How to truly make room for Abundance to flow into Your Life (part 1)
In this 2 part series I am exploring the concept of consciously co-creating with Source, and how you can make room for abundance to flow into your life from different angles.
To begin to understand the magnificence of the unlimited resources available to us, we can look at nature and the cosmos and the patterns within them. Through them we can see a very clear example of how there is never anything wasted and space is always created for the transformation of release and letting go of the ‘old’ to make room for expansion.
Like the interior of a seed which has its protective shell around it until it gets watered and nourished and is ready to break out of that shell, we as co-creators are in a similar position. When we have the inception of an idea, we often will mull it over and let it bounce around in our minds until it starts taking on more and more clarity. That idea is still being held safely in our minds until we are ready to express it and shape and create our reality from it.
“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.”
The energy of the planet, Saturn, represents that shell, that container, where that seed or idea is still being held. And yet, at the same time, the activation is inevitable as this seed/idea WANTS to be expressed outward eventually. It needs to have the fulfillment of taking on form at some stage of this process.
And then, once that seed has been nourished and nurtured it is just like a caterpillar cocooned in a chrysalis. It has all the resources already available in order to emerge as a butterfly, even though on the outside, it still looks like nothing is happening. This reminds us that it is always in the internal space where the transformation is taking place.
The potential abundance of what is already present within then takes form, yet it was always there! When we see the butterfly emerge from its original beginning as a caterpillar, we see the manifestation of the potential that was always there as it tests its wings and then goes soaring through the air.
Abundance is not only already present, it is A PRESENT - a gift from Source - and with the proper nourishment and the preparation of the ingredients inside the ‘container’, it shows up in the form of the physical manifestation as evidence!
“The activation of the seed of an idea is inevitable as it wants to eventually be expressed outwardly. It needs to have the fulfillment of taking on form at some stage.”
In the same way, when making room for abundance, you start with thoughts. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your mindset has been prepared properly so it has the capacity to be a powerful container from which the evidence of abundance can flow.
We can look at several Tarot cards to help us understand the inner thoughts we can apply in our lives and understand how the abundance of choices available requires our discernment so that we can more effectively focus our attention on those which we truly want to nurture.
Seven of Cups
When we look at the Seven of Cups, we see a man standing in the darkness of unfulfilled potential. In front of him are seven cups, each representing elements of human desire/emotion. These cups remind us of all the choices that are available to us, but eventually we are faced with having to decide which desires to focus on. Just seeing those cups is a reminder that there is so much abundance available from which we can choose. The concept of abundance being A PRESENT, a gift from Source, is expressed so clearly in those seven golden cups floating in the etheric realm of the sky.
But it is our responsibility to look beyond the ‘glitter’ so we can filter everything through our emotions and attain a true sense of what really suits us. This personal assessment is vital in our decision of what we choose to nurture in order for it to flourish.
We are reminded of this when we see how the top three cups form a triangle with the cup at each point representing the desires of the body, the mind, and the spirit. We are meant to seek and recognize the abundance we already have in all three areas and let this always guide us to maintain a balance within that triangle.
In your daily life, many times the overabundance of choices can feel like a burden and the concept of having to make a decision can even put you in a state of fear of making the ‘wrong’ choices. On the other hand, it can also lead to overwhelm and over indulgence. The Seven of Cups teaches you that within the realm of availability for all, you must turn inward and follow your guidance to know what is right for you.
In order to achieve this balance for yourself, you will want to become quiet in your internal space so you will know what your true desires are. By jotting down or journaling those ideas, you begin to make room for abundance that you might not have been tapping into.
While the Seven of Cups encourages us to decide from all our choices, the Nine of Cups represents that abundance that we’re all longing for.
Nine of Cups
The Nine of Cups represents the person who has overcome difficulties/challenges and has reached the state of being fulfilled and satisfied. There is a certain level of contentment represented in the man as we see him wearing a red hat which represents that his crown chakra is open. This means that he has obtained a higher level of wisdom. His arms, crossed over his heart chakra, implies however that he has his heart chakra is closed off, and he is therefore not fully able to enjoy the good life he has been working towards. This hints towards the importance of sharing our abundance and being careful not to limit ourselves, even when we have already reached a certain level of achievement.
As you apply this lesson towards making room for your own abundance, be conscious of maintaining a philosophy of generosity and flexibility toward others, as well as remain open for guidance to continuously flow to you.
Ten of Cups
Finally, we consider the Ten of Cups card which shows a couple standing together with ten cups stretched in an arch over their heads while two children dance nearby. This represents the TRUE FULFILLMENT of happiness that most people long for - the love of a family having their world together.
The triangle from the Seven of Cups has been spread across a rainbow arch together with the other cups to represent the fulfillment of the physical, spiritual, and mental planes. What was still just a possibility/an idea with the Seven of Cups, we now see fully manifested in the reality of the family happily standing in front of their world. The family’s happiness is clear and we see that their desires have been fulfilled. We can see the emotional impact of what it is like when our needs are met as it is so beautifully represented in this card and we can truly feel that abundance.
The Ten of Cups also represents the energy of the planet Jupiter which, in its truest form, brings us all the abundance and riches we could ever desire. Just like in the other examples, it is important for us to establish balance between the energetic influence represented through the planets Saturn and Jupiter by consciously choosing to weave their energies in tandem for harmonizing our goals.
The desire for abundance is a natural urge that inspires us to push forward and achieve from new vantage points. When you are thinking in terms of abundance and making room for it, keep in mind that it is not necessarily represented only in attainment of physical objects. We can and should desire to manifest abundance not only physically, but long to expand mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, as well.
“All is well, and you will never get it done. Life is supposed to be fun.”
You are an active participant in preparing the vessel of your thoughts from which you bring forth the seeds that will create your experience in life. You will be most successful in creating that environment and making room for your expansion when you remain conscious of this innate need for balance.
And always keep in mind, as expressed in the Abraham-Hicks quote above, life is supposed to be fun. And when you truly master the Art of manifesting abundance, you will have reached a new vantage point, and from this place a new desire will be born.
In next week’s Blog post, part 2 of HOW TO TRULY MAKE ROOM FOR ABUNDANCE TO FLOW INTO YOUR LIFE, I will give you practical tips that you’ll be able to apply in your life.
From my Garden