Vision Casting Mastercourse

Welcome to this Sacred Space!

I am so honored that you are here with me as we explore this magical journey of our Vision Quest together.

Before we get started, I wanted to share my deep knowing that it is no coincidence that we found each other here now. 

This is our era of embodying who we truly are and what we came here for, in this timeline, together, to fulfill the magic we began such a long time ago.

We are waking up to the remembrance of our greatness, our wisdom, and the expansive vision of our Soul evolution.

You, me, and all of us gathering in this space hold the visions of our Soul Calling through our passions and what truly moves us. These are the things we get up for in the morning that excite, ignite, and nourish us to the core. 

In our Vision Casting, there will be the smaller aspects of our daily lives, the experiences & creations, the manifestations of the things we surround ourselves with, as well as the bigger picture of who we are becoming and what we are building in the world.

It is all an integral part of the journey of our Inner Alchemy and Self Mastery.

So, with this, make yourself at home, introduce yourself in our FB group, and share:

What brings you here? 

What are you most passionate about? 

What excites and ignites you and truly nourishes your Soul?

Day 1: Preparing for the Journey

As you have probably already noticed, this is more than just a course—it is a Vision Quest for your life, a deep initiation into the magic of your becoming, your leadership, your creation.

Today, we begin by landing fully into this space, setting the foundation for all that is to unfold.

We enter this journey honoring our inner strength, prosperity, and protection.

Day 1 FB Live - Preparing for the Journey

Click on the picture to go to the Live video in our FB group.

Your Embodiment of the 3 Divine Feminine Archetypes

This number 9 Year of Leadership is a time of stepping fully into your power, guided by the three Feminine archetypes of Quantum Weaving:

  • The High Priestess – The Keeper of Deep Wisdom, Sacred Knowing, Inner Authority, and Divine Connection

  • The Empress – Creator, Nurturer, Fertile, Generous, Receptive, Sovereign Leader of her Realm, Magnetic Expression

  • The Medicine Woman – Healer, Alchemist, Guide, and Wisdom Keeper, Shadow Walker, Time Weaver, Ancestral Guardian

The High Priestess is the guardian of the unseen realms. She is deeply attuned to the subtle energies, sacred mysteries, and divine orchestration that shape reality. She stands in unwavering equanimity between light and dark, as above so below, and moves from inner knowing, discernment, and deep trust in the unseen.

The Empress is the full embodiment of divine femininity, creation, and sovereignty. She knows that to manifest, she must first become the energy of her aspirations. She is deeply attuned to her body, sensuality, pleasure, and fertility. She receives effortlessly because she holds the codes of abundance within.

The Medicine Woman is the one who walks between worlds. She understands the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. She is a keeper of ancestral wisdom, plant medicine, and the natural rhythms of the universe. She holds the ability to transmute, heal, and shift realities through energy, earth, and elements.

Through this interwoven embodiment, you Vision Cast as :

  • The Visionary Leader

  • The Master Creator

  • The Sacred Healer & Alchemist

This is the path of Quantum Weaving.

This is the Art of holding the Vision - not just as a concept but as a living, breathing way of being. Through these archetypes, you are no longer seeking—you are becoming.

This is Divine Leadership. This is your presence as the embodiment of the Feminine in creation.

The more we understand who we are becoming, the more with ease creation unfolds. And the more we embody these energies, the more we realize:

We have always been the vision itself.

(P.S. In my Renaissance Woman Rising Program, we will heal and reclaim the forgotten and neglected aspects of the Sacred Feminine Archetypes within us - restoring them to their rightful place through embodiment, integration, and full expression.)

Letting go of Preconditions

We have been conditioned to see life through the lens of:

  • Good vs. Bad

  • Success vs. Failure

  • Worthy vs. Unworthy

But who decided these rules?

From childhood, we were taught to seek:

  • Approval from external authority - religion, school, parents, society.

  • Obedience over self-sovereignty - follow the rules, do not question.

  • Shrinking to fit expectations - speak when spoken to, do not be too much.

We have been programmed to fear our own power because we were told failure meant rejection.

But what if failure does not exist?

What if everything is an initiation? A refinement? A redirection?

What if there is nothing to prove - only expansion to embrace?

What if we trusted that everything is already held for us?

The illusion of separation between you and Source, you and your vision, you and success is just that. An illusion. This is where you reclaim our Divine Right, your Leadership & Status in your Divinity.

The Interconnected Tapestry of Your Life

Everything we have experienced is a thread in the tapestry of our becoming. To guide us in casting our Visions, we integrate the first Key of the 7 Keys of Quantum Weaving:

Key 1: Interconnected Tapestry – Weaving the Radiant Threads of Your Life & Spirit

Guiding Virtues & Principles:

Integrity – I walk in truth and alignment, and cast my visions with integrity.

Loyalty – I honor my Soul Calling, and weave my creations in loyalty in the highest unfolding

Compassion – I meet myself and others with deep understanding and compassion

Entering the Vision Quest

When we enter our Vision Quest in Feminine Energetics, we are not setting linear goals.We are setting Intention.

A Quest is open-ended - it is an unfolding, a sacred adventure.

It allows us to move fluidly rather than forcefully.

It holds magic, synchronicity, guidance, and support, as everything is already contained within it.

It brings together both the destination and journey, allowing creation to be filled with joy rather than the pressure of achieving a goal.

This is not just about what we achieve - it is about who we become.

The Vision That Calls You Forward

You are here because something within you knows there is more. The inner pull toward a vision greater than yourself, toward the creation of something vast, alive, and encoded with your highest potential.

What is a Vision?

In Quantum Weaving, a Vision is not just a desire or a goal—it is an encoded potential that already exists.

  • It is the Soul Blueprint calling you toward its fullest expression.

  • It is not based on the mind, but on a higher knowing of what is meant for you.

  • It is beyond the Vision Board, beyond the Law of Attraction - it is an alchemical process.

In this higher form of Vision Casting we do not create from a place of lack or longing - we create from the Zero Point Field, the center of the Mandala, the place where all potential already exists.

This is where Alchemy begins. It is the Philosopher’s Stone within you, the embodiment of your virtues, your principles, your essence in motion.

Morning Visualization

  • Imagine waking up this morning as if for the first time.

  • Everything you have done before - the efforts, the seeds planted, the lessons learned - is here, waiting for you to receive it.

  • Some things are fully formed, others still evolving, but all of it is part of your unfolding.

  • What if you were to unwrap this moment as a gift, innocent, new, full of potential and gratitude for all you have and all you are?

This is the opening to your Quest. Releasing preconditioned concepts of judgment & failure, and the weight of false limitations.

Day 1: Deepening & Journaling:

The Declaration of Your Era

This is not just a year. This is your Era.

Rather than choosing a single word for the year, create your declaration:

This is my Era to_________________________and______________________.

I will no longer______________. And from this moment forward, I declare that I will______________________________.

Contemplations for today of your journey for the Year:

1. The Quest

What is the Quest, the theme that is being initiated in and around me at this time?

2. The Guiding Thread

What is the Guiding Thread, the action within the Quest? What aspects are revealed to alchemize and grow into? What is there to come alive in me?

3. The Destination

What is the Destination of the Quest? What will manifest from this journey of inner and outer transformation?

We will come back to these concepts over the next days.

Tomorrow I will reveal a key component of Inner Alchemy in relation to Vision Casting together with a Guided Meditation!

Reflection & Integration

Sit with yourself. What resistance arises? What patterns are asking to be released?

Meet yourself where you are without judgment.

What do you want to create, embody, cultivate, and bring into the world?

Nature does not rush, yet everything unfolds perfectly.

This is a space of incubation, creation, and deep remembering. Let yourself be in this moment. Let the energy breathe through you.

Welcome to your Vision Quest. Welcome to your Becoming.

Share your declaration in our group together with: What is opening for you? What vision calls you forward?

Day 2: The Vision Quest

Stepping Into the Quantum Field of Your Becoming

Yesterday, we opened this sacred space and explored the concepts of preconditions, setting ourselves free to explore our visions, recognizing that what we seek is not outside of us - it is already present, encoded within.

Today, we enter into the Sacred Journey of our Vision Quest through this Guided Visualization.

Day 2 FB Live - The Vision Quest

Click on the picture to go to the Live video in our FB group.

The Vision Quest

The Vision Quest is an ancient rite of passage, a journey into the unseen, into the expansiveness of the unknown, where the next level of self emerges. It is a passage from one fractal to another, an initiation that calls us to move beyond our current perception of reality and into the greater map of our existence.

Throughout time, those who sought mastery, clarity, and deep transformation have entered this mystic form of a Vision Quest - not to seek answers outside of themselves, but to open the pathways within.

You are now in your own Vision Quest.
A passage through the Quantum.
A journey of your Becoming.

The Vision Quest - Guided Journey

After the guided journey in the Live, take some time to sit in stillness.

This profound journey goes beyond visualization - it is an entry into your future self, your encoded possibilities, and your higher calling.

Reflect on these questions in your journal:

What is the space I am creating? Not from an external place but as a feeling, an expansion, a becoming.

What gifts, insights, or reflections are being shown to me?

What am I ready to leave behind to move forward?

What frequencies, relationships, or co-creations feel most alive for me in my evolution?

How does it feel to be fully in the presence of my highest timeline?

Let the wisdom of this journey land in your Soul Center. You can return here at any time.

Inner Alchemy: Being the One Who Holds the Vision

A vision does not just appear - it is held in the field of your Soul.

The highest manifestations are not about what you attract but about who you become in the process.

This is the path of Inner Alchemy - the refinement of the Self, where we embody the virtues and principles that allow us to hold the reality we are stepping into.

This is the Philosopher’s Stone - the great alchemical process, not of turning metal into gold, but of turning the raw material of who we are into mastery, into embodiment, into the truest and highest version of ourselves.

This is the Quantum Weaving Path, where we shift through frequency, aligning with our highest vision of what we are here to create.

When we focus only on what we want, we create from a lower frequency of longing.

When we focus on who we can become, we create true transformation and transcendence.

The 33 Guiding Cards in Quantum Weaving hold the alchemical ascension codes for our journey, and the 19 Virtues and Principles elevate us into our inner mastery for transcendence. Together, they are our sacred map through which we create our highest forms of expression.

The Quantum Field: Pure Potentiality & Choices

In the Quantum Field of infinite possibilities, there is no forcing, only allowing. There are no limits, no boundaries - only potential.

Everything that has ever existed and will ever exist is already present.

  • The relationships, partnerships, and opportunities that will most elevate your journey are available for you to be called in.

  • The energy of your future self is already here, in the void of creation.

You are not separate from the vision - you are in co-creation with it.

  • What you feel drawn to is also drawn to you.

  • What lights you up is meant for you.

  • The highest version of your vision is not something you chase - it is something you align with by becoming the one who holds it.

We have forgotten the Universe. Uni. Verse. The One Song & our Melodies Resonating through it. Quantum Weaving returns us to our Ancient Memories of the Greater Wisdom - of the Alchemy within us & the songs of our soul. It brings us back H O M E & Guides into the Highest Exaltation of our unique Compositions & All our verses within the One.
— Silke Tyler

Day 2: Deepening & Journaling:

Anchoring the Vision

Take a moment to let everything from today’s guided journey settle.

For deepening and anchoring, follow up with a 3-card layout with your Quantum Weaving Cards.

Questions to ask yourself as you shuffle your deck:

  • What opened for me in today’s session?

  • What new possibilities are revealing themselves?

  • How do I feel in this field of limitless creation?

Let the 3 Cards tell the story of your evolution through:

1. The Quest, 2.The Guiding Thread, 3. The Destination

Allow yourself to be with these insights. Nothing needs to be forced.

You are in the expansion of your becoming - in the realm of pure potential.

You are in the space where the vision meets you. Welcome to your Quantum Vision Quest.

Share a picture of your 3 cards in our group and how the reading relates to your experience during the Vision Quest.

Day 3: The Guiding Thread

Activating the Sacred Geometry of Your Vision

Day 3 FB Live - The Guiding Thread

Click on the picture to go to the Live video in our FB group.

There is a pattern woven into everything in existence.

Tesla once said, “If you understand the numbers 3, 6, and 9, you understand the mysteries of the universe.”

Today, we step into the frequency of 9—the number associated with completion, initiation, and transformation.

Once we explore it deeper, you will understand its sacred place in creation, the Divine Feminine, and manifestation.

It holds the guiding thread of all that we are creating.

It is no accident that you are here.

Each step you have taken - every choice, every initiation, every shift - has led you to this moment.
Your path has not been random. It has been woven with purpose.

  • The Flower of Life & the Metatron’s Cube

  • The Sacred Geometry of the Universe

  • The multiples of 9 - found in malas, prayers, and the very essence of manifestation.

  • The 9 Forms of Durga, which represent the spectrum of our feminine power - from the Warrior to the Mother, from the Healer to the Sovereign.

    You are not just here to cast a vision, but to embody the Divine Feminine essence of creation. The blueprint is already present, waiting for you to align with it.

Reverence for the Path We Walk

In the summer of 2011, while immersing myself into a deep 2-week-long residential study of Divine Intervention with my teacher Starr, she opened the space with something that changed the way I looked at what it means to be in the room and the honor of being initiated into these sacred healing practices.

After years of seeking, learning, and investing in my own expansion, here I was, sitting with this Master Healer who could simultaneously hold pure love and roughness around her edges - someone who had a lifetime of embodied experiences and wisdom.

As we sat there full of expectations, Starr raised her voice and almost bolted out that years ago, one would have to:

First, fetch food and water. Clean the dishes. Do the work for 2 years before receiving the teachings.

At first, my mind resisted - had I not already invested, already shown up?

Then, I understood.

Reverence is the key.

She shared with us about her years of becoming a Curandera, sweeping the walkway, sleeping in hammocks, and washing the clothes of her mentor, Esperanza.

One day, while washing Esperanza’s clothes in the river, Starr noticed the light language grids emitting from the clothing, and she realized that she had been receiving these transmissions through the field all along.

There was a sacred way to the privilege of being in the space and the transmissions that are carried through the lineages from teacher to student, from Master to Initiate. 

Over my years of studying with Starr, bringing her what she required, vacuuming the carpet in the Dome, and assisting her overall became a sacred act of seva that I was happy to do.

In the end, this path is about presence, grace, and devotion.

When we honor the depth of what we are stepping into, when we recognize the sacred nature of these teachings, we enter a state of alignment. There is a natural attunement, an unspoken calibration that happens. And this can only be done when both the teacher and student are ready and in sync. Otherwise, it will not be assimilated fully.

You did not stumble upon this path - and here to this Mastercourse - by accident.

You found this space because something within you was already seeking it.

And now, you are here - ready to receive, ready to activate, ready to weave your vision into being.

And I am here to give, transmit, share, guide, and walk together with you. There is no hierarchy, as it is all part of our Soul Journey together and the contracts we made long before coming here. It is reciprocal once expectations are removed and we each fulfill our Soul Calling. As we learn and grow from each other, we rise together, and the world expands through our presence.

In addition, as this path is not singular, and we are vision-casting and creating together inside our FB group:

Be present, contribute, let us get to know you, share your journaling and card layouts, reciprocate, and engage fully with grace. This is all our space together, and it becomes what we create.

Key 1 - Interconnected Tapestry

In Quantum Weaving, nothing stands alone.

Each vision, each creation, and each aspect of your life is woven into an interconnected tapestry - the first Key of Quantum Weaving - supported through the Virtues and Principles of Integrity, Compassion, and Loyalty.

These three principles form the foundation of leadership, manifestation, and aligned creation.

  • When we hold Integrity, we create from truth.

  • When we embody Compassion, we remain in harmony with ourselves and the world.

  • When we walk in Loyalty, we stay devoted to our higher path.

These are the non-negotiable pillars of Vision Casting, as they guide your visions in the highest forms.

Sacred Geometry & the Map of Manifestation

Everything in creation is built upon divine mathematical codes.

The Flower of Life – The blueprint of existence, holding the patterns of creation.

Metatron’s Cube – The sacred structure through which reality is formed.

The Five Platonic Solids – The elemental forces of matter and consciousness.

All of these structures are reflections of the Quantum Weaving within us.

When we align with these patterns, we align with the natural flow of creation.

Your visions are not random.

They follow the same sacred laws, the same divine architecture, the same guiding threads that weave through all of existence.

The Guiding Thread: The Secret Numerology of Manifestation

Vision Casting Day 3 Notes from Jen Marie

Summary: This Guiding Thread Teaching is an encapsulation of the ancient, sacred knowledge that guides the magic behind this technique of Vision Casting; this is the mathematics & geometrics of how Spirit orients into solid, physical matter.

Much of these ancient teachings are now being affirmed through sciences like Quantum Physics [wave function collapses into particle] & began to be revealed through the brilliant engineer & inventor Nikola Telsa.

He realized how the numbers 3,6, & 9 have a special & very unique quality in mathematics.

This correspondence reflects ancient practices that herald the power of the number 9 through numerology & scared geometry.

This information is also encoded within the Mandala on the Quantum Weaving Leadership card.

In the center is the Golden Sphere which acts as that sacred 9 & extends in the other 8 directions

The background to this ancient knowledge begins with the Flower of Life – a geometric shape, that is circular & is the Blueprint for all manifestation.

It represents the intangible, the non-corporeal, spirit before it takes form.

The closest modern humans have come to quantifying this 'state' scientifically is within Quantum Mechanics as the 'wave function'.

The Flower of Life with it's circular structure is the Feminine Energetics of the Universe.

Once there is the introduction of Masculine Energy to the Flower of Life, physical matter takes form-creating the geometric shape of Metatron's cube.

In Quantum Mechanics, this would be when the wave function collapses & takes shape as a particle.

This shape represents tangible, corporeal matter – what is considered by us as physical 'reality'.

Our Vision Casting follows this same process of Spirit taking shape as tangible matter.

Contained with the Metatron's Cube are the Five Platonic Solids

Tetrahedron, Octahedron, Hexohedron, Icasohedron, Dodecahedron

These coincide with the elements – the Dodechedron being Aether/Universe

The totality of degrees within each of these Platonic Solids comes out to the number 9 in numerology [one of the synchronicities Telsa clued in on]

When we look at the Hexohedron [which represents the physical element of earth & is the geometric term for a cube] we recognize that it is a 3-Dimensional shape with 6 sides – the central point within this cube acts as the 9.

Why? The cube can be divided evenly into 27 smaller cubes, 3 layers by 3 rows – 9 within each layer or row 3 times -27

As with our Leadership Card, within this structure of 9 by 3, rests the 3 Archetypes [High Priestess, Empress, & Medicine Woman] each holding their 9 smaller cubes of Leadership.

This structure represents a full manifestation in the Earth Element.

This is reflected in our Quantum Weaving system as well with 27 being Infinite Abundance [The 3 Archetypes manifesting the 9 cubes of their Leadership]

Ancient, Sacred teachings knew what we are now only just uncovering through mathematics & physics:

Numerology + Sacred Geometry = the structure of 'reality' as we understand/comprehend it & we play an Active, not passive, role in it.

Ancient practices demonstrated through:

Buddhism – where the prayer bracelet contains 27 beads

The Rosary – prayers to Mother Mary containing 54 beads (27 x 2)

Mala beads – chants with a necklace containing 108 beads (27 x 4)

They understood how the Visions we cast find ground in physical reality through this process.

When we combine this manifestation equation with process of Inner Alchemy, life is more Quantum, more Magical because we are now in an Active, rather than passive role.

Day 3: Deepening & Journaling:

Anchoring Your Leadership & Vision

Your leadership in this Interconnected Tapestry is one of the most profound keys in your Vision Casting.

The way you show up in Integrity, Compassion, and Loyalty shapes the reality you are creating.

This is the next level of your embodiment.

This is where you rise as the Priestess, the Empress, the Medicine Woman.

This is where you activate the Sacred Codes of creation, guided by the number 9 – The cycles of manifestation, encoded in Mala Beads, Rosaries, the Rubik’s Cube, Sacred Prayers, chanting Mantras, and the 9 Forms of Durga.

It is already woven into your path. You are already holding the key.


For today, simply sit with this wisdom. Let it settle into your cells, into your knowing.

Let the guiding thread weave itself through your being.

This is your Sacred Geometry.
This is your Quantum Map.
This is your Vision in Motion.

Welcome to the next level of your Becoming!

If you feel like journaling, here are some ideas for you to reflect on:

  • Where in my life am I ready to step into Integrity, Compassion, and Loyalty in a deeper way?

  • Which of the three Sacred Feminine archetypes call to me most strongly right now?

  • How can I bring more reverence into my life and the way I hold my vision?

  • What sacred patterns have been showing up in my life, guiding me toward my greater evolution?

In the Flow with Creation

I can hear the melody of my Soul
I surrender and trust in the unfolding of my life 

I know what is meant for me will always find its way

I am present, with intention while staying open to the magic that unfolds beyond what I can see

I co-create with Creation itself

This is the Space when I align with my Soul Calling.

✨ Here, new ideas I never dreamed of come to life

✨ Windows of possibility open, leading me to paths I couldn’t even imagine

✨ I move beyond the predictable realms into the Quantum Field of limitless potential

Day 4: The Destination

An Interlude & Channeld Initiation in Becoming

Day 4 FB Live - The Destination

Click on the picture to go to the Live video in our FB group.

Expand Into Your Destination

What if your destination is not a place you are striving toward but something you have already arrived at?

What if the entire purpose of Vision Casting is not to reach something outside of you, but to unfold the fullness of what already exists within?

This journey is not about setting goals that move you forward in a linear way—it is about expanding into the eternal pulse of creation that is already alive in you.

When we remove the illusion of separation between ourselves and our visions, we recognize that everything we seek is already encoded within us.

The Sacred Signature of This Fractal

The frequency embedded in this Mastercourse carries a specific energetic signature of envisioning and creation that you can access and apply anytime throughout the year. It is like a gift from this moment that will carry you throughout your Quest, to the Destination.

You can see this as one big fractal or many fractals spiraling within each other as part of your Vision Casting journey.

The Sacred Signature of this moment in time is where:

  • Nature is incubating new life in the unseen realms

  • The Quantum Field is fertile for setting vision into motion

  • The Energetic Rhythms of creation are inviting us into alignment

Our Souls remember this.

They know that in the dark, in the unseen, in the void, all possibilities are being formed.

This is the signature where you align with your highest Destiny, not by chasing, but by attuning to the Divine Order that is already unfolding in and around you.

We are bringing the energy of this new, creative cycle, and gathering all of it.

Everything that we have become and everything that we are going to embody…that we will become…taking all of this energy and letting it expand in this:

Always Unfolding, Always Becoming. Like the flower that always expands itself, always new petals, always in the circular motion of inhaling, exhaling, of moving Higher.
— Silke Tyler, day 4 - The Destination

The Vision Quest at a Higher Level

Up until now, Vision Casting has been about opening yourself to possibilities.

Today, we elevate the conversation.

  • This is beyond what you want - it is about what you are expanding into

  • This is not about striving - it is about allowing

  • This is not about reaching - it is about realizing

The moment you make the fullest connection that the Interconnected Tapestry of existence has always been guiding you, the game changes.
Every step, every challenge, every initiation has been part of this unfolding.

Nothing has been random.
Nothing has been wasted.
Nothing has ever been separate.

You are not outside your vision—you are already in it.
Your Soul Calling is not something distant—it is the next unfolding of what already exists.

We are part of Nature itself-part of this Flower, part of everything we touch:

Part of elements, part of the fire of transformation, part of the waters of emotions; the waters that know no bounds; that can expand into endless directions and move the tides and move the cycles…Into the energy of the air that carries all the beauty and all of the information…That carries through the Aether of existence beyond the Spirit of our being.
— Silke Tyler, day 4 - The Destination

The Rhythm of Creation:

The Expansion & Contraction of Life

Creation is never linear.

Just like the growth of a flower, there is a natural pulse to every cycle:

  • Expansion and contraction—the inhale and exhale of life itself

  • The movement from unseen to seen, from void to form

  • The gathering of energy from the root upward, then releasing it into the world

Right now, you are in a moment of deep alignment. Trust it! There is a push of energy arriving soon, a pulse that will open new paths, new doors, and new realities.

You Are the Gift of Creation Itself!

Everything in existence follows this rhythm of expansion, evolution, and beauty.

You are Part of that Rhythm.

Creation does not exist because it is necessary. It exists because it is beautiful.

  • It creates because it can

  • It expresses itself for the joy of it

  • It expands because expansion is its nature

And so do you. Your Soul Calling is not about what you can achieve - it is about what you are here to express.

  • You and your presence are a gift to Life Itself

  • You are the way the Universe gets to know itself

  • You are the eternal unfolding of Divinity in motion

There is nothing missing, nothing lacking, nothing separate.

Everything you need is already present. Everything you aspire to is already unfolding.

Day 4: Deepening & Journaling:

Living as the Embodiment of Your Vision

Take a moment to reflect:

  • What if the Destination is already here?

  • What if all of this has been about aligning with what is already waiting for me?

  • What changes in my energy when you stop seeking and start embodying?

You are not just creating a life. You are creating from the joy of creation itself.

This is your arrival.
This is your remembrance.
This is your moment of embodiment.

Allow the Live Transmission and everything here to land within you – Attune to your Vision Quest & your Unfolding as you reflect.

Then, access the Virtues & Principles of Quantum Weaving through the cards & the guidebook.

Journal on the following questions:

What does Mastery through these Virtues & Principles represent for me?

Which bring forward my Mastery?

Which call to me?

Which will fuel my Inner Alchemy?

Go deeper with this question by contemplating:

What does your Unfolding & Vision Quest mean for me?

What does this New Beginning mean for me?

What is the Inner Alchemy of my Becoming? What does that look like?

Closing Invitation

Let this be your final shift - out of seeking, out of longing, and into full presence.

And that version of you? She is already here.

Let yourself expand into her. Let yourself meet your highest self now.

This is the true Quantum Leap.
This is the Art of Living as a Conscious Creator.
This is Vision Casting as an act of Mastery.

Welcome to your Highest Unfolding. This is where the Quest opens!

I look forward to your shares in our group!

Day 5: The 108 Expressions of Quantum Magic

Vision Casting as a Living Art

Day 5 FB Live - The 108 Expressions

Click on the picture to go to the Live video in our FB group.

Beyond Manifestation - Into Embodied Mastery

Welcome to this final module! We did it! Everything we have explored so far has led us here. And this is where the fun begins!

As you now know, Vision Casting is not just about what you want to bring into your life - it is about who you are becoming as you weave your reality.

It is the Art of:

  • Moving beyond linear manifestation into nonlinear creation

  • Embodying the Virtues and Principles that allow you to hold, sustain, and expand what you create.

  • Understanding that your visions already exist - and your alignment with them creates the shift

This is why we go beyond ordinary goal-setting.

This is why we shift beyond the “how” and into deep trust in the unfolding.

This is Quantum Magic. And it is activated through The 108 Expressions.

◇ The Ripple Effect of Your Vision Casting ◇

Your dreams are not random.

They were placed within you for a reason.

And you are not experiencing this in isolation.

This matters.

You matter more than you could ever conceive.

Stepping into your visions and fully allowing their unfolding moves worlds.

You move beyond just changing your life.

You create ripples that touch your family, your community, and the generations yet to come.

You heal the ancestral wounds.

You break cycles of scarcity and fear.

You create a legacy of love, abundance, and empowerment.

You are the bridge between the worlds.

Something in you remembers that you came here for this.

Vision Casting takes you into this sacred creative space where everything flows.

You enter the dimension of Co-creation with the Universe. . .

New realms of limitless possibilities can open.

New ideas emerge, revealing paths you never considered.

Guidance flows, showing you the next aligned moves.

Your vision matters, not just for you, but for the world.

The ideas and concepts that might come to you at this moment might not be perfect yet, and they’re never going to be. They might not be fully refined yet and they’re never going to be - and that’s ok. Allow the Unfolding
— Silke Tyler - Day 5 - Into Embodied Mastery

Preparations to Set the Stage

Our Vision Casting now comes to life through writing down 108 expressions of Quantum Magic. 

Before you say, “Wait a minute, there is no way I can come up with that many ideas!” Let’s review:

Coming back to Day 4 and our Numerology & Sacred Geometry of fulfilled creation expressed through the number 9.

This is the core of everything - the Destination.

The number 9 completes the cycle of creation - and so do multiples of it through 27, 54, and 108.

What I am sharing here are the Four Essences that can be seen as categories or four evolving expressions - each one expanding our ability to hold, receive, and create.

These are not just about material things. They are about experiences, states of being, deep embodiment, and the way we navigate life itself.

You can use these Four Essences as concepts and ideas to bring your visions to life. 

Vision Casting is not one-dimensional.

Make it a fun exploration, dream in all directions and in all ways. They begin with simple, everyday things you would like to experience or have in your life, and they slowly progress to more complex ideas and bigger visions. 

Why are we noting them? Why are we writing them down…Because it trains us; it trains our system. There is entrainment that happens. When you are writing it down and making it happen, it deepens your Gratitude; it also deepens your muscles for manifestation- for Knowing that these Visions can come into realization. So, it’s this self-propelling, self-fulfilling prophecy that you’re creating with it.
— Silke Tyler - Day 5 - Into Embodied Mastery

The Four Essences of the 108 Expressions of Quantum Magic

The Four Essences are:

Simple Wonders, Sparkling Ventures, Daring Quests, Epic Leaps 

How you divide them up is completely up to you. Begin with 9, and go from there. You may end up with 54 Simple Wonders, and less of the others, that’s ok. This is your journey, your creation; you can also divide the 9 and begin with 3 Epic Leaps if that feels like too much in the beginning. As you get into this process, you will be surprised to find that the visions emerge out of seemingly nowhere.

And before you know it, you just created 108 Expressions of Quantum Magic!

Start wherever, whatever feels intuitive for you as the very first thing. What is it your Soul truly desires? Begin there. And then, let everything else come to you and develop from there
— Silke Tyler - Day 5 - Into Embodied Mastery

Vision Casting Through the 4 Essences - A Journey from Everyday Magic to Quantum Creation

In the context of the higher conversation we established in our Vision Casting, these four essences give structure to our aspirations and ideas as part of the evolution of who we are becoming. They reflect the expansion of consciousness and creation, moving from daily joys to quantum-level shifts where reality bends to meet us.

Each essence holds its unique frequency, strengthening our ability to receive, embody, and hold greater manifestations with practice. The key is to do it! Bring your ideas and thoughts to pen and paper, training your system and creating new neuropathways for what is possible for you. This is also the moment where you can return to the Deepening and Journaling from Day 1, your Quest, and your Declaration of Your Era in the context of the 108 Expressions of Quantum Magic.

Now, we will create!

Please note that all the suggestions for each essence are just that - ideas for you to use as a springboard for your own Expressions. Have fun, and be sure to share your creative ideas with us in the FB group, so we can all benefit from each other’s 108 Expressions of Quantum Magic!

The Four Essences of the 108 Expressions of Quantum Magic

1. Simple Wonders - Vision Casting in the Accessible Realms

The Foundation of Gratitude, Awareness & Everyday Magic

Simple Wonders are the anchor of all creation, cultivating presence, gratitude, and an appreciation for life’s accessible magic. These expressions of Quantum Magic are immediately available to us. They are the beauty of the present moment, the small but powerful manifestations that remind us that magic is always part of us and our lives.

The magic of this Essence is in presence, gratitude, and appreciation for life’s simple, abundant offerings and blessings.

This essence cultivates presence and receptivity to the magic that is already within reach. It is about grounding into abundance now so we can expand into greater possibilities.

Expressions of Quantum Magic through this Essence:

  • Waking up feeling deeply rested and aligned

  • A beautiful sunrise or sunset that brings a moment of stillness

  • The perfect cup of coffee or tea in the morning

  • Feeling sunlight warming your skin, grounding in the moment

  • A moment of laughter and deep connection with a loved one

  • Finding money unexpectedly or receiving a small financial blessing

  • Feeling completely present, joyful, and fully alive

  • Experiencing a day where everything flows effortlessly

Physical Creation Ideas:

  • Bringing a meaningful object into your home that creates beauty around you

  • Finding a piece of clothing that makes you feel happy and energizes your aura

  • Creating a small sanctuary corner for relaxation, journaling, or meditation

  • Receiving an unexpected gift, message, or opportunity

  • Enjoying a simple luxury like a delicious meal, a bath, or a cozy space

  • Discovering a new book, song, or creative inspiration that shifts your energy

  • Doing a creative project or art that enhances your home or office

Inner Alchemy & Embodiment Practices:

  • Gratitude Rituals – The morning visualization of intentional rising from Day 1

  • Awareness & Beauty – Spend time each day in appreciation of yourself

  • Daily Presence Check-In – Notice the small joys unfolding around you

Virtues & Principles in Action:

  • Compassion – Honoring the beauty of the present moment from a connected place

  • Integrity – Aligning your energy with appreciation in a way that feels right for you

  • Equanimity – Holding steady in gratitude, no matter what is going on externally

3. Daring Quests: Visioning from the Realm of Pure Potential

The Realm of Courage, Transformation, and Identity Shifts, where Bold Leaps can happen

This is where Vision Casting becomes powerful - where we align with potential realities that require deep courage, faith, and identity expansion. The realm of pure potential holds manifestations that are possible but require bold moves and alignment. This is where we step beyond what we think we are capable of and become something more.

The magic of this Essence is about the courage in becoming the one who holds the visions effortlessly.

In this essence, true transformation happens - where we move beyond limiting beliefs and into bold, embodied creation. Here, we expand our capacity to hold greater levels of success, love, and abundance.

Expressions of Quantum Magic through this Essence:

  • Embodying more sovereignty and self-mastery

  • Breaking generational cycles and rewriting your lineage

  • Launching a powerful soul-aligned business or creative project

  • Becoming a magnetic source of influence and inspiration

  • Creating deep, aligned relationships and partnerships

  • Accessing financial flow and wealth consciousness

Physical Creation Ideas:

  • Buying property, relocating, or creating a dream home environment

  • Making your first bigger (or biggest yet) investment in yourself and your growth

  • Publishing a book, launching a course, or bringing a dream project to life

  • Stepping into a new leadership role, speaking engagement, or media opportunity

  • Receiving a life-changing business deal, collaboration, or financial success

  • Attracting the perfect business partner, investor, or creative collaborator

Inner Alchemy & Embodiment Practices:

  • Quantum Identity Work – Journal on: Who am I when I already have what I aspire to?

  • Sacred Vessel – Make your healthy nourishment and practices a priority to reflect your next-level self

  • Energetic Upgrades – Detox from environments, habits, or influences that do not align with your highest reality

Virtues & Principles in Action:

  • Sovereignty – Fully owning your power and no longer seeking permission to create, speak, or lead

  • Responsibility – Mastering the energy of what you hold

  • Faith – Trusting the timing and alignment of your visions and their unfolding

2. Sparkling Ventures: Opening the Gateway to New Possibilities

The Energy of Expansion & Exploration Play, New Experiences and New Pathways

This is where creation expands beyond the familiar. The gateway to new possibilities opens when we begin to move beyond daily routines, stepping into new experiences that shift our frequency. These expressions of magic require our willingness to explore, engage with new perspectives, and bring in curiosity and adventure.

The magic of this Essence is your willingness to expand into new realms of exploration, adventure, and abundance.

In this essence, you are moving beyond daily comforts and begin to say yes to possibility and trust the flow of life. This is the space where we begin stretching beyond routine and stepping into new experiences that expand our energy field.

Expressions of Quantum Magic through this Essence:

  • Booking a spontaneous adventure or trip

  • Saying YES to an unexpected opportunity that excites you

  • Wearing something that embodies your next-level self

  • Discovering a new creative passion or talent

  • Magnetizing aligned friendships, mentors, and connections

  • Attuning to signs, synchronicities, and Divine Guidance

  • Stepping into a new level of wealth consciousness

Physical Creation Ideas:

  • Upgrading to a new car, wardrobe, office or household gadgets you enjoy

  • Moving into a home or space that feels deeply aligned

  • Investing in a mentorship, business upgrade, or training

  • Booking a personal retreat, luxury stay, or transformational experience

  • Experiencing an event, concert, or cultural experience that expands your energy

  • Receiving an unexpected financial upgrade or shift in income

Inner Alchemy & Embodiment Practices:

  • Scripting Your Reality – Write journal entries as if your dream life already exists

  • Stepping into High Resonance – Surround yourself with people, environments, and experiences that mirror your highest path

  • Quantum Calibration – Visit luxurious spaces or beautiful environments that expand your frequency

Virtues & Principles in Action:

  • Courage – Saying yes to new opportunities without shrinking

  • Veracity – Holding integrity in your vision and trusting your instincts

  • Radiance – Expanding into your natural magnetism

Final Reflections and Thoughts:

Before we complete, I want to share some final journaling reflections on these essences. Please note that my body of work, which I am in the process of creating, will go much deeper into all of this as everything is connected. This Vision Casting Mastercourse sets the foundation for all to come and is a beautiful addition to all that is. I see this as something you can return to over and over again to deepen your understanding and practice every time you interact with this. I have built profound initiations and activations into this course, as it is my deepest desire to see you and us collectively rise together as powerful women who are living vibrant, enriched, and fulfilled lives in their fullest expression.

Deepening & Journaling Questions

  • Which level of Vision Casting am I currently primarily playing in?

  • Where am I ready to expand, stretch, and invite something bigger?

  • What feels exciting, aligned, and alive for me to call in next?

Remember: Your vision is not just about what you desire - it’s about who you become as you create it.

Your alignment to your Soul Calling and your unique Life Code are the most vital aspects of Quantum Weaving.

Let yourself Play. Dream. Expand.

Everything is already waiting for you. Now, create from your visions and step into it!


I am beyond excited to see your creations and for us to grow together! If you would like to explore certain aspects with me and are interested in Mentorship, a Life Code Reading, or other Courses and Programs I will be offering through my Quantum Weaving movement, feel free to reach out to me anytime.

This work - which is my art and brings me deep joy to create - is my Soul Calling. Supporting you in yours expands our capacity for the Grace we hold on this planet and beyond. And it is an honor!

We are the ones we have been waiting for, and we came as the cycle shifters of this time.

Those of us who remember - who find our way to this work - are the ones ushering in the new era of Awakening Higher Frequencies on Earth.

Let’s create Magic & Miracles together!

In Love and Dedication, Silke 💫💖💫

4. Epic Leaps & Quantum Magic: Creation in The Highest Dimensions

Non-Linear Manifestation, Miracles & Reality Shifting

This is where we enter the realm of non-linear creation - where quantum leaps happen and time collapses. In this space, manifestations no longer follow logical sequences but happen through direct alignment with higher timelines.

The magic of this Essence is about Quantum Resonance, where miracles unfold, reality shifts beyond logic, and the impossible becomes inevitable.

In this essence, the rules of reality no longer apply - where you are in resonance with the Quantum Field. Even if it’s just for a moment, another moment, and another one, where you experience the limitless energy where reality bends to meet you.

Expressions of Quantum Magic through this Essence:

  • Experiencing a reality shift where struggle no longer exists

  • Manifesting wealth, success, or love in ways that defy logic

  • Instantly collapsing timelines and stepping into a higher frequency

  • Seeing manifestations unfold effortlessly and immediately

  • Feeling a deep, energetic shift that permanently alters your path

  • Experiencing an entirely new relationship with time, energy, and creation itself

  • Receiving a download, activation, or insight that shifts everything

Physical Creation Ideas:

  • Manifesting an all-expenses-paid trip or once-in-a-lifetime experience

  • Receiving a massive financial windfall, inheritance, or business success

  • Being invited into an exclusive, special, or high-impact opportunity

  • Having a spontaneous, life-changing breakthrough moment

  • Being featured in media, publications, or big stages unexpectedly

  • Acquiring a rare or sacred object with deep energetic significance

  • Experiencing a sudden, Divine connection that alters your destiny

Inner Alchemy & Embodiment Practices:

  • Quantum Field Shift – Stepping into the energy of it is already done

  • Walking as the Creator – Moving through life as if you are orchestrating reality itself

  • Dream Weaving – Calling visions into being through the Astral and Higher Realms

Virtues & Principles in Action:

  • Grace – Moving effortlessly through Divine orchestration and being a beacon of love and grace

  • Discernment – Knowing what is aligned for your highest path and that for the highest good for all

  • Miracles – Living in a flow state of receptivity to magic and miracles

Some Key Things for You

Be sure to show up in our Private FB community for sharing, connection, and interactive teachings & activations. There are daily reflections, activations, and prompts together with all the Lives waiting for you.

To get the most out of this course, play full out!

If you have someone you think would LOVE this, please invite them in! ​Here is the link to join​.

And if this Mastercourse has been creating shifts in you, I would be honored if you’d write a testimonial that I can share.

You can reach out to me via FB or email at