Childhood Memories, a Virus and a Miracle - Part 3
Here is the continuation of the story of the Symbol and the miracle it brought to me.
As I began to experience more flu-like symptoms, I surrendered and let go, and headed to bed for much-needed deep rest.
I realized that this was offering the opportunity for me to slow down to let my body recover from how much I had been pushing myself in the previous months.
The healer in me recognized that I needed to allow the space for it to just ‘be’ and also practice what I always preach to my clients. At that point, I didn't know for sure exactly what it was that was going through me, but I somehow felt calm and reassured within it.
It was in the quiet of my resting that I came across an anti-coronavirus symbol, which was presented in a slightly different form, through a forwarded message from a friend of mine. As I lay there feeling the effects of whatever virus I had succumbed to, I looked at this symbol and could feel energetically that there was still a higher essence to be distilled from it. I had the sense that it was still evolving.
Over a period of the next two days, as I was laying in bed with a fever, in the middle of light-filled days, I remained open to channeling whatever information might come through from that symbol which I considered a huge gift that was opening the space of healing.
The Symbol that I am sharing with you in this blog post began to pour through me and take form in my mind as it helped in the healing of my body.
As it began to evolve and change and move through many dimensions and octaves, it swirled around me almost like a dance and took on a three-dimensional form.
It felt calming and reassuring, knowing that I was taken care of, similar to the feeling of comfort I felt from my grandma as a little girl.
The energy of this Symbol would come in on multiple color frequencies and then begin to vibrate stronger and stronger in pure purple, which makes sense as that is the color of transformation. Purple has the ability to transmute any energy that is not vibrating in the highest octaves, and this purple seemed to come right through the void, the zero-point field, with such purity, where it feels like it can completely erase and clear anything not vibrating at that level.
I allowed myself to be a vessel for drawing forth its higher essence, and this Healing Symbol truly ‘became’!
It was like it reached through any heaviness and darkness and emitted such a high sound wave, that can neither be heard nor fully understood or interpreted, in order to create complete silence.
The Anti-wave it generated touched every cell in my being and cleared all levels, physically and energetically.
All that remained was calm and peace, and nothingness.
Everything that was occupying my cells before was now replaced with physical, mental, and emotional clarity.
“It was like it reached through any heaviness and darkness and emitted such a high sound wave, that can neither be heard nor fully understood or interpreted, in order to create complete silence.”
The next day I got up and all my flu symptoms were gone.
This was truly a miracle for me!
I knew that I had to explore the possibilities this Symbol held for anyone who may be experiencing something similar, and who is looking for an energetic cure, especially in the context of the coronavirus.
I began to work with the evolved Symbol and its essence in Photoshop, using the principles of sacred geometry, plasma technology, and advanced energy healing to fully bring it not just visually to life, but to also fully activate it.
I knew that it could activate an anti-wave, so that the minute a virus comes in contact with the symbol, they neutralize each other. It holds the potential to work as a safety precaution and to de-materialize any virus.
Since sharing this symbol with the world, getting feedback from everyone, and continuously working with it, I now know that it is not limited to just nullifying viruses, but all pathogenic frequencies. Again, I cannot guarantee anything , but I know what it did for me and the people who shared their feedback with me so far.
First, it had to be reduced to a two-dimensional form in order to be transmitted, before it could be activated back to its true nature. And, while it may look two-dimensional on your screen, in reality, it is multidimensional.
End of Part 3
In my next, and final post, I will share how the energetic components of this Symbol actually work, and I will also reveal its new and final name.