The Trances We Are In
Have you ever considered the idea that you are constantly in a state of trance?
Without some knowledge and direction about how to ‘wake up’ from such a trance-like state, your everyday experience is filled with many induced preconceived ideas and misconceptions which govern, and therefore affect, your overall existence.
Since the way you currently lead your life was influenced long before you ever learned to speak, and without your conscious awareness, it takes a personal decision to seek a shift that will wake you up so you can live from an empowered consciousness.
How can I be living life in a trance?
Let’s consider what it is like to be living in our ‘trance’ and see how this is demonstrated in the action of something as ordinary as driving your car.
Even though your body, in sync with the car, is guiding you home through your muscle movement of turning the steering wheel, etc., you mostly spend your time thinking about many things other than the mechanics of driving the car as you travel. As your vehicle moves to your destination, your mind is immersed in your thoughts which may even show up as pictures running on a screen in front of you with scenes from the past or imagined visions of your future. You can arrive home with no conscious memory of what your vehicle passed because you were ‘somewhere else’ at the same time that you were in your car. This is the kind of trance I am referring to, here.
Self-induced trances also show up in the form of beliefs like, ‘I'm not good enough’, ‘I'm not loved’, ‘I don't have what it takes’, etc. They also show up in being a smoker who is ‘addicted’ and ‘needs’ the nicotine, issues with food, feeling anxiety and fear, and so forth.
It does not matter how many affirmations we tell ourselves and how much we try to shift within the level of our mind; if the subconscious is not in agreement and the root cause is not shifted at that level, we will still struggle to achieve lasting improvements in our lives because we are being influenced by the same patterns as before.
However, it is absolutely possible to change these old thought and behavior patterns into new beliefs such as ‘I am a non-smoker’, and ‘I love myself and therefore choose a healthy diet for my body which fuels me’ through transformational modalities. Shifting subconscious patterns can change anxiety about certain events into neutrality, and sometimes even into excitement about a situation that was causing anxiety before!
Misconceptions about trances and my view as a Hypnotherapist
Here is the interesting thing from my perspective as a Hypnotherapist . . .the commonly held belief is that hypnosis induces a trance!
So, this may seem shocking to you, at first, but, I actually guide people to clear their trances. When this has been achieved, my clients are then more capable of consciously co-creating with the Universe.
Hypnotherapy will not take you anywhere you are not ready to go.
First, let me assure you that in any hypnotherapy session, nobody but you runs your trances. So, without your willing consent on the conscious and subconscious levels, new ideas will not be induced nor can they take effect.
In clinical or suggestive hypnotherapy, you and I make an agreement to purposely take you out of a trance that doesn't serve you and induce a more positive way of thinking.
In regressive and progressive hypnotherapy, like past-life regression, you view experiences along your soul path and see the trances that stem from the original causes of issues which are currently influencing you in this lifetime. And within this immersion, we shift and heal this together so you can move forward without that particular trance still influencing you and therefore running your life.
Shifting the contents of your trance can really empower your life
One of my clients felt fear and anxiety about flying and came to me for help as she wanted to be free from this hold on her so she could enjoy flying to different locations. Together, we analyzed what this fear represented for her and how it was showing up. Even more importantly, we considered what she needed to hear on a conscious and subconscious level in order to believe the new program, or trance, that she wanted to have which would override the system of the belief she was carrying.
Through suggestive therapy, we were able to shift the contents of her trance into actual excitement about flying to the point that she now enjoys having a window seat and watching the scenery go by throughout the whole flight.
Trances are yours to change - becoming conscious of them is the start
While it is not always necessary to know the cause of the triggers that run your life in order to shift them, it does begin with conscious awareness of your patterns. This is something you can do right now.
Consider the relationship that you have with yourself and others, so you can attempt to discern the patterns you repeat in your behaviors/responses. While there is most likely an original cause that ‘makes’ you behave/respond in that particular way, you might either be aware that it stems from a much earlier event in your life, or you might not have any clue as to why it triggers you.
Just by taking some time to dissect your daily experiences, however, you begin to see that most of the time the thoughts of past events or future projections running through your mind are affecting your current behavior and responses. In fact, you may be surprised to find that you are rarely present in the moment.
“Your present experience is always being shaped and altered by those things which are running through your mind . . . things that have nothing to do with the present moment and that you have no control over. ”
I will certainly be one of the first people to raise my hand here and say, “Yep, that's me!” One of the side benefits of becoming a Hypnotherapist is overwriting my programs and taking myself out of my own trances. And there are those days when it can seem easier to be ‘in the moment’ and experience life more fully.
For example, last weekend I went with a friend of mine to the Opryland Hotel in Nashville since we have the privilege of living close to this wonderful place. While there in the midst of this magnificent space, it felt so easy for me to be in the present moment and fully enjoy what life has to offer. I felt so alive, and was able to let go of everything but being there in the moment with my dear friend in the beauty of my surroundings. Isn’t this just like when you go on vacation? You are immersed in the sights and sounds you are experiencing and therefore feel so alive and well!
Yet, while such experiences are wonderful and I love giving myself such opportunities when I can, we truly do not have to rely on being in an ideal physical environment to achieve this level of attunement and mindful presence.
What if you could take this same experience back to your daily life so you could experience everything around you in the same state of joy?
What if you could just be the observer in your life, and tap into everything you notice with a deep sense of discovery and newfound joy in the creation around you and the gratitude for all you are experiencing?
There truly is nothing holding you back other than your own mind!
Tune in to your subconscious to awaken your ability for more conscious joy
Even in the midst of unpleasant life circumstances, it is truly in your power to begin to shift those circumstances by starting from your own inner being. Everything always happens from within you and you really do have permission to change it.
When I begin to work with clients from their present situation, the first phase always begins with this presence in mind. This may seem counterintuitive as we want to change the outside circumstances, but we cannot change the outside world with the same vibration that we previously have carried. When we shift the vibration internally, that new vibration positively affects the external experience.
Perceive your life from new vantage points
My hope with this blog post is to encourage you to begin to look at your own trances in your everyday life and just begin to notice them. Becoming aware is the first step in consciously shifting the perception of your experience.
From there, begin to go deeper through journaling and begin to analyze areas of old patterns, etc., that you want to release.
Realize and remind yourself that you are not your thoughts, but simply the observer of them. And then begin to realize that you are not controlled by your trances, but can instead begin to break them apart and restructure them into a more present state of being.
You have permission to shine and be brilliant and react to any situation in the way you feel. Let go of the rules and restrictions and truly begin to view the creation of life from this magical place within you. The fact that you are here and and get to experience with all your senses is a miracle in itself!
May this Inspire and catapult you into a greater life experience for yourself!