12 Days of Oracle Divination
The Energy of December
This teaching originates from my previous membership, Beauty Flourishing, and I am gifting it to you here. Enjoy!
As the dark time of the year approaches, and nature naturally begins to slow down and go into dormancy, we can feel our energy pulling in as well.
The energy throughout the year can be compared to a torus field, where now in December we reach the lower bottom of this field, and everything begins to pull in again. On that inverse curve, all things that were previously seen are now hidden away, just like in nature.
The energy in December moves below the surface of the toroidal field under the peak as the daylight lessens and quietness steps in.
December is a month where we can hear the quietness ‘sing’. And the more we can tap into that still point, almost at the center of the torus field, the more heightened intuitive energy we can gather. This is the quality of the energy of this month no matter where anyone is located in the world.
It can be felt in the soul.
One can hear the inner impulses when the focus and orientation is inward. And in December the fields are open to share information. A natural activation of our intuitive senses thus takes place.
With the energy on an inverse, the unseen can now come to the surface, and we can read the projection for the whole year.
The 12 Days of Significance
Starting on December 13 and ending December 24, the events and symbols that show up each day will be used as Oracles to divine the coming year.
December, as its name implies, stems from the word decimal, which means 10. We used to have a different way of counting the months, and the time within the months of January and February was not counted as it was seen as a time of darkness and hibernation and a standstill. From this moment forward, the sun will begin to make its ascent again until it reaches its height in the Tropic of Cancer on the summer solstice. Until then it is the time of self-reflection and moving inward.
And then on December 22, Capricorn, which is ruled by the planet Saturn, replaces the expansive sign of Sagittarius, which is ruled by Jupiter. The planet Saturn rules over life and death, sets boundaries and limitations. And in the sign of Capricorn we also receive much-needed structure, which will help us plan for the coming year.
The birth of Jesus follows in the Christian tradition on the 24th of December in the sign of Capricorn under the influence of Saturn.
And of course, Hanukkah, which is Hebrew for “dedication,” is the Festival of Lights, which is celebrated during this time of year.
Practical Oracle Divination on the 12 Days of Christmas
When starting the 12 days of Oracle Divination you want to have your energy field as well as your space surrounding you as clear as possible.
Before December 13th:
Be sure to smudge yourself and your home to get ready for this ritual.
Choose one or more mantras for the 12 days, and print out the text, so you can set a container of water that you have just stirred in a clockwise direction on it throughout your days.
Create an altar with items that represent the things you want to bring in for this coming year.
Begin the journey of creating a vision board throughout the 12 days, which you will continue throughout January, as more inspirations will begin to come in when you start this journey.
Choose to spend time each day in meditation to increase your intuition.
Meditation: Medi=Medial=Connection= increased intuition
Tools to use
Your Journal
A Candle
Quantum Weaving Divination Cards
Colored pens or pencils
Any other tools of your choice
General Guidelines for the days ahead
In general, you will observe every day, starting on December 13.
December 13th = January 2025, December 14th = February 2025 and so on
Pay attention to as many moments of your day as possible, trying to be as present as you can throughout the day.
Oracle divination is all about reading the things that show up in our environment. Most things we do on a daily basis are magic rituals without us consciously knowing them. A magic ritual is about bringing something to the surface and working with it in a conscious, creative way to influence our reality. In these exercises, we will implement both aspects.
1. Oracle divination means actively reading the signs that surround us in our reality. It is the passive act of non-action, of observing our environment and life situations.
2. Magical influence means consciously being proactive to shift our reality based on our observations.
Oracle Divination
At the beginning of each day
Set your intentions:
Think about the month that the day represents for the coming year, and feel into your life and what that month could bring you.
Envision that month in your mind.
Do you already have plans?
What season is it?
What could you dream up for that year if you had unlimited possibilities?
Consider the people you want to be with. What can your physical health look like?
Envision abundance in all areas of your life.
Throughout each day
Some examples of what you can be mindful of and notice what is being projected:
How do you get out of bed?
What colors do you choose to wear?
What are the first thoughts that come to mind?
What do you intuitively feel like eating?
Are there any interruptions showing up?
What is the weather like?
Look at the clouds, what formations are they showing you?
Open a book asking for a message to be received from a page you intuitively turn to.
What do you notice in the background in your environment, what stands out?
Look where you are walking, how are the branches laying in front of you? Are there any stones? Is your path open and clear, or are there branches crossing the path?
If you drink coffee, look at the remainder in your cup and notice any patterns or pictures that are showing up.
Drink hot chocolate for the same oracle reading as you can get from coffee.
Notice what music is playing throughout your day and pay attention to it.
Is there anything people are saying in the background that may be significant?
Look at the sky and watch the birds flying. How many are there? What are their formations?
What messages are you receiving from friends?
What animals are crossing your path? What do they represent? You may want to get the Animal Speak book by Ted Andrews for this information.
Are there any names that you see, hear, or notice several times throughout the day, and what significance and relationships do they have to you?
Look in drawers and see what you notice, they are a reflection of your mental ‘drawers’.
Notice the numbers on license plates as you are driving
What irritates you?
Which books or music are you drawn to?
If you are going into a store, do you have to wait in line, or is it easy for you to get what you need today?
Throughout the days, if something challenging comes up, immediately cleanse the situation.
Main tools to guide you:
My Quantum Weaving Cards:
Create a layout of 3 cards per day, which will be the dominant energy for the upcoming month which correlates to that day. This will help you to consciously prepare and set the stage for the coming year.
If you are familiar with working with Runes, you can do a daily layout using them.
At the end of each day
Light a candle and an incense, like Nag Champa or Scent of Samadhi, or fill a diffuser with an essential oil you love.
Take your journal and write down all the impressions of the day
Magical Influence
This is the time now to also influence reality, and get our affairs in order. It’s time to clean up our energy and the leftover things in our lives before the light begins to break through again and realize the potential that is created from within now. This is truly the time where magic and miracles are made!
Tools and energies to work with:
Your Guides and highest Sources you connect with
Deepen your connection with your Higher Self, your Angels, and your Guides by consciously communicating with them every day.
Ask for this clear communication and for signs that it is real and valid.
And, of course, work with the deities that you naturally connect with and which assist you throughout your life.
Use Crystals
When you notice certain patterns showing up throughout your day, or certain energy patterns within you, choose a crystal that can support you in shifting it.
Check your Drawers and shift reality
As mentioned above, look in drawers and see what you notice, they are a reflection of your mental ‘drawers’. Then, begin to move things around, move objects side to side, maybe take some out, reorganize, and reshuffle. Think about the things in your life that you want to rearrange. As you do this mindful exercise, your reality will inform itself around you.
Keep using Sage
Use Sage continuously throughout this time to clear your energy field and the energy in your home and surroundings.
As you go through this 12-day process, your energy will shift rapidly, and clearing will become an important part of this process.
Wear a Talisman
Use a symbol in the form of Sacred Geometry, like the Flower of Life, for example, to enhance and energize your field.
Wear a mantra or affirmation that resonates with you to bring in new qualities.
Wear a small pouch and use some of the items from your Medicine Bag which are meaningful throughout this experience.
Wear a picture of a loved one, a deity of your choice, your totem animal, or a protective symbol, or use any other talisman you connect with.
Wear a Black Tourmaline and/or Snowflake Obsidian in your pocket or bra
Black Tourmaline has the ability to absorb and divert any lower frequencies, it will help you stay positive and uplifted, as well as protect you during this time.
Snowflake obsidian, with its white spots, disperses energy and can break up outdated patterns in a powerful way.
Use your magic colored pens or pencils and paper to move patterns
As you will journal down your days, use colored pencils, pens, or markers to draw things that come up in your journal.
Or write down affirmations or words for yourself in the color that you want to emphasize for yourself.
Use the colors of the chakras as a guide to understand the frequencies that colors emit, and then consciously draw a picture or write your affirmation with a specific color.
You can also work with a specific color in your energy field by wearing it, or simply amplifying it through envisioning.
If you feel a sense of chaos in your life, you can bring in the color green of the Heart Chakra, which represents the same calming energy we find in nature. You may then choose to write an affirmation for yourself in that color, saying, “My life is calm and balanced”.
If you want to bring in more energy, you may choose to use the color red, and create an affirmation around it, and maybe just doodle, or draw a simple mandala or a picture of what that would represent for you.
To bring in more creativity, use the color orange, as it represents our creative center, the Sacral Chakra, and use a Carnelian in combination.
If you want to clear energy, you may choose the color yellow, as this is the color of our solar plexus. It will bring in the energy and vitality of the sun to lift any heaviness.
To bring in a feeling of playfulness and love, the second color for the Heart Chakra, pink, is a wonderful way of lifting your mood and creating more unconditional love in your field while being playful.
To enhance your communication skills, choose a blue, like the color of the sky, representing the Throat Chakra, and use a blue scarf to wear around your neck.
To enhance your psychic vision, choose a deeper, royal blue, the color of the Third Eye Chakra, and work with a Labradorite or Lapis Lazuli.
And you can use the color purple, magenta, and of course white, to open your channel to enhance your clairs, and choose any of the meditations that resonate with you for this purpose.
This is a beautiful way of incorporating an active, creative expression with the journaling you do every day to bring in new energies you would like to see within yourself for the coming year.
In Closing
Use all your senses, tune them to the energy of guiding your intuition, be present, notice and absorb your environment. Notice the subtle nuances within and around you and you will become multisensory through this exercise!
Be conscious at the same time as you allow the unconscious to surface, and trust that all information you need will be revealed. Through this you will know, feel, and see more, and you will be able to take your life into your own hands, which takes you out of the mode of reaction and into an active mode of action for your future.
Enjoy this beautiful space that you are creating for 2025 and beyond, and I wish you many magical moments throughout!