The Anatomy of an Energy Healing Session
After completing a healing session, I often get asked, “So, what just happened?”,as my client’s conscious mind is trying to make sense of the shifts that have just taken place.
In this writing I will attempt, as best I can, to explain what happens in those spaces in between, in those moments when we are not consciously looking for the answers but yet, there is more space created than we could ever logically imagine.
It is in those spaces when we let go of having to figure it all out or having to know how things will come about, and we are just in the moment.
But first, let’s back up to see where it all originates.
What is Energy Healing?
Everything in existence is made of energy and vibration. The human form is made up of more than what we know as the physical body; it also has a corresponding energy system with many layers, and Universal Life Force energy travels along the pathways of that system as long as we are alive. This Life Force energy not only nourishes and supports every cell of our physical bodies, it provides support to us on the mental, emotional, and spiritual levels, as well.
When our bodies are in a state of relative energetic balance, we can relax naturally and handle life’s situations in healthy ways and with ease because our vibration is resonating with that of the Life Force energy. However, as we go about each day interacting with the world, we are inadvertently influenced by the many energies with which we regularly come into contact. This affects our state of well-being and can cause the flow through our pathways to be interrupted. If we are unable to return to a state of open flow, this can eventually manifest as un-ease, and even dis-ease, in our lives.
Energy therapies such as Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Divine Intervention, Sound Healing, Angel Therapy, Shamanic Healing, Chakra Balancing, Flower Essences, and other modalities help to restore the healthy balance of the energy field and its associated energy pathways by clearing blockages and addressing imbalances, thereby facilitating health and wellness.
Many people find Energy Healing to be a beneficial tool for chronic and acute pain, mental clarity, relaxation and stress management, depression and anxiety, spiritual growth and connection, and an enhanced sense of inner peace and well-being.
Energy Work helps to release unwanted patterns and energies; improves immunity; aids in recovery from surgery, chronic, or acute illness; and brings support during times of transition. It can also connect people to their life purpose and direction; facilitate deep healing from abuse, trauma, and neglect or grief; and has been shown to effectively minimize the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Allowing the Divine In
So, let’s set the stage: Everything is guided by the Divine, and we are the vessels for it; everything else is just an illusion! And as I already established, everything is vibration. This leaves us with waves and possibilities of energy patterns which can be shifted, rearranged, and observed differently. It also allows completely new ideas and patterns to be introduced into the realm of possibility within someone’s energetic field. We have access to everything, and therefore everything can be shifted and healed; the possibility truly does exist.
When I work with someone, I begin by already seeing them as complete and whole. I am able to facilitate the individual’s healing by simply tapping into the new possibilities already present in his/her field. It is from this important vantage point that it all happens as old patterns begin to release, blocks dissolve, and the system returns to alignment with the flow of energy.
Throughout a session, there are moments when both the client and I are suspended between states--where all realities and everything that came before or will come after collapses--and new possibilities are opened as old memories are released from the cells and a new structure is formed.This is the space in which the miracles happen!
“Together we enter a space of grace,
a moment where ordinary reality ceases to exist,
where we are linked to the Divine Heart,
and miracles can happen.”
And this is the experience that I am asked about when we have completed an Energy Healing session. It is truly a space where we are held in Divine Love and nothing else exists for that moment suspended outside of time and space. The client feels and ‘knows’ this on the deepest levels, and wants to understand it.
The Responsibility and Experience of the Client
For the best experience of Energy Healing, the most important aspect of a client’s responsibility is to have an openness to new possibilities as well as the willingness to allow vibrational change within.
In addition, sometimes patience is required as not every healing session necessarily yields miraculous results. After all the years of facilitating healing, I can say with confidence that everything happens for the highest good of the person, and sometimes immediate healing is the right path, but other times a slower path of healing needs to happen. Releasing expectations of a certain outcome is vital, since we cannot know what truly is in the best and highest interest for ourselves and others.
What I can say with certainty at this point in my practice is that, after every session, the person will feel lighter, will feel that things have lifted, and will experience more balance in his/her system followed by a sense of calmness. From this place of re-alignment with energy flow, the client can then return to navigating daily life empowered with more centeredness and love.
Where Does the Healer Come In and Where Does God?
As I have already mentioned, nothing happens without the Divine Energy at play. We as Energy Healing practitioners are the vessels through which it flows, and the more we can allow space for this, the more effective the healings can be.
On the physical plane, we acquire the skills in order to effectively work in our chosen field, and the more repetitively we do it, the better we become. In the case of being Energy Healers, we have to know where we end and the Divine Flow begins and comes through.
In the end, of course, everything is guided by Divine Will. Within this space-time continuum in which we live, we just do the best we can with what is given to us. The more we are tuned in and in alignment with the energy flow, the more effectively we can lead our lives as well as facilitate changes in healing ourselves and others.
The Three Major Factors that Influence Healing
I see three primary factors that play a role in the effectiveness of an Energy Healing session.
The first is the capacity for the healer to hold a pure state of the highest vibration so Divine Energy can flow as purely as possible.
The second factor is the extensiveness of practice the healer has acquired, as well as the knowledge that has been gained through study and is therefore available and accessible to the healer in each moment.
And the third factor is the core belief of the healer that all things are possible, which then becomes a foregone conclusion once it is observed and repeated. This repeatable pattern will form its own morphic field around the healer, will be present during every healing session, and will be automatically transferred to the client.
It is all in Divine Grace
I cannot overemphasize what an honor it truly is to facilitate healing for each and every person that comes to me. I understand and recognize that it takes courage and commitment to show up for sessions and to be ready to do what it takes to heal, even if it means to be in a space of discomfort at times in order to shift into a place of wellness and happiness. Together, the healer and the client achieve this in co-creative partnership with Divine Grace.
It all begins and ends with vibration. Once we understand this concept, we can heal, influence, and shift everything in our lives.
Love, Silke