How to truly make room for Abundance to flow into Your Life (Part 2)
In this 2-part series, I am exploring the concept of consciously co-creating with Source, and how to make room for abundance to flow into your life from different angles. Part 1 showed you different ways of looking at abundance, and in the second part of this series I will provide you with practical tips for what you can do for abundance to be consciously activated in your life.
To create room for abundance, it is important to first look at your life by honestly assessing how your internal belief system is influencing your external state, and vice versa. Let's look at actions that are required to allow prosperity to flow into your life, followed by practical tips on how to bring it in.
Ways to Activate Abundance - De-cluttering and ‘Letting Go’ in Your Physical Space
Organizing your home
Your home is meant to be your sanctuary, a domain which shelters you and to which you can return to for safety and comfort. When you walk into your space, it should greet you in a welcoming way, and you should feel surrounded by items and people you love.
When there is clutter and disorganization in your home, it sends signals of unease to your subconscious, no matter if you are acknowledging this on a conscious level or not.
Getting rid of stuff that does not support feelings of pleasure will literally free energy in your system as your internal and external state can harmonize in positive ways with each other!
When you release things, no matter if they are sold, given to friends, or taken to consignment stores, you have the power to create the intention that the person who is on the receiving end can benefit from this gift and that their life will be enhanced from this. (Of course, only give things to friends that they will actually want in their lives.)
Organizing your closets
Starting your morning by opening up a clean closet of clothes which are organized, where you can find your favorite outfits, will send signals of pleasure to you right from the beginning of your day.
Seeing your beautiful clothes will also naturally enhance feelings of the abundance of beautiful things you have around you. Finding your clothes with ease, without having to search, also frees up time in your day, and brings in feelings of flow and alignment within your patterns.
Creating Sacred Space
Having a space in your home that is just yours, a space that holds some of your favorite spiritual tools, is a vital component in the process of creating abundance for yourself.
This space lets you know that it is always there to help you connect to your spiritual practice, and therefore allows you to tune in to yourself as well as your higher guidance, quickly.
Your sacred space can be just a small area such as the top of a dresser or a table in a corner, or it can be a whole room or your whole house. It can hold items such as crystals, tools for clearing energy, pictures of your loved ones, trinkets, etc., as well as crystal grids and any other tools that enhance your spiritual practice.
Creating Sacred Space
Paying your bills
When you let your bills sit, it creates a natural tension in your mind as you are aware of the task that still needs to be accomplished, and it feels unsettling. When you take a moment to pay your bills on time, it signals to your brain that you are already abundant and you have the finances to pay the bills.
Shifting your mindset into the frequency of money flowing to you in order to always have what you need will activate this in your field, and must eventually show up in physical reality. Trust that it will, even if the evidence is not present in your life yet.
When my family and I started our bakery in the year 2000, and we went from a secure income into the unknown and the struggles that self-employment would bring, I wrote out the sentence, ‘I believe in infinite abundance and my needs are always met’. I strategically put this message in places where I would see it continuously.
I would also tell myself these words many times throughout the day, until I started believing in this phrase, and then, eventually, it became an undoubted fact. Now, this is something that I know to be true and more!
“I believe in infinite Abundance, and my needs are always met!”
Think of this when you are paying your bills: How abundant must you be that all these companies like electric, water, phone, cable etc. provide services to you prior to getting paid, as they place their trust in you? They already believe that you have the resources to pay them!
Your digital space
When we have an Inbox full of emails, too many apps that are draining our energy, and too much stimulation through social media, we can feel drained. Yet, it is not just our digital space that uses up energy. These things also take up space in the minutes and hours of our life, and sometimes even put pressure and feelings of guilt on us for not actively participating with others in these digital ‘communities’. Letting go of the baggage of additional social media spaces that are not elevating us is an important task in decluttering.
Mental and emotional space
For mental as well as emotional space, challenge yourself to really think about what you've been hanging on to that you can now let go of. Anything from the past that is still part of your field and does not elevate your thoughts actually clutters your emotional space and create dis-ease in you.
A simple shift in energy to realize that it is not in your highest interest to hang on to old stuff, regardless, can bring you into an awareness of giving yourself permission to let it go. Sometimes the feeling of having to be ‘right’ will take over dominance in your mind, but when room is allowed for this to be released, it will free up energy that can now be used in a positive way.
Energetic Clearing
Energetically clearing your space is a vital component of keeping a high-vibe environment where creativity can flow and abundance can be created. There are certainly many ways of clearing space energetically, and one commonly used one is smudging. To learn how to smudge, you can go to my website here to get more information. In my 5 Days to Activating Abundance Challenge I'm hosting from December 10th through the 15th, I also teach how to clear space without any outside tools. You can still sign up through this link now and participate.
Clearing Space with Palo Santo
Tools for Activating Abundance
On a Conscious Level
Tuning inward and being very clear on what Abundance represents for you, and asking for what you want from it is very important. Positive affirmations, visualization, journaling, and state control/shifting are primary ways to begin to alter how you move through life.
1. Post affirmations everywhere around your house especially next to, or on your, bathroom mirror. Make pretty and beautiful notes to yourself, writing them in the present tense like it has already happened.
2. Visualization can be done in moments of daydreaming and during meditation. Imagine at optimal visualization of who you want to be, and how you want to show up within yourself and in this world.
3.Create a Journal, collect quotes that inspire you, write down beautiful qualities about yourself, always in the present tense.
“If you love beauty, it’s because beauty lives within you. If you love art, it’s because you are creative. If it wakes up your heart, a receptor for it already exists within you. Your soul is drawn to the things that will help you unfold your most glorious expression. Give in.”
4. State control simply means that you have tools available to bring yourself into a state of alignment and well- being, no matter what is going on around you. When you realize that old patterns are taking over, and you become fully aware of the program you are running, you can then also choose to shift them. This can be done by shifting your thoughts, your body language, and your emotions by thinking of positive events in your life and things that bring you joy. This is where the affirmations and visualizations will take root, as it now becomes easier to shift yourself in a positive vibration because your system will be more willing to accept the new concepts! I will dive deep into more advanced techniques on state control in my upcoming online course ‘Awaken Your Life’ where I will show you practical tools, that will enable you to shift yourself into any state for the rest of your life.
On a Subconscious Level
Your system is like a computer, where every experience you ever had throughout time is stored inside your body as well as in your field, like a hologram. When anything in your life happens, regardless of the impact, your unconscious searches your database for previous information and bases your reaction on the most dominant occurrence.
In my work with my clients through Hypnotherapy and Energy Healing I help each person tap into and shift their system on that unconscious level either in-person or long-distance. These modalities have proven to be most effective at the core level, where we store all programs and triggers in our subconscious.
Feng Shui Abundance Bowl
The Key to Making Room for Abundance - Building a Bridge Between the Conscious and Subconscious Levels
All these tools will build a bridge between the conscious and unconscious levels as your brain waves are being altered through the process of repeating positive affirmations as well as the entrainment through your organized spaces. Your subconscious will eventually accept these shifts as true, and will naturally replace outdated files, as they are no longer in alignment with the new patterns that you are creating.
With all these tools at your fingertips, the most important element is for you to just begin.
Making the commitment to yourself in order to improve your life, and therefore the life of everyone around you, is one of the most beneficial things you can do for yourself to truly start activating abundance in your life. It is up to YOU to make room for it. Have FUN doing so!