Tapping into YOUR Joy
I am going to make a bold statement here, and say that deep joy and contentment can be a constant in life.
When we find ourselves not experiencing this as a constant in our daily experience, it is not because of our circumstances or situation...it is because we are not consciously maintaining ourselves in the vibration that is consistent with that.
The truth is that the best times any of us have experienced in life have always been so wonderful because during those times we were connected to our deepest core and Source. And we did not have to be consciously aware of that for us to feel so great . . . in fact, we most often were NOT aware!
Think back on those times when you have perhaps gone to a spiritual workshop, or a high-vibe gathering. You felt ‘up’ when you were surrounded in that flow with others in a positive environment and situation! But once you left, and got back to daily life, you either lost that vibe, or found it challenging to tap back into it. And remember those feelings of being in love, and the sensations of elation you felt? What if I told you that the core of those feelings actually stemmed from your closeness to Source during those times, even though you believe it came from the other person and your affection toward each other?
These misconceptions all too often develop an internal false belief that being in high vibration is random and not something you can achieve consistently. Because we loved how we felt when we WERE surrounded with that vibration, we seek out the next opportunity for such an experience and end up sort of believing that the ‘next event’ is the best way to feel that connection, again.
“Most people live in the world without;
few have found the world within, yet the world within makes the world without.”
When our positive emotions feel random and not very long lasting, we tend to believe it must be because our circumstances have changed, and we can truly struggle to find a way to feel balanced, uplifted, and whole again!
This assumption leads to us chasing after ‘circumstances’ and doing what we can to ‘control’ outcomes. Haven’t we ALL done this at times in our lives?
Of course, doing what we can in our physical existence to improve any aspect of our lives is absolutely vital. Yet, no matter what we try, it will always be true, in our human experience, that circumstances shift, change is the one constant in our experience!
While it is important to have others around us who can take us in their arms and nurture us, we should create a balance of also remembering that we have the ability to return to a higher vibration by tuning in to Source directly. We should develop the techniques to do that so we tap into our joy!
Beautiful and nurturing relationships with the people we surround ourselves with, as well as access to practitioners who are trained in aligning us back into that space of high vibration, are important resources in our daily lives, for sure. You should never feel that you have to do it alone! However, an equally vital component to our overall well-being is to have our own practice and tools in place to align ourselves independent of any outside person or circumstance.
I have found that the most useful Spiritual Teachings to help navigate the constant changes in this life are those which enable us to maintain balance and internal high-vibes despite outward changes in our experience.
Methods of self-empowerment and alignment with Source are what I teach in my classes and also enable in my clients. I know from my own experience how vital these tools are, when we are thrown off track by outside circumstances and need to find a way back into equilibrium.
“When our ‘vibrational sense’ is harmonized,
it is the true way to our deep contentment and joy!”
Living life in this physical reality is not always blissful as we go through our human experience, but my Spiritual practice of realigning myself on all levels with the highest vibrations always helps me come back to my center. This is not something that is exclusive to me or someone who has been meditating for a long time. The same sequence of techniques I use can be practiced by anyone.
Yet, in our very sensory world, we have most often only developed our physical senses, so we don’t have a consistent mindful awareness of our vibrational ‘sense’ and how to return to alignment with it. When this ‘vibrational sense’ is harmonized, it is the true way to our deep contentment and joy.
Universal Law is ‘as within, so without’. But, mental and emotional shifts only get you so far . . . it’s in the VIBRATIONAL shift where the Secret really lies!
As my Gift to you here is my Heart Meditation, which will take you to a deeper connection with your heart space to raise your vibration in a gentle, loving way.
And if you want to dive deeper with me, my course Awaken Your Life - A Course in Conscious Manifestation provides the road-map to develop your vibrational sense, and establish a more consistent connection with your own joy and fulfillment!