Clearning and Charging Crystals
Why Healing Crystals Are So Beneficial
The use of Crystals and Gemstones has become more commonplace with many people using them in their homes on a daily basis to support and uplift their experience of life, as well as in Energy Healing sessions such as Reiki. The reason Crystals/Gemstones positively impact healing is because of the Dominant Oscillatory Rate (DOR) that is held within them. This translates life-supporting energy to the individual user, and these ‘rocks’ have thus earned their reputation as Healing Crystals. This DOR is a frequency that is like a ‘musical note’ unique to that particular Crystal/Gemstone. (Note: While there is a difference between the individual properties of Crystals and Gemstones, I will refer to all of them in the rest of this post as Crystals.)
In contrast, our human body’s systems have many ‘notes’ which are of various frequencies and are influenced by our environment daily. However, the frequency of a Crystal never wavers. While it may become dull and slower, the essence of that Crystal’s resonance never changes.
Think of a Crystal’s healing resonance as a performer stepping forward in the midst of a chorus and singing a solo. That Crystal at its most vibrant point is captivating the attention and emotions while providing the uplifting energy that it holds for everyone involved in that space. Among all the other notes and tones, when that Crystal is vibrating at its unique and highest resonance, it shines forth its abilities to raise the frequency and vibration of everything. When you hold a fully cleared and charged Crystal, it transfers its ‘solo performance’ to you and your well-being.
Whenever you purchase Crystals and bring them to your home, it is always a good idea to take the time to clear and cleanse them because you want to bring out the highest potential in them. Regardless of where buy your crystals, there is always a chance that others have touched them and an energetic imprint may have been left.
I recommend this process of clearing and charging your Crystals to make them familiar with your home environment, and connect them to you. This process does not need to be complicated. I am very much one for practical guidance, and with this intention, I share the following steps which are appropriate for most Crystals. Some Crystals like Selenite for example benefit from a gentler approach like wiping off with a moist towel and then charging as explained in the following steps.
Clearing and Charging Your Healing Crystals
Remove your Crystals from the bag and bring them over to one of the following locations: your bathroom sink, outside under running water, or in a creek. (The reason for choosing your bathroom sink as opposed to your kitchen sink is because this is where you cleanse yourself and objects. You don’t want to clear them in your kitchen sink where you prepare food.)
While you hold each Crystal separately in your dominant hand, wash and rinse each under room temperature water, feeling the energy of each and connecting with what each feels like. Most of the time there won’t be much heaviness that you will be feeling from it, since this is just a precautionary measure, but you will experience the moment when your Crystal feels ‘light’.
Now dry each Crystal with a towel and and bring all of them outside into the sunlight. The best time is from 12pm to 3pm with the energy of the sun being the strongest during that time. It is not necessary to leave the Crystals in the sunlight for very long. Usually an hour to two hours is all that is required. Some Crystals, like Citrine or Amethyst, might fade in the sunlight, but an hour in the light won’t hurt them in any way.
After charging, hold each Crystal with the fingers of both your hands in front of you for several minutes, and gently rub the Crystal with your fingertips. By doing this you will be connecting it to you and your energy and activating the Crystal’s energy. Observe changes taking place as you ask each Crystal to show its full potential and beauty to you. You will see the shifts in the Crystal reflected as changes in color (where the colors become more vibrant) and in the texture (where you might see textures and things like veins changing and evolving within the Crystal) becoming more pronounced.
As one last optional step, you may want to give each Crystal a specific program. The process involves understanding the unique frequencies and capabilities of Crystals, and I will explore this topic more fully in a future blog post.
Maintaining the Vibrancy of Your Crystals
Once you use your Crystals on a regular basis, carrying them with you, holding them in your hand when needed, and possibly using them in a pendant necklace, regular cleansing and charging of your Crystals becomes necessary. Outward signs of this need are a certain dullness to your Crystals, and the general feeling of heaviness when you are handling them.
I recommend clearing and charging your Crystals at least on a monthly basis. Sometimes you might choose to do this even more frequently depending on what you’re using them for. You will want to repeat the steps above.
“Think of a Crystal’s healing resonance as a performer stepping forward in the midst of a chorus and singing a solo. That Crystal at its most vibrant point is captivating the attention and emotions while providing the uplifting energy that it holds for everyone involved in that space.”
As you do so, you may experience the feeling of lead pouring out when you are clearing your Crystals. You will want to hold the Crystals under the water until you feel all the heaviness draining away. A clear sign that your Crystals are cleansed will be that they look bright and shiny again. Now your Crystals are ready to be reused!
Crystals are one of the most incredible gifts given to us through the sacred dance of Creation. It is wonderful for us to understand and know about those gifts so that we can use them in our daily lives and in harmony with our needs.
Wishing you all the best in exploring and enjoying your Healing Crystals!
On a final note, I recommend that you seek out reputable sources when purchasing your Crystals. In all the Crystals and Chakra Pouches that I sell, I clear, charge, and infuse them with Reiki healing energy before they leave my hands. Currently available at Shangri La Day Spa, Holistic Health Center and Silke’s Old World Breads Cafe’ in Clarksville TN.