13 Things to Consider When Choosing a Guide or Mentor
“Guides and Mentors really do make an incredible difference in helping us shift our thinking because they can see the potential for expansion that lies within. ”
The possibilities of a relationship between yourself and your guide/mentor
Through my exposure to different teachers who have been my guides and mentors over the years, I have experienced many different forms of relationship between the student and the teacher.
In my training in the Curandera Lineage, for example, the tradition was very much that the teacher is seen as the revered leader. That position of authority within the group is honored by the students through serving the teacher in a variety of ways.
In my other training, and studying with teachers one-on-one, I have experienced the student and the teacher being considered equal by both sides; one is not considered superior to the other as both are co-creating and expanding through each other.
There are a variety of student/teacher relationships, and choosing what works for you is most important. It is important to always honor the knowledge being received and the process of being guided, but remember that both student and guide/mentor are in a co-creative dance with each other in the journey.
“If the student is ready,
the teacher appears.”
Choosing your own guide and mentor
Before looking at someone outside yourself who could help you with an expanded vision, there is a great value in taking the time to go within by writing in your journal.If mentorship is something you want to pursue, ask yourself these questions so you get a clearer understanding of your true intentions and aspirations.
1. What do I desire?
2. What are my highest aspirations?
3. What does my soul long for?
4. What feels nourishing to me?
5. Who do I need to be now to become the person I want to be?
6. Am I ready to truly do what it takes to move beyond my current limitations through doing the internal and external work involved?
“A spiritual director will help you explore and make space for your passions, talents, and God-given calling.”
When you are ready to actively seek a guide and/or mentor, use these questions to ensure the most positive experience!
1. Does this mentor/guide have a sense of compassion and kindness for where I am in the process?
2. Does this mentor/guide allow me the space and time for introspection before implementation?
3. Does this mentor/guide push me beyond my boundaries through encouragement and accountability?
4. Is this mentor/guide far enough ahead of me to inspire and show me the way?
5. Can this mentor/guide see and hold space for my expanded soul path?
6. Does this mentor/guide allow me to bring in my own personality and guidance so that I am able to trust my intuition in the process of growth?
7. Does this person feel truly invested in me and my growth or more in their own validation?
“Surrounding ourselves with people who do encourage and uplift us, as well as cultivating relationships which are mutually enriching so that we can elevate each other, is one of the most important things we can do in our lives. ”
Once you’ve chosen someone to teach you, always remember that a Guide should be responsible to you once a commitment has been made, but not responsible for you.
You always hold full responsibility for yourself! And don’t forget that YOU are a guide and mentor to others. You have gifts to share, even if you are not fully aware of them.
Honor your own presence as if you are a PRESENT to others!
All great things on your journey!
Love, Silke