Giving Thanks by honoring the Gifts You’ve been given - The Paradox of Self-Care
This blog post consists of two parts, with the first one being about looking at the gifts that you have been given and giving thanks for them. The other part is a more challenging aspect as I want to ask you to look at what I call the paradox of self-care.
As we approach the traditional day of Thanksgiving, we are all particularly conscious of things for which we are grateful. And even though we shouldn’t limit ourselves to being grateful on special occasions, sometimes we forget to pause to be grateful on a more consistent basis.
Honoring the gifts that we have been given starts from the inside out - first with our body, the vehicle with which we move through this physical existence. Just the way our 37.2 trillion cells work in harmony every day for us should remind us that there really is so much more wellness in ourselves than we tend to acknowledge. So, giving thanks to our bodies is a mind shift we should incorporate every day as the beautiful flow of all the parts working together without us having to think about it is truly spectacular!
Then there is the energy field around us - the environment around our bodies through which we move energetically. Through our intuition, we can be tuned in to others and our surroundings within this subtle realm. As we realize the possibilities that lie within the layers of frequencies we experience through our field, we can then move with that flow of energy in a conscious way. At any moment, we can choose to shift and pivot so as to raise our vibration to a higher state, thus honoring that gift which is always there for us and showing our gratitude for it.
Gratitude continues as we think of the people closest to us; our family and friends. The key is in not focusing on perfection or the things we would like to change in these relationships, but rather just acknowledging the love that is being shared in whatever form that takes for us. Focusing on the connections we share and the love we have will create an amazing difference in our perception of those relationships and will shift the reality within them.
In addition, the space we inhabit - our home, which may not be perfect and will always have things to improve, should be honored. While there's always dust somewhere and some things could be different, it is so important to acknowledge the space we live in with deep gratitude for the shelter that we have. Just the fact that we can turn on a faucet and have beautiful warm water for a shower, or have a cozy bed to sleep in and food in the fridge is amazing when we consider what a miracle this all truly is!
While most people have no problem feeling grateful for the many wonderful people and experiences in their lives, isn’t it often true that they may not so easily think of themselves and the magnificence of who they are with equally generous thoughts?
“Yet, gratitude for one’s self is the biggest way to honor the gifts God has given us! ”
It basically acknowledges the ‘rightness’ in the design of one’s particularly body, personality, circumstances, etc. Our conscious gratitude for all of who we are lets the Universe know that we acknowledge this.
This mindset of kind acceptance and true nurturing attitude toward ourselves is a gift that we can and should give ourselves on a daily basis because it puts us in a place of realizing the abundance that we already have in our lives.
Yet, this concept creates a paradox for us as we frequently neglect to make sure that we do take care of ourselves. There are just too many times in our lives when we put ourselves last.
We experience every excuse from feeling that we do not have the time, the money, the resources, the energy, etc.; and we even feel like we shouldn't take the time or use the resources for ourselves.
I want to challenge this paradigm with the suggestion that if you do not take care of yourself now, life will catch up with you and you will come to a point of feeling depleted or maybe even create dis-ease in your life and in your body. I want to propose the concept that you can and should take care of yourself in a more conscious way as a profound, but neglected, way of giving thanks and showing gratitude. And this Thanksgiving is a great time to implement that!
“Honoring what has been given to you by Source is not a selfish act, but a requirement! ”
Remember that creating within this physical realm and being strong and present within it cannot be done from a place of negligence and energetic, physical, and mental depletion.
All of our mind, body,and spirit need to work together in harmony as we are moving through this space-time continuum we call our reality.
We have to give ourselves the grace to let go, to ask for help, and to allow the release of accumulated energy in the ways that best serve us.
When self-care is truly honored as a form of Thanksgiving by us, we experience a lightness in our lives and more joy and ease in all situations; and any feelings of guilt for taking care of ourselves naturally vanish.
From Shutterfest St. Louis 2017
Different ways of self-care for your overall deep wellness
Find a Creative Outlet - You have unique ways of expressing and are meant to be in a creative flow with that. Remember your passions and allow yourself the space to tap into them.
Seek out ways to move your body - Rather than just focusing on exercise to get physically fit, focus on the overall picture that will deepen your connection with your body as well as attune you to something greater. Choose such things as outdoor activities, dance, Yoga, etc., which can facilitate that deeper overall connection.
Receive Energy Healing - Energy work can shift blocks, limitations, stress, cellular memory that's been stored in the cells for many years, etc., sometimes in one session. When people come to me for a session and feel heavy and weighed down, within the timeframe of one hour they leave feeling a sense of lightness and being uplifted.
Get a Massage - This can release tension from the muscles, open energetic pathways, and release accumulated energy from trigger points.
Schedule a Hypnotherapy Session - This can help you change habits and even release things like lifelong anxiety. Many times patterns can be shifted in just one session when the person is ready.
Reiki session
Getting into self-care routines and habits
It is said that it takes 21 days to break a habit, and 67 days to complete new neural pathways in the brain for a new habit to be formed.
So, consistency and commitment in choosing and honoring a new mindset are the keys to getting out of the self-care paradox and shifting your consciousness.
Be steady and remember that taking care of yourself is the biggest way you can honor the gifts you’ve been given, now and always!