How to stay Centered in Times of Upheaval
It is a unique time that we are all facing, right now, and we don’t know where it is heading. This actually offers us the opportunity to take a moment of introspection, of figuring out the things that most of us have been working on for a long time, which is all part of our self-development. This time has made us look closer at the current state of our world, and our interactions with each other within it. And, it is pushing us to reevaluate what we’ve been doing and how it’s been working.
What I will be sharing in this blog post is relevant for our current situation, but is actually timeless in its scope of value and application to our lives. When this will be read someday into the future, when all this current upheaval has dissolved, I want it to represent a moment in time, where a calm was felt in the middle of the storm.
The core of all my teachings is always about self-reliance, self-care, and staying centered and grounded, no matter what is going on around us. And this is more important now than ever.
We have been more and more externally focused, always on the go, not slowing down, looking for validation and confirmations outside of us, and through the external source of possessions. And this hasn’t really brought us more happiness, it has instead depleted us even more.
So, what truly makes us stronger and allows us to remain awake and keep our sense of self?
From my years of being here and walking this path of grounded spirituality, I can confidently say that it always comes down to listening to our own inner voice, truly listening, regardless of perceptions and fears. It is always about following our own inner guidance system even if it is against popular opinion. In this way, we can return ourselves to a place of high vibration by being vigilant and not allowing outside influences to sway us, staying true to ourselves, and remaining in alignment with pure Creator Energy.
Staying consciously empowered and aware are the keys, no matter what the narrative around us is.
Raising your Vibration despite Circumstances
On a Zoom call with a wonderful client of mine, she expressed upset at the fact that she knows how to raise her vibration and chose not to do so in a situation, instead choosing to be in a space of sadness for a while. She judged herself, feeling that she should have done the practices of lifting herself up.
I actually stopped her and told her that, first of all, when we are in the middle of situations, it is okay to be exactly where we are. Unless we are very practiced, it can be very challenging to bring our thoughts from zero up the scale in any given moment, despite the tools we have to facilitate this shift. Especially when we consider that we would often miss out on important opportunities if we tried to skip a step in going from feelings of sadness to happiness.
Allowing grace in that gap can be helpful as we can explore the deeper spaces and feel into what is coming up for us.
The opportunities for healing lie within the moments when we can build the connection between the unconscious, what is stored in our cellular memory, and the way it is relating to our current situation. This is important to mention as many self-help gurus will tell you to simply shift. My suggestion is to always experience and feel all the feelings, recognize them for what they are, and be okay with whatever is being presented.
“Don’t hold together what must fall apart. The familiar life crumbles so the new life can begin.”
In our lives, there are some experiences which can be predicted, but many others which simply cannot be foreseen. While we can consciously design certain aspects of our life experience, there are others which are seemingly random and come out of nowhere.
The true beauty is in allowing ourselves to open up and create space, to not assume that we know or understand everything about the situation. It is about loosening our grip, and allowing the possibility for magic and miracles to come in.
Drama is always related to feelings we are associating with the circumstances in our experience. When we can embrace the new possibilities within any process, without getting caught up in it, our problems have the opportunity to dissolve and heal.
Everything is neutral until we attach certain expectations or emotions to a situation from a completely expanded view. And from our point of experiencing circumstances, this is one of the most challenging of concepts and must include room for self-compassion and grace.
“Peace is this moment without judgment. That is all - this moment in the Heart-space where everything is welcome.”
Creating space within ourselves for the expansion of each moment, and moving within it, brings us in harmony with its possibilities and enables us to stay centered in times of upheaval.
We are never disconnected. There’s never a moment where we are not within this interactive dance within the larger consciousness, and the cycles that govern our lives.
When we create room for this exploration, and let go of judgement of ourselves, the situation, and those around us, it becomes much easier to raise our vibration.
Clearing Blocks and Letting go of Baggage
We are wired to move away from pain and towards pleasure.
Studies show that it takes seven positive affirmations to negate one negative. This is how strongly we have to strive towards the good things in life, and just how powerfully any residual baggage can show up in our lives despite all of the great things.
The good news is: Within this reality, we are connected to different fields of information which all work in layers. This means we are energetically supported in turning toward more good things as long as we are willing to release the negative.
“And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings. ”
When something new is in the air, we can feel it many times in our mental, emotional, and spiritual fields, and many times there are physical sensations associated with this shift. Yet, our initial reaction may be to hold on tightly, not realizing that perhaps this is the beginning of an opportunity to let go of old baggage and clear blocks which have been keeping us in patterns that aren’t serving us.
When something unexpected comes into our existence, and new structures are being formed, filled with information and volume, we receive signals and observe them when we pay attention.
In times of upheaval, the natural tendency is to resist. Yet it is normal that such change is happening. The important thing is to see things from a broad enough perspective so that we do not stay stuck in one program and run circles.
The belief is that the turmoil is ‘bad’. Yet, it might just be our perception in that moment because the upheaval is disrupting our lives and not something we want, yet in the end it is exactly what will help and support us for a more positive future.
We create more challenges for ourselves when we attempt to block and resist these new experiences. This is where Energy Healing can play a significant role as it really addresses deeply-held layers of blocks and baggage we may not otherwise be able to release.
Even if they feel disruptive, new experiences bring new people, like friendships, relationships, and partnerships. Sometimes these situations serve a specific purpose for just a short time and bring opportunities for learning and growth, and other times they are interlaced within larger patterns.
Often, when a lesson has been learned, and the purpose has been fulfilled, the baggage is also released. Therefore, in our own times of upheaval, turning toward what feels uncomfortable with an attitude of awareness will actually enhance our ability to clear any blocks or baggage more fully. In this way, we remain centered and aligned because we understand this.
Infusing the Energy of Holding Space through Grace
In any time of upheaval, we have the opportunity for a new vision and progressive thinking to emerge in the midst of the chaos. It can be challenging not to get caught up in reactive mode, fear, and overwhelming sadness during times of drastic change. But when we come from a place of non-judgement and grace for ourselves, we open up the opportunity within us to create new pathways that we can then explore.
When we understand that everything is created in patterns, rhythms, and has a structure, we can bring grace to the situations in our lives.
Everything is about recognizing the way cycles and patterns play out in our lives.
It is not just the physical aspects in nature that we can observe but also the multidimensional reality of cycles in our lives and the Universe. This whole creation is a never-ending simulation of perfect patterns.
“Grace is found in acceptance and stillness, and that is the current in which to move when we feel helpless because the ‘outside’ feels seemingly off course. ”
Holding space through grace means that we find our center in connection within these patterns and create a quiet space within it. This helps us to become calm and grounded as we bring ourselves into flowing with the current of energy, and not pushing against it.
Grace is found in acceptance and stillness, and that is the current in which to move when we feel helpless because the ‘outside’ feels seemingly off course.
No matter how upsetting anything feels, just hang on. Know that there is a bigger plan at play and, if you apply these tools, you can remain in your center.