The Power of Reiki
Reiki has been interwoven in my life for such a long time now that it is hard to imagine what life was like before. Once I knew of the empowerment that this healing modality had to offer, there was no turning back for me.
Reiki initially came to me in 1994 through my own healing journey out of postpartum depression after my son, Daniel was born. Seeing the immense effects this energy had on my emotional state, I began to pursue my path, eventually going from being a client to learning how to become a Reiki Healer, myself.
Prior to officially becoming an Usui Reiki Master in 2006 through the International Center for Reiki Training, I had already been attuned several times to Reiki 1 and 2, and to Reiki Master in 2005 through a friend of mine; and I had experienced and practiced this art of healing on myself as well as my friends and family for several years.
Up until that point, most of the benefits I had experienced were more on the mental and emotional level, but that would soon change.
The Accident which Initiated a New Level of Awareness
It was shortly after I had become a Reiki Master in 2005, that our family had bought new bikes. We rode our bikes for the first time in our neighborhood with my husband Tim leading the way, followed by our sons, Phillip, who was seven years old, and 10-year old Daniel, with me bringing up the rear. At one point, we approached a big hill that Daniel was going down, and as I was still making my way toward it, I heard crying coming from the bottom of it. Tim and Phillip were already there to console our son, Daniel, as he had clearly crashed at the bottom of that hill. We found out that he hadn't used his brakes correctly, had ended up falling over the steering wheel, tried to support his fall with both his arms and had broken both his wrists.
I immediately got Daniel into the car and drove him to the emergency room, and this is where the story of Reiki’s ability to affect physical healing now begins.
While driving, it was so empowering to be able to console Daniel and already mellow out the energy just by sending Reiki to him. And while we were waiting in the emergency room and throughout the long process of x-rays and assessments that day, being able to physically work on calming down his system as well as physically affect change on the injuries felt amazing, even though I didn't yet know how much difference I was making.
We were eventually told that Daniel had suffered a basic break on his right wrist, and a more complicated break on his left wrist. He received a cast on the right, and would need surgery for the left one. Throughout the whole process, and even after we got home, we continuously did Energy Healing on it as I had taught my boys the basics of Reiki throughout the time I had been learning them. We didn’t have any fancy set-up at the house, but just put up a massage table in our living room and had Daniel lie down every day to receive the Reiki Healing. Phillip might not have stayed focused for long periods, with the typical attention span of a 7-year old, but I know that the impact he made was still profound, and it was so heartwarming to see him working to help his brother heal.
The Healing Journey
As the day of Daniel’s surgery approached, I applied the techniques of long-distance healing, which are part of Reiki 2 and involved already projecting and moving the energy into the space in which the surgery would be held. This was to encapsulate the energetic intention of a positive outcome throughout the surgery prior to it actually taking place. Of course, I got to be there with him on the day of the surgery, and while sitting outside in the waiting room, I continuously sent Reiki to Daniel as well as his surgical team for everything to be easy, harmonious, and well.
When he came out of anesthesia, it was amazing to see how quickly Daniel bounced back with no noticeable side effects from the anesthesia, and everyone was amazed at how easy it was for him to just be up and going and moving. In the time that followed, whenever they would check his left arm and take x-rays, they were simply amazed at how quickly the arm was healing.
“The healing of the right arm was even more amazing as, within three weeks, the break was completely healed as compared to most cases of that type of break which are expected to take 6-12 weeks.”
The healing of the right arm was even more amazing as, within three weeks, the break was completely healed as compared to most cases of that type of break which are expected to take 6-12 weeks. They were able to remove the cast and Daniel did not require a sling or anything else as everything was perfect and the bone had miraculously healed. The team consisting of the doctor and nurses working with us was absolutely amazed at Daniel's speed and ability to heal.
We were feeling very confident about the whole process and were continuing to do Reiki on the left arm almost on a daily basis after seeing the fast results of healing.
And then, at one checkup, they discovered that the bone along with the pin that was holding it in place had slipped. This was devastating at first, as I had been trusting that the healing was continuing. And then I realized that the reason for this was simply a matter of Daniel using his arm and picking things up when maybe he shouldn't have, and at that moment the slip must have occurred.
Now we were faced with a second surgery, where they would place a metal plate in his wrist in order to avoid any more possibility of another slip.
We continued Reiki up until the surgery, and I used Reiki once again prior to and throughout his surgery, with the same results of fast recovery for him after the surgery. And this is where the story of the miraculous power of Reiki truly becomes interesting.
The Defining Moment
When the doctor came to me after the surgery, he expressed with a sense of shock that he had never seen anyone build bones as quickly as Daniel had. In fact, his words were, “I don't know what is going on here, but I have never seen anyone build bone at such a rate as your son.”
“I don’t know what is going on here, but I have never seen anyone build bone at such a rate as your son.”
He then explained that when he had Daniel in surgery, he found that there was all this newly developed bone that had grown over the area which needed to be fused, and unfortunately he had needed to scrape it all out and start over in order to align the bones. This was clearly extraordinary, and since then I also learned how to align areas of the body back into their original position, which makes me even more curious about the possibility that existed in healing this area.
From that point Daniel's recovery was quick and, within several weeks, everything was once again healing at a rapid pace to the astonishment of the doctor and the nurses who were examining him. In fact, they felt so confident after one visit that they said they expected to be able to remove the cast during the following visit, which was to be a week later.
During that time life was busy and we didn't have an opportunity to apply Reiki on Daniel's arm, but we figured it would be okay since he had been healing so quickly. We learned during the next visit that we were wrong, as his healing had now slowed down. This was shown by the x-ray, and we were then informed that they would not be able to remove the cast as they had predicted. They suggested we come back in another week to check once again with the hope of possibly removing the cast at that time and having Daniel's arm in a sling, thereafter.
“That was the defining moment when I knew, for sure, that it was truly the Reiki which was making the difference, and not just Daniel’s outrageous ability to heal and build bone at a much faster rate than any other kids out there.”
That was the defining moment when I knew, for sure, that it was truly the Reiki which was making the difference, and not just Daniel’s outrageous ability to heal and build bone at a much faster rate than any other kids out there.
During that week we made sure that we used Reiki healing almost daily, with my little son, Phillip, assisting me and Daniel using Reiki on himself, as well. When we returned to the doctor’s office the following week, they took another x-ray of his arm and, this time, it was completely healed with no need for a sling.
During the last visit, the doctor and I had a chance to talk about Daniel’s healing and he asked me more specific questions as to what we had been doing in order to heal Daniel’s wrists so quickly. It was at that time that he informed me that they did have a machine that simulates something similar, where it applies a slight bend to the bone in order to induce more rapid healing and building of the bone, but that he had definitely never seen anything like this without the use of such equipment.
The Miracles of Vibrational Healing
This is still amazing to me, even today, despite the fact that I have seen many miracles in the years since and continue to experience them in my practice.
The idea that something as subtle as vibration, which we cannot even measure, is able to reach through a cast into the arm and induce powerful healing and bone-building effects is still mind-blowing to me now, even though I know it really happened!
And, for me as a mom, this experience has shaped our lives and empowered my kids at such an early age to use Healing Energy on themselves. It is so wonderful for them to know that they have this capability within them.
My Wish For You
This is what I truly wish for every person to know: The capability for channeling this Healing Energy is within you as well; it is something you can learn. In fact, it is something that has been innately given to you already, and you just have ‘forgotten’ how to tune into that frequency. And this is where Reiki classes will align you back to your true origin as the healer that you already are.
I have now been teaching Reiki since 2006; at first more privately to gain experience and become confident in my ability as a teacher, and then fully branching out with official classes in October 2014 when several women asked me when I would finally begin to teach an official class. So, thanks to Andria Channels and Kim McPherson, who wouldn't allow me to procrastinate on this any longer, they along with Petra Kela and Mickey Steen became my first official Reiki Master graduates.
Reiki Master class
I have now built a wonderful Reiki community of Reiki Healers, online and offline. It gives me such pleasure to initiate others into the healing powers of Reiki, and most of all to empower them in their lives to then be able to transfer those gifts to others.
May you be enriched and empowered by this story and, if you're interested in studying Reiki with me, then check out my calendar of events and you can learn more about my Reiki classes here. My next Reiki 1 class will be April 6th 2pm-5pm and 7th 10am-6pm 2019 in Clarksville, TN.