourself more easily into connection and alignment with these frequencies.
As you expand in consciousness, why wouldn’t you want to fully engage and cooperate with the Angels?
You can go the ‘slow’ route on your own, or you can be on the fast track by learning from someone who knows how to connect with the Angels, expands your field, and facilitates quick downloads of their energies to you.
Get On the Fast-Track to Connecting with Your Angels
Next weekend I will be teaching my ‘Archangels of the Elements’ class. It’s actually been a year since I last taught this, and the impact on all my students from that class has been deep and profound. They still tell me all the time how much this class has impacted them.
“It has been 3 months since taking the Archangels of the Elements course with Silke. I still think often about the wonderful experiences and loving energies that were surrounding me while I was there. Knowing now, how to be present with them, I call upon them regularly and can feel my connection growing stronger every day. They are always available to help - you just have to know how to ask! No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, this course is sure to have a positive impact. For me, it was truly life-changing. Thank you, Silke.”
You, too, can learn about the Archangels and use this information to benefit yourself and others for the rest of your life. If you are ready to dive deep into the beautiful energies that the Angels have to offer, I want to invite you to join this upcoming in-person class. You will learn how to set sacred space for each Archangel individually, as well as SO MUCH more.
Through being immersed in the information I will share with you, and being attuned to the Angel’s energies in this two-day class, you will walk away knowing how to call upon and connect with Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael in depth. These attunements are like a speed-dial to the Archangels’ energies and their guidance that you intuitively receive when you are tuned in to their frequency.
You will learn the specific uses of each Angel’s energies, and the symbols associated with these energies, so you know how to apply them in your daily life. In addition, I will guide you through meditations to the Angels to deepen your immediate connection so you can experience them more intimately. And you will walk away with an understanding of healing tools for each Archangel which will empower you for profound transformation and for creating and manifesting your goals in line with your Divine Soul Path.
This course includes a manual with detailed instructions and Angel Cards of the four Archangels with their symbols for you to take home and use to enhance your intentions to invite the Angels into your life. While there is no prerequisite for this class, space is limited to 9 people with a minimum class size of 4 people.
Archangels of the Elements
My ‘Archangels of the Elements’ class offers a fast-track to the high Angelic Frequencies and is LIFE-CHANGING because some of this information you cannot get in any books; it is information that has been handed down directly to me. It will give you extra support for yourself, your family, and deeper levels of healing for your clients. Just imagine how empowered you will feel as you walk through life knowing that you now have this connection; this direct line, straight to these Angels whom you can call upon, at will!
The next class will be held June 8th from 10am-5pm & 9th from 10am-5pm 2019
with Silke Tyler MHt, in Clarksville TN.
Space is limited, last day to register is June 5th 2019
Click this link to learn more and to register so you can experience the huge transformation and life-changing shifts in your frequency!
Remember, the Angels are ALWAYS available to us. In fact, they are waiting for you to call upon them and want to begin connecting more deeply with you. Since you are reading this blog, take this as a confirmation.