Healing through Energy Work
This writing is inspired from my years as an Energy Healer and Hypnotherapist during which time I have come to understand that the only way for us to truly heal is to shift our patterns so we can bring our mind as well as our bodies into a state of well-being!
Having first been introduced to the understanding of how everything works vibrationally at a young age, when I experienced someone close to me being healed and fully recovering through the use of holistic medicine after doctors had given up, I have pursued this avenue of healing in my adult life with a passion.
Through my work in this area, I have experienced that every disease has a root cause, and unless the root cause is healed, the disease has been shown, in most instances, to return.
This can be seen in the case of something like cancer, where surgery or chemotherapy may temporarily remove or heal the tumor, just for it to return again later. The reason for this is that the symptom was temporarily removed, but the root cause still exists within the system.
Let me say this again: The symptom was removed, which was cancer, but the root cause, the point of original impact which remains locked away somewhere in the system, has not been healed.
Even if the environmental circumstances leading up to an illness are corrected, many times this is still insufficient, as it is not the point of origin.
The Genesis of an Illness
To understand the general process of dis-ease, we must journey back to the inception of our situation and look at our emotions, which caused whatever illness is currently manifesting. We begin by acknowledging that, as physical beings, we all have certain weak spots in our systems, where illness will manifest if the underlying causes have not been addressed.
For every physical symptom we experience, there is an initial sensitizing event. This is the point of inception on which everything gets ‘hooked’, and then over our lifetime more subsequent sensitizing events take place.
When I was learning Reiki, and then especially during the intensive training of the Curandera lineage teaching of Divine Intervention, I learned to look at a person’s physical symptoms from a completely new perspective, learning about each body part and its association with the emotional impact.
I learned that many times the vibration of dis-ease can already exist in the field of the person many years prior to ever manifesting as illness in the body.
Our thoughts create our emotions, and our emotions impact our vibration. Our vibration determines our well-being internally and externally. As we continuously repeat certain thoughts, these get set as patterns of vibration, which then set us up for manifestations within our physical experience.
Within each human being, there is a certain threshold for the tolerance our system has, and each person is unique in his/her ‘tipping point’. Each sensitizing event adds to the density of the vibrational ‘weight’ that is being carried, and once this point is exceeded, the system begins to experience overwhelm and it is usually at this time that a physical manifestation appears.
This can be compared to a valve bursting when the pressure reaches a boiling point.
In our conscious mind, we tend to then look at the current circumstances and the most recent events we’ve experienced to determine the possible cause of this physical ailment, but this is neither where the point of origin nor the solution lies.
From my practice as a Hypnotherapist, I can tell you with certainty, that the root cause of any physical manifestation usually dates back much further, many times even to early childhood, when we absorbed our environment like a sponge.
It is at this juncture that we should attempt to see this from a holistic viewpoint. We actually have a most empowering opportunity to address a weak spot and bring it back to balance and strength. In essence, we are being prompted by our illness to go deep enough to address the true cause and bring healing to it.
Once the problem gets cleared at the point of origin, however, everything begins to make sense.
From my experience, I have come to understand that the only way for us to truly heal is to shift our patterns and bring our mind and body into a state of well-being!
Healing the original cause, working through the emotions, and receiving regular well-being Energy Healing sessions can prevent any illness from ever manifesting.
An Example of the Timeline of Dis-ease
Let’s look at a simple example here to understand the impact our experiences have on our system.
Imagine for a moment there is this 7-year old girl playing outside on the swing, and as she jumps off she loses her footing and slips and falls on her back. It’s not a severe impact, but the physical experience of it is unconsciously stored in her system.
Now let’s imagine that in that same moment, her mother comes running out of the house and yells at her that she should have been more careful instead of compassionately comforting her. In that instant, there is an emotional and mental embarrassment and pain which becomes associated with the physical fall, and now a deeper cellular memory is formed.
The little girl moves on, and so does everyone else, thinking that everything is fine as she is not experiencing any more pain. However, years later, for no apparent reason, back pain surfaces as she is going through stress in her life, and without her making any connection to that original cause, or possibly not even remembering it. There may have been an incident where a colleague at work embarrassed her in some way, and she is having a stressful time in general. Even though that incident from when she was seven years old has long been forgotten, the body did store the impact, and even though it was not that tragic necessarily, the system cannot differentiate between minor or major trauma; it stores everything in the same way.
This is how it is for every physical being in the experience of life. If either circumstances or emotions similar to those which were originally felt are recalled in a new incident, our system searches and loops and overlaps to something like the circumstances it has experienced before. This is simply how our neurology works.
So, in this woman’s case, she could go to therapy for many years and her back pain might never go away because there’s no way to trace it back to where it began. Unless the cellular memory is removed, the pain will remain. In this case, a couple of valuable solutions to shifting this root cause would be to either recall and heal the memory through regressive therapy or find and heal it through Energy Healing.
Your Body's Coding System Needs Your Conscious Input
Our system operates similarly to a computer’s hard drive with its individual operating system. The programs you insert all contain a certain code which in turn determines how each individual program, as well as the overall system, functions together.
Envision that analogy for a moment of your body similar to a computer system and the experiences of your life as the individual programs that are ‘loaded’ on to the computer. The computer does not make any judgments about the information written in the programs, it simply processes the information within those programs! Therefore, until you go in and remove and replace one program for another, your computer will continue to work with these outdated programs even if they are neither effective nor beneficial.
Your neurology works exactly like this with the encoded information in your vibrational matrix as it processes all information equally throughout your nervous system. The primary focus of your unconscious mind is to keep you safe, even if it means suppressing experiences, emotions, and feelings in order to survive. You are likely to have many such ‘programs’ stored within your system which eventually let you know that they need your attention.
How Can You Heal Your Patterns?
When you find yourself facing illness, it is important, first of all, to let go of any judgment and accept yourself and your situation for what it is. It is vital to come from a place of compassion for yourself when doing any healing work.
“Accept — then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will miraculously transform your whole life.”
What is showing up in your reality right now has been an accumulation of many circumstances woven together, even though it may not seem like it. Just take a pause and look at everything from the highest perspective you can access in the current moment.
Healing your patterns on the deepest levels occurs by working both in the subconscious as well as through your body’s cellular memory. The subconscious healing happens from the mind, and the healing on a cellular level is done, in my experience, most effectively through Energy Healing. These changes can be very rapid, sometimes even happening as quickly as within one session where an issue that has been there for many years can just simply release and be healed. This was the case for my friend, Sharon Riley Tanner, as she explained here:
“I have had intermittent lower back pain for 30 years. During a semi-painful flare up, Silke stopped by for a visit. Noticing my pain and difficulty moving, she offered to work on me. She warned me that my knees might become weak and I might fall to the floor, and assured me that if this happened, it would be a good thing. “Yeah, right,” I thought. “I’m not going to fall to the floor.” So I locked my knees in place and she began.
She placed her hand upon my back and tuned in to various ages in my past to find when the problem originated. The next thing I knew, I was on the floor. After a few minutes, I stood up and there was no more pain.
It has been over six years and my pain issues have not returned!”
So, what took place in Sharon’s situation? Within a state of complete openness, and bypassing all logic, I simply tapped into that part of Sharon’s system to the origin of the pattern and changed its vibrational frequency to wellness. And please know that it is certainly not necessary for someone to collapse during a healing session; every person reacts differently at that moment where the logical mind cannot conceptualize and keep up with the speed of how the energy system is adjusting. In that split second is where the true healing takes place.
In the moment of bypassing the current patterns, the Energy Healer and client are in a vibrational space where all realities exist simultaneously and a new wave pattern can, therefore, be established.
“We are complex, multilayered, multi-dimensional beings who are continuously influenced and shaped by our environment and our experiences within it.”
I do want to point out that rapid healing, although frequently experienced, should not be expected. It is vital to come to this with an open mind and the willingness to improve without the expectation of a specific outcome. Healing is a personal journey of deep self-discovery that can offer great rewards. Many times, once one layer is removed, other, deeper issues have an opportunity to surface and heal.
What I know for sure from my years as an Energy Healer is that it is always a co-creative process of the body, mind, and spirit working in harmony to return wellness to the system again.
Having done this work myself, and seeing many lives transformed, I can attest to the benefits of restoring balance in our vibrational field.
It is always an inside job. Heal the impact, and transform your life! For any physical manifestation that is showing up in your body, you can begin today, by looking at it and truly asking the deeper questions of where it all began. And then keep asking yourself more ‘why’ questions like ‘why do I feel this way?’ Continue down this path, until more and more revelations reveal themselves to you. Eventually, you will come closer to the point of origin. Once you heal it from there, all subsequent instances moving forward to the present moment heal as well. And remember, that there is so much wellness inside of you, as your 37.2 trillion cells are working together in harmony every day to allow you to experience life!
As more advances are made in all fields, more and more possibilities become available, and a deeper understanding of vibrational medicine is becoming more mainstream. Quantum Physics is bridging the gap between energy medicine and science, taking energy healing like Reiki for example, out of the woo-woo land. These are exciting times for someone like me, who always wants to understand everything from all angles and be able to explain it logically.
I wish you a beautiful journey on your own path of exploration with this, and please do not hesitate to reach out if you want or need assistance, and are ready to truly heal to your core.
May this information serve you and all ways!
Love, Silke