Journaling to manifest Beauty and Abundance in your Life
Journaling on a regular basis will help you in being aware and will truly raise your consciousness! A journal is really meant to be an opportunity for self-discovery and expansion - to connect you to your highest potential, and in the most amazing way it can affirm your truths, tap into the secret place within, that you may not often access, and inspire you to manifest more beauty and abundance in your life.
Expressing yourself through a journal will allow you to infuse your dreams and visions with creative energy so you can manifest with joy as you practice mindfully tuning in to your guidance through journaling. It is a beautiful vehicle through which you can ‘travel’ to your innermost desires so you can source inspirations from it.
There are many ways to journal, and there truly is no right or wrong way as you are exploring YOUR OWN path within. The possibilities available to you from the creation of your journal to the things you add to it are just as abundant as the life you can create THROUGH it! In my personal experience, the following steps can really make a profound difference in the way you connect with your core on a deeper level.
Handmade Journal, from Beauty Flourishing membership
Stay rooted in the present moment, and allow yourself the time for your own playing and discovery.
Hold your journal in your hands, and take a minute in mindful meditation to feel what is coming up for you in the present moment. This will determine what you’re going to journal about and truly connect your intentions with this journal.
Connect your intention with the journal - be OPEN to receiving guided inspirations, as well as WILLING to let anything come up with no judgement.
Now affirm those intentions by writing down the first things that feel relevant to you. Your intuition will guide you in the direction you are meant to go.
Freely express, from your heart to the page, every thing that you need to ‘say’. These will be both things that you want to release, as well as new ideas that you are bringing in.
Releasing: When you ‘pour’ out from your energy field on to the paper, cleansing and energy healing is set in motion as the ‘weight’ you carry is lifted away.
New inspirations: When you allow divinely guided thoughts to come through, you are in the flow of a co-creative process, and will attract and manifest your future expansion as the Law of Attraction is being activated by your journaling!
From each guided experience, affirmations and action steps will naturally be emerging which will elevate your consciousness to a heightened sense of awareness for the possibilities of your life. This is where it gets sure to document them!
You can pull out affirmations that come to you, write each of them on several post-it notes, and place them in prominent areas of your environment. In this manner you expand on your journaling in a practical way and you will manifest more beauty and abundance in your life!
On a daily basis:
Personal breakthroughs and positive things that you’re grateful for
Discoveries/revelations from your meditations
Self-care goals to allow your essence to shine more brightly in the world
On the Moon cycles:
Sacred Space/Altar ideas
New intention-setting and manifesting
Inspired ideas for future goals
Throughout the year:
Photos of special moments in your life
Things from nature
Favorite recipes
A list of books you’d like to read
Life milestones
Celebrations of small wins in your life
Affirmations, words of wisdom
Questions you’re asking, and the answers as they come to you
Captured Positive Moments (with a photo that you print out) of beautiful moments that happen to you
Angel affirmations (if you have taken my Archangels class)
Reiki Symbols (if you are a Reiki 2 Therapist or higher)
Mixes and combinations for your Chakras (if you have taken my Chakra class)
Prior to journaling, as a deeper way of connecting inward, I recommend my Heart Meditation to effortlessly guide your subconscious into a space of openness. Of course, this meditation is a beautiful way to connect inward at any time in your life, but as an added resource in receiving the most benefit from your journaling efforts, I share it with you and wish you a wonderful sense of connectedness from which you manifest more beauty and abundance in your life.
When the vision of a new dream presents itself, then the manifested reality has already been created for you. Journaling is a WONDERFUL way for you to access this from the possibilities within YOUR energy field!