Childhood Memories, a Virus and a Miracle - Part 2
Before I continue with my story on how I received this symbol, I am going to reach back for a moment today, and get a little nerdy and share the magic of Sacred Geometry with you.
The world of Sacred Geometry and Numerology is not the boring geometry and math we were taught in school . . .
. . . It truly is magical!
And when I learned these principles many years ago, the world never quite looked the same!
It is my wish that I can unlock this for you today within these few lines of writing
and offer a glimpse into the energetic principles of symbolism and sacred geometry.
So how can a symbol do anything?
Before learning Sacred Geometry I would’ve thought that this is just made-up nonsense.
But hang with me, and let me reassure you: The idea that a picture of a symbol can help with something like the coronavirus is not as ‘out there’ as you might think.
How Symbols Energetically hold Healing Potential
All symbolism basically comes out of the Flower of Life, the mandala that represents the sacred building blocks of our existence.
Everything that exists in our reality is created out of that structure, period!
We are made from it and we vibrate through it and therefore resonate with it. We can’t help it! It is not a matter of, whether or not we believe it or want to work with it, we always do, naturally, on a vibrational level, no matter what.
The Flower of Life
This is why symbols have been used over the history of humanity in many different ways, as all shapes evoke a certain feeling within us.
Ancient cultures understood this and commonly used symbols for healing. We find the Flower of Life symbol in ancient sites all over the world, which shows us a memory from our ancestors who understood the building blocks of life and how deeply interconnected we are to them.
“When the ancients discovered ‘Phi’, they were certain they had stumbled across God’s building block for the world.”
Even though we may not have been aware of it, subconsciously we have been influenced by symbolism all our lives. In fact, our whole alphabet is symbols that evoke feelings as the letters are placed together to form sentences.
In today’s culture, big companies use symbols all the time in their marketing and logos. Two symbols, for example, we all recognize are the Apple and Google symbols. These are both built on the golden ratio, or Phi, the pattern of Sacred Geometry which we find in our own bodies and everywhere in nature.
“Our entire universe is created in sound and color frequencies and through mathematical and geometric principles.”
It is the God norm upon which the design of holy structures is based, and the guideline which many great artists, like Leonardo Da Vinci, have incorporated in creating their masterpieces.
Every flower grows within the patterns of this holy design, as well, with intelligence and pure consciousness based on the original blueprint from Source.
Our entire universe is created in sound and color frequencies and through mathematical and geometric principles.
Therefore, everything in our experience is not randomly designed and works harmoniously with and through us because even our own bodies are designed within those same principles.
Through shapes and colors, we experience our world, and this is how we can interpret all the information in our environment. We know what innately feels good to us and what doesn't.
When we are looking at the rose windows of many churches of the Gothic architectural style, we recognize a beauty that evokes this same beauty in our field. Throughout the proportions and layout of those churches, we are seeing examples of this Sacred Geometry reflected back to us and therefore find resonance and healing within the spaces of churches.
“We know intuitively when something feels right and is in line with the God norm. ”
We also see this in the pyramids, the Temple of Solomon, and the Parthenon.
One of the first forms born from the Flower of Life is the beauty, simplicity, and multifaceted design of the trinity symbol of Christianity. And, by the way, take a look at the Mercedes-Benz logo sometime, which consists of a three-pointed star, the trinity symbol.
And when we look at a sea shell, we can recognize the intelligent creator behind it, just like the perfectly aligned creation of a sunflower, a cauliflower, and in the orbit of a star formation.
Our subconscious automatically aligns harmoniously with patterns, spaces, and symbols (in nature and man-made elements) designed with these same principles.
“The golden ratio is a scale of proportions which makes the bad difficult [to produce] and the good easy.”
We know intuitively when something feels right and is in line with the God norm.
These designs infuse healing into every cell of our being on an energetic level which is always the beginning of healing on the physical level.
Just as the golden ratio is embodied in these 3-dimensional structures, which exude multi-dimensional benefits, the Symbol I’ll introduce to you, works on the same principles.
It has been distilled to a 2-dimensional picture and is based on the same sacred geometry principles of design, and has the potential to equally affect us powerfully and positively.
End of Part 2
In my next post, I will share the rest of the story of the Symbol and the miracle it brought to me.